• Arizona Needs A Good Samaritan 911 Law
    The United States is currently in a full blown prescription drug and heroin epidemic and Arizona has the 6th highest number of deaths. Arizona needs to step up its efforts to save lives by putting in place laws that encourage calling 911 for a quick response by emergency responders.
    346 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Valerie Mackenzie-Low - TAM AZ Chapter
  • Bad Police should lose license to serve just like Drs. Nurses and Aides do if they abuse or kill ...
    Far to often police officers are caught on video abusing or killing citizens illegally but nothing happens to them. They will get off, be suspended or in rare cases fired only to get hired at another police station with a clean record. Dr.,Nurses and Aids lose their licence to practice health care if they abuse or kill patients. This should be the same for police if your not going to prosecute them at least forbid them from ever policing society. they make all cops look bad. It's time to clean out the trash so good cops can shine once again, before we lose all respect for authority.
    1,656 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by william english
  • Reform Child Support NOW!
    I have been personally affected by the current child support system in a negative manner. The current law is outdated, unfair, and in many instances, unconstitutional. Reform is needed so that the modern family and our diverse situations can be correctly addressed. This will ensure that proper guidelines are being mandated and followed. No child deserves to be subjected to witnessing their parent fall victim to the child support system.
    11,864 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by N.K Clark
  • Enforce Equality In Jury Selection
    We are Sociology major students at California State University, Chico. We are taking part in Professor Paul Lopez’ Sociology 350 class, Ethnic and Race Relations, and we have a petition we would like to bring to your attention. The petition is to make the members of a jury represent, as best as possible, both the plaintiff and the defendant; that is, if the indicted are a female and a male, then half the jury should be female and half male; if the indicted are black and white, again, jury should represent both parties. We have had enough of the all-white (or mostly white) jury deciding the fate of all, especially minority populations that overwhelmingly crowd the prisons. Over the years there has been a great disparity among races in our prison systems and we believe this has to do, in part, with the fact that there continues to be racial discrimination when selecting jury members. Across the United States people of color are underrepresented on juries as a result of racially biased use of peremptory strikes; this is especially prevalent in capital cases and other serious felony cases. In many jurisdictions the peremptory strikes have been used at higher rates as a means to exclude racial minorities from jury service. Many communities across the country have failed to make juries more inclusive and representative of everyone who has the right to serve. In 2001, African Americans held the highest rates of incarceration; they constituted 900,000 of the total 2.2 million incarcerated. Data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics documented that one in six African American men had been incarcerated. As of 2010, African Americans were incarcerated at a rate of 5,525 per 100,000, Latinos 1,146 per 100,000 and 671 for whites and 43 for Asians. We believe this problem needs a solution because excluding racial minorities from juries only leads to collateral consequences. The credibility, reliability, and integrity of the criminal justice system is compromised when there is even an appearance of bias and discrimination. This will lead the legitimacy of the system to be called into question. Communities of color across the country have rejected and will continue to reject criminal verdicts handed down by juries that are unrepresentative of them. Research has suggested that compared to diverse juries, all-white juries tend to make more errors, consider fewer perspectives and spend less time deliberating. Having a racially diverse jury helps improve a jury’s ability to assess witness testimony, evaluate cross-racial identifications, avoid presumptions of guilt, and fairly judge a criminally accused. We believe there should be a greater homogeneity when it comes to the race of the individual on trial and the amount of people of the same race on the jury. We need to have an anti-discrimination enforcement that is dedicated to help prevent any racially biased jury selections. At the end of the day, everyone must have guaranteed equal protection of the laws under the Fourteenth Amendment and the exclusion of minorities from the pool of potential jurors violates this right. We write this letter because California is, and always has been, a leader when it comes to civil rights and hopefully after reading this petition you will also agree. Sincerely, Dr. Paul Lopez, Araceli Sanchez, Chelsea Givens, Isabel Hood, Janel Walter, Mandee Perez, and Monique Schofield
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Araceli Sanchez
  • "Mary G. Sykes: SAVE from Court Sanctioned Guardianship Abuse"
    What has happened to Mary G. Sykes, can happen to you. American society--and our judicial -- is teaching our children what is theirs is theirs and what is yours is theirs. Protecting your golden years is not a spectator sport. My mother, at 90, filed a petition for a protective order to stop her eldest daughter, Carolyn Toerpe, from financial exploitation and willful deprivation of her liberty, property, human and civil rights, and Toerpe hired attorney Peter Schmiedel (law firm of Fischel and Kahn in Chicago) and along with two guardian ad litems, attorneys Cynthia Farenga and Adam Stern, railroaded Mother into a guardianship (in 2009). Schmiedel, Stern, Farenga, and Judges Jane Louise Stuart and Maureen Connors have not only successfully sanctioned the laundering all of mothers (over 1 million dollars) estate (sold her home, too) but also, stolen and converted all of my assets and estate, which included a medical account of at least $210,000, to be used to pay attorney Peter Schmiedel and the law firm he's associated -- and not, as Toerpe claims, for mother's care! Please WATCH: http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/mickey-rooney-testifies-elder-abuse-actor-control-finances-stripped-health-13042199 My mother now 95, is unnessarily drugged, prevented from access to the Courts and cannot appeal, and isolated from all family and friends for almost 5 years. Mother invited me to visit her on June 22, 2013 where she was illegally confined at the Senior Living facility in Naperville, Ill and the first thing my mother said when she saw and heard my voice, was "I knew you didn't abandon me. I knew you'd come save me". Toerpe arrived 40 minutes later, and while facility staff watched, she overtly physically abused Mother, and told her that she'd "NEVER see" me again. What has happened to my mother and me can happen to you: court sanctioned abuses of the elderly and disabled must stop! Attorneys like Schmiedel, Stern, Farenga and Judges Connors and Stuart are dangerous because they are empowered by our judicial and agencies like the Illinois Attorney Registration and Discipline Commission. (The attorney of my mother choice, Kenneth Ditkowsky, her friend, was sanctioned for trying to help her!) Carolyn Toerpe was estranged from the family and like a thief in the night, stole everything my Mother and Father worked their entire lives for including her freedoms and liberties -- and then, having retained the right attorneys, (Fischel and Kahn law firm) and with two supporting Guardian ad Litem, pauperized me too. The next step in the Cottage Industry's plan, is to over or under medicate or suffocated my Mother: cremate her, although not Mother's advance directive. Yes, this sounds unbelievable, but it's the biggest scam against the elderly and disabled -- an American Holocaust. Please help save my Mother and in doing so, will save the lives of millions of elderly and disabled people! Mary G. Sykes wrote letters to the Judge and anybody who would listen, but Judge Maureen Connors and Jane Louise Stuart turned a deaf ear: WATCH: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcAU3Svl_SQ
    176 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gloria Jean Sykes
    On 11/20/09 William Levea intentionally and repeatedly rammed Christopher Spacks truck until he lost control and was hit by oncoming traffic on RT 370 in Cato, NY. Chris lost his life at the early age of 41. This was INTENTIONAL NOT AN ACCIDENT!!! This man should not be released from prison due to medical conditions. Do they release other MURDERERS for medical conditions? This man has a violent history and should not be released for any reason!!!
    3,264 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by DONNA WILLIAMS
  • Please help me end the absurd and irrational set of circumstances which have robbed me of my life...
    My husband’s tragic story began when he was just 5 years old, when he became the victim of a 7 year long vicious and violent rape. The rapist showed up at his childhood home while he was there visiting and threatened my four children with the same fate. He had another man with him in the passenger seat. My husband told him to leave and he refused. My husband entered his parents’ home and returned with a pistol to run them off. The passenger pulled a loaded sawed off shotgun on my husband and told him again that they would not leave. My husband defended himself and my children, and has since lost his life, and the life of our family. Due to a lack of proper presentation and an inadequate defense at best, he was treated as a criminal and not the victim that he is. Instead of going to trial like he should have, he was presented with a plea bargain that would treat him for PTSD; which 4 forensic evaluators said he had due to the childhood rape. The evaluations also said that when the rapist threatened our children, it was considered a "trigger" which created his response. The evaluations continued on to say that they believed his actions were made in self-defense. A plea bargain designed to treat him for PTSD sounded fair and reasonable. However, since agreeing to this plea, he has been unfairly punished in cruel and unbearable ways. While in the hospital supposedly for PTSD, he has been subject to unrelenting punishment and judgment. His 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 14th amendments; guaranteed to him and every American Citizen by the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution, have been violated and denied to him. Our family, like every other family in America has had to endure a major depression on top of everything else, and we have not been able to hire an adequate lawyer to represent him. I ask all of you, “What would you do to defend your children against a rapist, who raped you from the ages of 5-12. What measures would you take? Is there anything you would not do to defend your children against such a crime?? Why is my husband being punished like a criminal and not the victim and/or hero that he is??” He saved my children from the same fate he suffered as a child, and now is being punished and denied his civil and constitutional rights. Because there is opposition from the man who threatened my husband’s life at his childhood home, his parents’ house, we are being prevented from owning property in an entirely separate county (it is a rent to own agreement with a suitable house to raise all of our children and 3 acres). To be specific: the incidence occurred in Monroe Co; the man who objects lives in the easternmost part of Greenbrier Co; and our property is located in Fayette Co. My husband has finally found full time work, and is being forced to quit the job; even after only finding part time employment up until this point. I know what power the people of this great country possess. It is time to change the laws that give a child rapist and a man who threatens another mans life on his own property, MORE rights than the victim of childhood rape. Please help me end the absurd and brutal circumstances which are preventing him from fathering and supporting our children. Since writing this petition, WITHOUT a chance to even present his case to the judge and without being heard: my husband has been forced to leave his family, his full time job, and his home, and is now being mandated to return to a town with no permanent residency, no job, no family, and no support system. This is a travesty, a tragedy, and a crime. Please help!!
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Shannin Lephew
  • N.Y. Courts of Appeals: Tell NY Judges To Obey the Law and Stop Discriminating Against the Poo...
    The Laws and Rules the Judges and Courts are Supposed to Follow: Family Court Act 436(e) - Findings of fact must be delivered with every support order 22 NYCRR 205.36 (a)- Findings of fact must be written, given to the parties at the time of entry and include specific items in a specific format. 22 NYCRR 205.36 (b)- if you don’t have a lawyer, courts must provide you pro se disclosures with information on how to object, the process and deadlines and tell you how to obtain court transcripts so you don't lose your right to appeal. Laws Applied Harshly Against the People: Family Court Act 436(e) - A party must object to a Support Magistrate Order within 35 days of the date it is mailed or that person loses not only the right to object to a judge but also the constitutional right to appeal. Queens Family Court - Court, magistrates and judges have a pattern and practice of not following their own rules or the laws passed by the NY legislature especially when it comes to the poor and self-represented (pro se). Second Department's Cowardly Decision: We will strictly apply the law against the poor and be loose with the courts and the judges. They are cowards because they deny it without opining on the issues so the effect is broad-reaching and harsh but no one knows it because family court briefs are sealed. They expect that no one will care because the self-represented and poor have no voice. Yet, over 70% of family court litigants are self-represented by some statistics. Sign this Petition so we can have a voice together. See #2013-01162. I am a single father living in Puerto Rico with custody of one of my children and I couldn’t afford to keep paying a lawyer to fight three actions in NY. I was married and divorced in PR. I am a professor and I was not poor until NY got its screws in me. I ended up self-represented and I received the magistrate's orders without a notice of entry and with no file stamp, no date of mailing and no legible post mark. There were no findings of fact and no disclosures for the self-represented. When I called the QFC, they said they don't give information over the phone. Yet the date of mailing is kept in a hidden part of the record not ever provided to the self-represented. QFC signed receipt for my objections on 11/21, less than 30 days after I got the orders even though I had no idea what to object to without findings of fact. QFC denied my objections as too late. The orders were dated 9/18 and QFC claims the orders were mailed on 10/10. NY's Second Department affirmed without opinion despite my appellate attorney's arguments about the clerk of court’s failure to provide me the pro se disclosures, findings of fact or a notice of entry. The magistrate never even prepared findings of fact in my case. Without any mention of this in the 2nd Dept opinion, no one with any power will ever know that the 2nd Dept actually nullified the law by deciding that the poor who cannot afford an attorney have no right to the very disclosures they need to have in order to meet the deadlines applied so harshly against them.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Washington
  • End Militarization of Law Enforcement
    Too many people are being brutalized and worse by the militarization of departments that are supposed to protect society and the rights of citizens.
    197 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Peter Geller
  • Millionaire DuPont Heir escapes punishment for raping children
    The American People and this Mother, Beyssa Buil (Heartstrings) wants justice for these children that have suffered sexual abuse and the destruction of their well being, safety and memory. In 2009, Delaware Superior Court Judge Jan Jurden sentenced Robert H. Richards IV to eight years in prison but suspended the sentence in lieu of probation. "[The] defendant will not fare well in Level 5 [prison] setting," Jarden wrote in her order. A crime committed he must pay and not in dollars to go free. Lets stand together and demand justice.
    140 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Beyssa Buil
  • Save Money, Save People, Save Our Communities
    Our country has the highest incarceration rates in the nation. Of all imprisoned Americans, 65% suffer from substance abuse addiction. Our nation needs to rethink its attitude towards addicts and provide them with treatment instead of incarceration.
    300 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Zachary Rowson
  • Bring Jim Brown back on Arsenio to discuss Kobe
    Because since Jim Brown made his comments about Kobe, Kobe has dispatched his press secretary (Stephen A Smith) to do the Arsenio Hall show on his behalf twice with Jim unable to give a rebuttal. Let's keep this conversation going...
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shaka Berry