Ban the BoxOne out of every 12 people you know is a convicted felon and must check the "yes" box on applications. This question allows application screeners to discriminate against felons regardless of their rehabilitation status.231 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Intro to Prison 12.0
Enact an Anti Vigilante~Gang Stalking LawI am an Anti Public Corruption Activist and Investigative blogger that has proven positive the corruption I allege. I have become highly targeted as a result of this and am the victim of near daily reprisal and retaliation. I am trying to get legislation enacted to address the hate crime of vigilante stalking aka, cause stalking, gang stalking, mob stalking and community stalking. I'm on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Wordpress, Google+, Pinkpeace, My Blog on Google, etc. My Story of Organized Stalking, Corruption and Domestic Terrorism Over a decade of gang stalking in colossal proportion. https://mathenydebra.wordpress.com Organized Gang Stalking Campaigns are the most heinous form of Hate Crimes: A criminal act that involves one (or more) of three specific crime groupings (assault, property damage and harassment/stalking), that is directed toward an individual or group that is (or perceived to be) a member of a protected class as defined by the Minnesota Human Rights Act and is motivated by a offender bias. My Story of Gang Stalking, Corruption and Domestic Terrorism https://www.facebook.com/DebMatheny https://www.facebook.com/matheny.debra I do this for all the victims as well as to bring justice to my father and daughter who were murdered to silence me. It's this angst that drives me to victory and my motivation to ensure this type of hate crime against innocent people cease, and not be allowed to flourish without legal consequence. http://www.change.org/petitions/minnesota-governor-mark-dayton-order-an-independent-investigation-addressing-the-corruption The Menace of #SatelliteSurveillance & #NoTouchTorture https://mathenydebra.wordpress.com/2015/03/16/the-menace-of-satellitesurveillance-notouchtorture/2,705 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Debra Matheny
Limited Discovery is Unfair & Unjust: REPEAL Criminal Procedure Law 240The Problem: In New York State it is legal practice to withhold information pertinent to criminal cases from a defendant and his defense attorney until the very moment of trial. This is not because the information is unavailable; it is because the prosecution does not have to turn over such information earlier. For example, prosecutors are not required by law to hand over police reports, prior testimony, and any other evidence to the defendant until trial begins, and in some cases, not until the first witness takes the stand. A prosecutor does not even have to turn over evidence that might help a defendant or cast doubt on his guilt unless the prosecutor thinks it is important. This practice costs both taxpayers and the judicial system a great deal of time and money. The Solution: We request that the New York State Senate repeal Criminal Procedure Law Article 240 and enact Criminal Procedure Law Article 245. Such amendment would require that both the prosecution and defense attorney(s) provide each opposing parties with extensive discovery early in a criminal case. In addition, CPL Article 245 would include a mechanism for prosecutors with legitimate concerns about the safety of their witnesses or with on-going investigations to withhold or redact any evidence or information covered by the statute and to move for a protective order.365 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Miguel Santana
Remove Judge Jeanine Howard From The BenchJeanine Howard has just told every rape survivor, don't report your rape. She needs to be removed from the bench. She sentenced a rapist found guilty in a Texas court of law and who PLEAD GUILTY to raping a 14 year old girl to 45 days in jail and community service in a rape crisis center. Community service in a rape crisis center for a rapist is not justice and sends the wrong message to all survivors everywhere. Please sign this petition and share it with everyone you know. We need to have Judge Jeanine Howard removed from the bench. The chances of a rapist actually ending up in court and found guilty of rape is dismal. Then to give a convicted rapist access to more already victimized women, as a term of his conviction, is unconscionable. Because, especially if you've had multiple sex partners and an abortion, you pretty much gave consent with your past sexual behavior and you will not get justice. This is an incredibly important issue to address right this minute. Thank you.932 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Trisha Lynch
Pharmacists: Stop participating in executionsNearly all major pharmaceutical manufacturers have blocked use of their drugs for executions, leaving states to contract "on the down-low" with a handful of "compounding pharmacists." For a few pieces of silver, these pharmacists—who are not regulated by the FDA—create their own drugs that will, however painfully or slowly, cause the death of the recipient. It is time for pharmacists' associations to honor their oaths to do no harm to their patients and join all other major medical associations in the US in banning their members from participating in executions!3,966 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Kelsey Kauffman
Fire Officer Brian Thierbach and Charge Him With Animal CrueltyAs a professional Humane Educator, I know all too well that people who hurt animals are violent and tend to become people who bully and hurt people. This is not the kind of individual that should be sworn in as an officer of the law. He should not be allowed to carry a gun and bully people around. I take the unnecessary killing of a friendly dog by a law enforcement officer for no apparent reason very seriously. This act violates our trust in our officials.94 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michelle A Rivera
Police Officer Should Held For His Actions For Assaulting A K9We the people will not back down and we feel that this officer should be held for his actions....288 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Humberto
Ending The Death PenaltyThis is an issue that should inspire MoveOn members to take action and make a big difference. I'm a local MoveOn member and wanted to step up to lead this campain about this important issue.33 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vanessa Walls
LET'S GET JUSTICE FOR AN INNOCENT MAN!My brother Ceeno is a first-time offender who was given 27 years for a crime he didn't commit at 19 years old. He was given more time than a murderer just for standing up for his constitutional rights and has already served 11. Both my brother's witness and the plaintiff's own key witness testified that Ceeno was not a part of this robbery, but the facts didn't matter in a tainted unfair trial. The judicial system has been corrupt for many years and the laws need to be changed to end mass incarceration.62 of 100 SignaturesCreated by CONNIE MCGILL
Texas Police should be required to wear cameras and audio recorders.I was recently unlawfully arrested, abused, and had false charges pressed against me by officers who mocked me and said I could do nothing about it because no one would believe me. I refuse to let this injustice happen to anyone else.91 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Micah Maciel
Son & Father Cry for JusticeTo help my wrongfully convicted father seek justice66 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marlon Miller
Federal charges and Maximum sentence for Dawn NguyenTo make sure she is held accountable for the lost of life and injuries to others because of her actions.150 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Suzanne Jarreau