44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by LISA CASH
  • Justice for Desiree Lynn Bragg
    It is sad that the family has to relive the tragic event that happened on January 2013. Why must it take over a year to get Leonardo Cordoza to trial for the killing of Desiree Lynn Bragg? Her young son was six months old at the time. Desiree's mother, aunt, family and friends are trying hard to make sure this man gets charged with murder and nothing less. Please read the story that appeared in the Nevada Appeal to see the lies and inconsistencies being told by Cordoza's lawyer, http://www.nevadaappeal.com/news/10345710-113/cardoza-castro-bragg-vehicle. Please sign this petition to help bring justice for this family.
    340 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Kliskey
  • Tell TX officials and the DOJ: Bring justice in the case of Alfred Wright
    When Alfred Wright — a 28-year-old Black husband and father of three — mysteriously vanished last year in November, it took only four days for the Sabine County Sheriff's Department to give up searching for Alfred's body. The Sheriff's Department never gave Alfred the benefit of a thorough investigation, which is particularly jarring considering Sabine County's notorious history of racial violence directed at Black residents. Our elected officials and leaders in government have a duty to hold law enforcement to a high standard of conduct and ensure that the murders of Black people do not go unsolved.
    409 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Rashad Robinson Picture
  • Attorney General Abbot Investigate & Prosecute Felony Child Abuser Ted Nugent
    I am the father of six, the grandfather of ten, the great grandfather of two. I find it morally reprehensible that the Attorney General of Texas publicly associates with a self-confessed felon, and by association, endorses the felonious actions.
    384 of 400 Signatures
    Created by James Hart
  • Limit Caseloads for Public Defenders
    Exactly two weeks after the sudden death of our father, my brother made a terrible mistake. He entered an empty house, took a shower, ate their food, put on clean cloths, and moved some furniture around. You see, my brother has suffered from drug addiction through out his adolescence and young adult life and the grief of losing his father took this affliction to a new low. Homeless, hungry and high, his brain imagined a person had asked for his help moving. Life is not a fairy tale and he is not as cute as goldilocks. For this mistake he is facing 8 years in state prison. I was told by the district attorney that with a good lawyer, he could receive felony probation and rehabilitation but with the Public Defender his fate was all but sealed. Two months in jail has sobered him out and he wants nothing more than a second chance. However, our system only affords second chances to those who can pay for them. Public Defenders are assigned upwards of 500 felonies and 600 misdemeanors each year whereas a busy privately paid attorney generally limits his or her caseload to between 50-100. It is impossible to give each case the attention and care it requires to provide competent representation doing 10 times the work of a private attorney. The Sixth Amendment to the Constitution clearly guarantees every defendant has the right to counsel in criminal proceedings, Gideon v. Wainwright established the Public Defender Office as a fundamental right necessary to a fair trial. Through under funding we have a separate and unequal system of representation. Innocent people are being sent to prison and poor people are getting longer sentences than more affluent people committing similar crimes. Sign here to demand the legislature adequately fund the Public Defenders Office!
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tallie Spiller
  • Justice 4 Reggie Clemons
    The history and present political consequences of the death penalty have become fully manifested in Missouri. The callous disregard for its impact on families, the social concerns, and legality under the law. Thumbs up or thumbs down when those trusted with social authority summarily decides who live or die, all of society suffers from their Imperial egos'. Here in Missouri, in the United States of America, our politics on the death penalty have become criminal. Criminal politics arises when politicians pursuade the people that they have the right to break the law to enforce the law. People are being executed and murdered with disregard for innocence or guilt and the laws of the court. 60% of citizens in the state of Missouri are against the death penalty, but the state keep killing more people than the law allows. It is illegal to kill anyone while there are any appeals pending, yet Missouri have been putting people to death as appeals are pending on lethal injections. Every executions since February, 2006, have been illegally carried out. Some of those executions have been murders of people that did not kill anyone. There is no law or constitution analysis that allows for the murder by execution of people who have not killed anyone. Without lawful rights, Missouri have murdered "Roy Roberts," "Marlin Gray," "Dennis Skilicorn," "Tony Murry," plus many more and now plans to kill Michael A. Taylor, even though he has appeals pending. The state of Missouri know that Michael A. Taylor have not killed anyone himself, the state is planning to murder a human being by execution. Under (State v. Isa), the Missouri Supreme Court recognized that it is not legal to kill or murder someone by executions who have not killed anyone. If a person is not the principal perpetrator that dealt the killing blow or act of murder, the law and the constitution says that person is actually innocent of the death penalty and can not be executed. If state officials do not follow the law when killing their own citizens, then what else are they willing to break the law for? Time after time, innocent people have been proven to be wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death. No officials conscience will let their ego consider the fact that "Larry Griffin" was innocent when the state of Missouri executed him. Even the victim that was shot along with the person that was killed said, "Larry Griffin" was innocent. If he was still alive he would be exonarated, but the victim did not know he was convicted until after he was murdered by execution. If you think they are more concerned about the welfare of the people then the life of one person. The welfare of the people is in the land from, which we draw our food, but like lethal injection they have poisoned the land, water, and air for their friends to profit. Criminal behavior does not stop once the crime is over, it starts with small animals, pets, girlfriends, wives, boyfriends, and husbands. Before you know it, they are killing us all one by one regardless of the law and will of the people. Like they did with "Emit Foster," when the execution drugs did not work. The Missouri Department of Corrections allegedly closed the curtains, turned off the lights, put their hands around his neck and choked him to death. Now they say trust them with our lives, while they violate the law to carry out executions secretly, as they kill the innocent and guilty alike without regard. "Our lives matter as much as Michael A. Taylor and his life matters as much as ours. I do not feel safe under a criminal government, if my vote do not count, my opinion does not matter! Please consider petitioning against Missouri death penalty by voting out everyone that supports the death penalty. God bless America!
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rev. Madeline Coburn
  • Operation: Saeed Freedom
    Operation: Saeed Freedom “President Obama: Stand up and stop the religious imprisonment of Pastor Saeed Abedini.” Every man and woman should have the right to religious freedom, no person should suffer because of his or her religious beliefs. Freedom of religion doesn’t only exist so that we may have the freedom to practice our beliefs; it also exists so that we may have freedom from others imposing their beliefs upon us. Saeed Abedini deserves to be released from his imprisonment at Evin Prison in Tehran, Iran. He has been imprisoned at Evin Prison, one of the most notorious prisons in Iran, since September 26, 2012. As the American people, we should all come together to insure that he receives his liberty. President Obama, we need you to stand up and and continue to speak out on the injustices the Iranian government is throwing on Pastor Saeed. You must send forces over to have Saeed released. We must do whatever it takes to ensure this innocent American man’s freedom is returned. Not only his freedom of an American pastor, but also as a father, husband, and friend. As a nation that values religious freedom so highly, every man and woman should have the right to religious freedom and should not suffer because of their beliefs. If this were to be happening in the United States, there would be immediate action for the release of a prisoner like this. We need 1,000 signatures to ensure that Pastor Saeed Abedini’s story continues to spread and that President Obama takes action towards his freedom.
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Bronson
  • End For-Profit Prisons
    In 2012, the Corrections Corporation of America, the nation's largest operator of for-profit prisons, sent letters to 48 states offering to buy their prisons as a remedy for "challenging corrections budgets." In exchange, the company asked for a 20-year management contract, plus an assurance that the prison would remain at least 90% full. If the state does not maintain the 90% capacity requirement for the next 20 years, taxpayers will be forced to pay for unused prison beds as a “low-crime tax” that essentially penalizes taxpayers when prison incarceration rates fall. For more information, check out this article appearing in Salon.com: 6 Shocking Revelations About How Private Prisons Make Money http://www.salon.com/2013/09/23/6_shocking_revelations_about_how_private_prisons_make_money_partner/
    188 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Susan Clark
  • Repeal Florida's Stand Your Ground Law
    I am not personally affected except as a senior citizen living in another state but deeply disturbed by the unjust impact of the Stand Your Ground Law. I urge and support its repeal in Florida (and in any other states where such law exists) and want to impress upon the legislators at federal and state levels that this law contravenes the spirit and essence of our Constitutional commitment to disburse justice equally.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by neera sohoni
  • Free Chance Keller or Give Him Another Trial!
    My petition is important to me for the freedom of my son whom I believe is innocent! As well, I want my petition to reach all Senators to look at other cases where another human is wrongfully convicted. I have always trusted the system however with what my family and I endured during this wrongful conviction of my son, my faith in the system has died. I am asking you to please give me a reason to believe in it again. I love my son and will fight for his freedom until God calls me home and with this being said, I pray you find it in your heart to look further in his case that occurred in Belton, Texas. I am always available for contact.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mona Fitch (MiMi)
  • Free Jeff Mizanskey
    It's unfair for this man to die in prison when murderers and rapists are released every day.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Mullis
  • Violence Against the Homeless is a HATE CRIME
    In 2011 I started the documentary These Storied Streets, which profiles Americas homeless across the country. I had no idea how violent, how often and scary it could be to be living on the streets. Often, just for fun, the homeless is targeted and beaten. Films like Bum Fights and Bum Hunter have lead to strings of violence against this vulnerable and unprotected people. This needs to change. Violence because of a economic condition is no different than violence associated with race or religion.
    1,634 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Morgan