Sentencing reform 16 year for nonviolent issues not even crimes lets fix it!It’s time for the United States to seriously rethink our penal system. We have the highest incarceration rate in the entire world. We put more of our citizens in jail per capita than North Korea. We’re worse than China and Iran. Does that compute? It should be disturbing to us that we throw so many non-violent offenders in jail. Let the sad, ironic cautionary tale of McGruff the Crime Dog be a lesson to us. Read more at http://lastresistance.com/4672/sad-story-mcgruff-crime-dog/#CezOToHk1EAYVGEJ.995 of 100 SignaturesCreated by steven cohen
Prohibit "Affluenza" Defense in CaliforniaIn a recent Texas case, 16-year-old Ethan Couch avoided jail time for a drunk-driving crash that killed four people and seriously injured two others by claiming the "affluenza" defense--that because he was raised in a wealthy family, he wasn't responsible for his actions. Allowing wealth to buy freedom from legal consequences is outrageous! Luckily, we have a chance to put a stop to this "affluenza" defense in California, once and for all. Assemblymember Mike Gatto (CA AD 43) has stepped up and introduced a bill, AB 1508, that would prevent anyone from using this defense in our state. Now we need to make sure that every Assemblymember throughout the state supports AB 1508, to guarantee a fair legal system for everyone. Sign the petition to ask your Assemblymember to support AB 1508.108 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Elena Perez
Save Our ChildrenWe as parents are coming together to stop these offenders from reoffending again. Our children's safety is our top priority as parents. We believe harsher punishment should be imposed as well as changes be made with the registering of offenders. In most cases these individuals will reoffend therefore the safety of our children is always a concern. These offenders must be stopped.87 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Melissa
Stop the George Zimmeman Fight!!I am deeply saddened and offended by this cavalier display for the murder of Trayvon Martin.84 of 100 SignaturesCreated by KG
Stop Domestic TerrorismJudge dismissed evidence of cop hire to shoot me and 13 yr old child drugged and locked up for mother to receive statements not because the child was in trouble, Judge removed evidence from file. court presented false transcripts. our Courts are suppose to be at a higher standard then the countries we bomb for these same acts of terrorism25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeff Willimas
Dick Durbin: Clemency for Jack Wells-15260-026The father of my child is serving life in federal prison for marijuana charges. He has four children who need him home. He is a non violent offender serving more time then a violent offender. I believe he is a good candidate for clemency.767 of 800 SignaturesCreated by sarah
Animal Abuse: Standing Up for Harsher PenaltiesOn January 30, I saw and read an article about a Pennsylvania man who duct taped his dog's muzzle as well as front and back legs. I hear about animal abuse a lot but for some reason this story chilled me to the core. The worst part about this story is the lack of punishment. The judge in this case, Joseph Kameen, is still allowing this cold, heartless man to own another animal because there was no prior history of abuse. This man ultimately wanted to end this dog's life with a firearm. We need to bring nation wide attention to the fact that regardless of history or no history, ANIMALS ARE FAMILY, which means they need to be treated like family! WE ARE their voice. WE ARE their hope. WE ARE their protectors. Please help me to stand up for harsher penalties!3,661 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Jenna Horn
President Obama: Expand efforts to address sexual assault on campus to include sexual harassmentCampus harassment is a gateway crime, and creates a culture where words can escalate to physical contact and other forms of violence, including stalking, assault or rape. According to research by Cornell's ILR Institute, harassment in public space has similar emotional impacts as sexual assault or rape including a sense of self-doubt, low self-esteem/self worth, and possible feelings of despair. This can also reduce students' feelings of safety on campus, impacting their mobility including their use of campus transportation. We believe that everyone should be able to access education safely, without fear of harassment or assault.118 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Emily May
Reduce Drug Related Federal SentencesThe Federal Clemency Advocacy Center is dedicated to reforming the Federal criminal justice system. There are over 215,000 federal prisoners. Approximately 40 percent are in prison for drug related offenses. Many are low level and first time offenders subjected to overly harsh mandatory minimum sentences. This modest proposal will help slow the cost of incarceration and help reduce growing overcrowding. It is only a first step. We must get Commission and Congress to act and make these changes retroactive to help as many people as possible. For more information contact us at www.FederalClemency.org156 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Federal Clemency Advocacy Center
Corrupt police & legal system puts innocent people, like our Dad in jail-Are you next?When the police and legal system who are supposed to be protecting children are the ones causing them to be illegally treated, humiliated, traumatized, coerced to lie and getting their parent taken away from them it is time to speak up! This type of treatment unfortunately can happen to anyone - that is why we are asking you to sign this petition to get them removed or at minimum disciplined. Please pass this petition on to others who are tired of misconduct by officials in the legal system.51 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bob Miller
The Principal Financial Group supports private prisons?An awareness of and opposition to private prisons is growing. States and companies previously invested are recognizing the uniquely devastating impacts of private prisons and choosing to disassociate completely. But The Principal Financial Group — a company that leverages its brand as one of the "most ethical companies in the world," committed to the well-being of the employees and communities it serves — continues to support an industry that profits from confining mostly Black and brown people in some of the most dangerous and abusive conditions in the country.204 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Rashad Robinson
EQUAL TREATMENT FOR ANIMAL CRUELTY AROUND THE WORLD. TO EXECUTE ANYONE WHO KILLS, OR HURTS A PET...This is for people who are cruelty to animals, who trap the wolves in the wild of Idaho and Wyoming, who hurt wildlife all over America, in Africa, in India, Korea, China, Japan, and in all countries and islands of the world.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Enlightened Light-worker