• End to the death penalty
    I have not personally been affected but I have had family been convicted of crimes they did not commit but luckily were not sentenced the death penalty but because of wrongful convictions I feel it needs to be changed
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by BreAnna Russell
  • Governor Pat McCrory: Defense Attorney M. P. Hugo & others withholding evidence of actual innocen...
    Punished while doing what the law allowed in a legal business. At the most critical point of my jury trial and suffering from anxiety attacks, I took a bottle of prescribed sedatives in front of the trial judge who stopped the trial and resumed minutes later. Hugo badgered me to plea by saying I would get forty years to life because my business was not legal. Hugo set up my business as my business attorney. Since then my business was proven to be legal and Hugo stole all the business records as I was led away. Years of requesting their return through the North Carolina State Bar Hugo promised to return my records several times and failed to do so. This prevents me from proving actual Innocence of charges of illegal business and to clear my name. Whoever paid Hugo to throw my case must be caught.
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wesley O. Little, Sr.
  • Justice for Abbey
    On May 19th, 2013, my 5 year old daughter was sexually assaulted by a 13 year old neighbor. We have an afadavit from his mother that he had previously done this to his 7 year old step sister. He will do NO time. I believe its time to get this age lowered!..Most 12 years old know what sex is. Society has changed. I want to empower my daughter, and even though we live in a bad world, we can all make a difference somehow, someway,
    137 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tessa Davenport
  • LARA Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
    We have the right to information regarding a complaint made to LARA concerning Dr Farid Fata who has misdiagnosed and most likely killed hundreds of patients. We have requested and been denied the results of an official complaint made to LARA in 2010 through the Freedom Of Information Act and we want to know why. Our suspicion is that the complaint was mishandled and swept under the rug while Fata patients continued to be hurt and killed for over a year. WHY is there a cover up and why have we been denied access to this report? PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO HELP FIND OUT WHY.
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Berz
  • Extradite author Jens Soering to Germany for a fair hearing
    I and many others who have met Soering, read his books and reviewed the many articles about the case on his website believe strongly he should not have to spend the rest of his life in prison for a crime he did not commit.
    346 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Harvey Yoder
  • Juveniles Being Tried in Adult Courts
    I was tried as an adult at the age of 15, i had no criminal background i am now 20 years old and am still on probation for something i did as a child. I am now in college and vice president of student government for Laramie County Community College. Kids are not Adults
    275 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Colton Roberson
  • Tell DeBlasio not to hire Bill Bratton as top cop
    I was arrested for simply wearing a mask on an OWS march. I spent several hours in jail for simply exercising my constitutional rights. I am one of about 1,000 people from OWS alone who had interactions with the criminal justice system for non-criminal activity. The NYPD must stop criminalizing our youth, our activities, our sons and daughters. Bratton is the wrong choice
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Freedman
  • I Stand with Kennard. Let's really Ban the Box.
    Background: When people make mistakes, they should make amends. But once they have, they should be treated no differently than anyone else. But too often individuals with convictions in their past are discriminated against when it comes to hiring. This is particularly problematic because young men of color are far more likely to be convicted of a crime. Recently Kennard Ray was hand picked for a prominent position in the Mayor of Hartford's administration. But when it was revealed that he had convictions far in his past, he was forced to withdraw his appointment. This shouldn't happen to anyone. Especially because Hartford has a policy called 'ban the box' that is designed to stop this type of discrimination by prohibiting the city from asking about past convictions during the hiring process. It clearly isn't working. When qualified applicants are denied jobs because of prior mistakes they made, something is wrong, and we should fix it. Kennard's story is just one example a widespread problem that prevents thousands of people, overwhelmingly from low-income communities, from being able to re-enter the workforce. They are unjustly prevented from making a living, supporting their families, and contributing to their communities. Tell Mayor Segarra and the Hartford City Council to strengthen Hartford's 'ban the box' policy now!
    287 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Pastor AJ Johnson, Urban Hope Refuge Church, Hartford
  • Investigate the State of Montana Department of Justice, Department of Corrections and the Board o...
    I am starting this petition because my son was railroaded through the courts in Billings, Montana (Yellowstone County), forced to "take a plea" and, despite being promised that if he took the plea he "wouldn't do any jail time" has been sitting in Montana prisons for over a year and a half with no end in sight. The MT Parole Board refused to inform us as to when his hearing was despite our numerous requests, then held the hearing without talking to anybody who knows him and could vouch for his good character, deemed him a danger to the community and placed unreasonable demands on him,specifically that he attend boot camp for a 2nd time knowing full well he failed the program once already because he refuses to admit guilt for a crime he didn't commit. It is commonly known that the BOPP often withholds information from families, does not notify them of inmate hearings and regularly place unrealistic demands on inmates, sometimes keeping them in prison for years after they have been "paroled" when they are unable to satisfy the BOPP's unreasonable demands.
    131 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lita Pepion
  • Manhattan DA: Drop Assault Charges Against Glenn Broadnax
    Glenn Broadnax, suffering from anxiety and depression, walked into traffic near Times Square on September 14, 2013. When police attempted to remove him from the street, Mr. Broadnax reached into his pocket for his wallet. The police officers reacted by pulling their weapons and shooting at Mr. Broadnax. They missed, hitting two nearby pedestrians. Mr. Broadnax was initially charged with three misdemeanors, but prosecutors have convinced the grand jury to indict him for the assault of the two bystanders. The district attorney's office reasons that "[T]he defendant is the one that created the situation that injured innocent bystanders." At least one of the shooting victims has spoken out against this charge through her attorney. When police use deadly force in crowded areas without a clear and present danger, a tragedy has occurred. When the state places the blame for that tragedy on an unarmed, emotionally disturbed individual, the tragedy is compounded by injustice. For more information: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/05/nyregion/unarmed-man-is-charged-with-wounding-bystanders-shot-by-police-near-times-square.html http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2013/12/man-police-shot-at-charged-with-assault.html
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sally Larsen
  • Remove Sherry Stephens from the Jodi Arias Penalty Phase
    During the Jodi Arias trial, Judge Sherry Stephens had no control of the case -- inside or outside of the courtroom. Judge Sherry Stephens has made a mockery of due process and our entire judicial system. The impetus to the circus atmosphere surrounding the case was Judge Stephens and her refusal to sequester the jury, against the State of Arizona's own recommendations, as affirmed by County Attorney Bill Montgomery. The result was a jury subjected to trial-by-media. Additionally, Judge Sherry Stephens refused to admit exculpatory evidence into trial and allowed the State of Arizona's speculation to be admitted into evidence. Furthermore, Judge Sherry Stephens refused to admonish prosecutor Juan Martinez for his numerous violations -- in and out of the courtroom -- violations that should have resulted in a charge of prosecutorial misconduct as well has his removal from this trial. For these reasons and more, we feel that Judge Sherry Stephens is unqualified to handle this case, is heavily biased and not impartial, and we respectfully request the dismissal of Sherry Stephens from the Jodi Arias penalty phase proceedings. We request a new judge who is impartial, per our 6th amendment guarantee, as a new jury will be selected for the penalty phase. A new judge will also refuse to allow prosecutor Juan Martinez to utilize his antics that have been approved by Judge Sherry Stephens, and, as result, tainted the court of public opinion, the media, and, most importantly, the jury. We would like to see action taken on this immediately by the appropriate authority or authorities. Thank you for your consideration, and thank you for considering our constitutional rights that must be preserved.
    263 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jason Weber
  • Eliminate Bed Mandates
    The immigration system is broken, and no where is that more apparent than in the private prison system. The federal government has partnered with private prison systems to detain immigrant offenders which is lining the pockets of the private prison executives and their investors. On average it costs $120 per day to house a prisoner which amounts to billions of dollars each and every year. Stop prisoners for profit, and demand that the bed mandate is removed from budgetary allocations, and that the immigration statues in this country are changed.
    148 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Erica Herrera