• Don't let Santa Fe become ALEC's new lobbyist
    Some Santa Fe city councilors, including mayoral candidates Patti Bushee and Bill Dimas, have sponsored legislation to require the City of Santa Fe to lobby for mandatory minimum sentencing for drug offenses - a legislative platform for the for-profit prison industry advanced by ALEC.
    1,091 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Pat Davis
  • Congress: Pass H.R. 2902, the Supreme Court Ethics Act of 2013
    Dear Members of US Congress, We the people of the United States, in order to make the courts more fair and to establish judicial accountability ask you to Pass H.R. 2902, the Supreme Court Ethics Act of 2013. The time has come to stop bias and partisanship in the US Supreme Court. It is a great privilege to be a Justice of the US Supreme Court. That role comes with tremendous responsibility to be fair, unbiased and not driven by a special interest -- either religious or political. Supreme Court justices must adhere to the highest ethical standards and conduct. Such a standard enforces public confidence in the highest court's fairness, and it demonstrates the absence of any bias or prejudice. If justices of the Supreme Court cannot hold themselves to such standards, how can they require other justices and judges of the lower courts to adhere to them? Recently, several justices of the Supreme Court exhibited flagrant disregard for conflict of interest, legal ethics and standards of conduct they should not tolerate from lower court judges. The time has come to profess that all judges are created equal and have to be subject to the same Code of Conduct and Rules of Ethics. The US Judiciary is as any other branch of the government, accountable to the Citizens of the United States of America and not to any personal, religious or political beliefs. It is time for US Congress to accept this self-evident truth and make it a law. We need to stop abuse of the Code of Conduct by the Justices of the Supreme Court and require them not to represent the interest of the richest 1 percent or 5 percent of the population or corporations, but of all citizens of this great country. We the People demand from the members of the US Congress to pass this Bill that currently has only 11% chance of getting past committee and 2% chance of being enacted - (see https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr2902). We, who signed this petition, will not rest until the Congress will enact this important legislation into the law.
    166 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Administrator
    One Septmeber 29th 2013 Alexian Lien, while driving his vehicle, ran over Edwin "Jay" Mieses, who was riding his motorcycle, which caused Edwin to be permanently paralyzed from the waist down. Alexian Lien has yet to be charged for this crime. Charges need to be filed against Alexian Lien for his actions. We demand and seek justice!!
    684 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Kathleen Slavin
  • Impeach Judge Kevin Crane!
    Ex-Prosecutor Kevin Crane violated his oath by refusing to disclose to the defense (or the court) Barbara Trump's exonerating evidence during the Ryan Ferguson trial. Barbara Trump is the wife of Jerry Trump, whose testimony put Ryan and Charles Erickson behind bars for decades. Crane urged for a 40 year sentence for Ryan Ferguson, and a 25 year "deal" for Erickson. This is an abject Brady violation. Crane also threatened witnesses who later felt guilty and recanted their manufactured stories. Remarkably, Crane has actually been "promoted" to Boone County, Missouri, Circuit Court Judge! Lastly, Crane spearheaded the corrupt interrogation of Charles Erickson, "leading" him into a false confession. Crane does NOT belong in a black robe, and should be impeached! While judges and prosecutors are immune from civil litigation (Rehberg v. Paulk), Crane should do some years in the Missouri Department of Corrections -- instead of a simple 10 day sentence in the county jail. Governor Nixon, Crane has no business being an officer of any court in America!
    12,986 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Jason Weber
  • End Mandatory Minimums for Nonviolent Offenders
    I am starting this petition because I am tired of the dysfunction of our judicial system. I can`t stand to see so many lives wasted and so many families destroyed.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kris Beale
  • Tell Governor Cuomo To Raise the Age of Criminality
    Juveniles focus on short-term payoffs rather than thinking through the long-term consequences of their actions. This often leads to immature, emotional, risky, aggressive and impulsive behavior or delinquent acts. The promising news is that 66-75% of juveniles grow out of their risky behaviors and become more self-controlled. Juveniles charged with crimes are usually poor, disadvantaged, and may also have mental health problems. Adolescent rehabilitation should be our top priority.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Parker
  • MOTHERS JUSTICE MOVEMENT: Stop New Jersey Judges from forcing defenseless children to be harmed b...
    WE ARE PETITIONING FOR A STATEWIDE INVESTIGATION OF FAMILY COURT PRACTICES IN AN EFFORT TO STOP NEW JERSEY JUDGES FROM HARMING INNOCENT DEFENSELESS CHILDREN. New Jersey residents are being bled of our most valuable resource, the innocence of a child, and because of which, we are slowly losing our grip on the future of America. Since 1998, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has continued a lengthy investigation into adverse childhood experiences (ACE). ACE is one of the largest medical investigations ever conducted to assess associations between childhood maltreatment and later-life health and well-being. They found that a child’s exposure to certain traumas, including domestic violence, child sexual abuse, or being separated from their primary caregiving parent, resulted in more illnesses and injuries to children in childhood through adulthood, i.e., social emotional and cognitive impairment; adoption of health-risk behaviors; disease, disability and social problems; and PREMATURE DEATH. This study demonstrates how a child’s exposure to these elements are a PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE. Yet every year, an estimated 58,000 children are court ordered into custody or unsupervised visitation with a reported abuser. Additionally, current research estimates that false allegations of sexual abuse happens less that 2% of the time, yet 85% of those children are court ordered into shared or sole custody with the parent that is raping them. Inadequately trained professionals tend to believe the myth that mothers frequently make false allegations, contrary to current research. Therefore, in thinking they have the needed expertise, family court professionals don't listen to domestic violence or child abuse evidence, experts, and they don't include current scientific research. Mothers are being forced into bankruptcy and poverty trying to protect their children, and their children are being irreparably harmed. Governor Chris Christie, House and Senate Representatives, we now have the medical research through the CDC to declare domestic violence, child abuse, and being separated from a primary attachment parent a PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE. And the U.S. Department of Justice's Saunders report states that the STANDARD and REQUIRED domestic violence training received by judges, lawyers, and evaluators does not adequately prepare them to handle abuse cases. WE ARE PETITIONING FOR A STATEWIDE INVESTIGATION OF FAMILY COURT PRACTICES IN AN EFFORT TO STOP NEW JERSEY JUDGES FROM HARMING INNOCENT DEFENSELESS CHILDREN. We would like to see you, our leaders, echo your constituents concerns, and ensure that the HEALTH AND SAFETY OF A CHILD WILL COME FIRST IN DIVORCE AND CUSTODY LITIGATION. We thank you in advance for your support.
    1,522 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Patrice Lenowitz
  • "Is It OK To Kill Cyclists?"
    (1) We support a law which states that all drivers be held equally responsible to all people - motorists AND cyclists. (2) We support a law that treats cyclists as weaker participants in traffic, which they are, but NOT less important than drivers. (3) We support a law that does not minimize or trivialize collisions as mere "accidents" where drivers are not held ACCOUNTABLE for damages to or deaths of cyclists. (4) We support education and public outreach to inform BOTH motorists and cyclists of the rules-of-the-road.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David H. Davis
  • 68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Jacob Renner
  • Petition to Make the Iron County, Missouri Prosecuting Attorney a Full-time Position
    Crime happens 24/7. The sheriff and most other officers in the county are full-time. The job requires and demands a full-time devoted prosecuting attorney.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Randazzo
  • Oppose SB1342: Mandatory Minimums Will Not Make Our Communities Safer
    BYP100 Chicago is a local Chapter of the Black Youth Project 100, a collective of 18-35 year old Black activists dedicated to achieving freedom and justice for all Black people. We are joining the efforts of Project Nia and Decarcerate Illinois and urging all Illinois residents to call on our State Legislature to oppose SB1342. SB1342 is a policy that criminalizes Black bodies as the source of gun violence in our communities. It does so at the expense of holding gun manufactures and sellers accountable. It will lead to more Black people incarcerated and not get at the root cause of violence within our communities, which is lack of social, economic and political resources.
    542 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100)
  • Shut Down Jodi Arias' Twitter Account
    A convicted murderer should not have access to social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, etc. Law abiding citizens have earned this right. Shut down this disgraceful page (@JodiAnnArias) and stop her from communicating with the outside world as if she has done nothing wrong.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kelley Szymanski