• Justice for William Anderson
    To have justice served, we can not allow lawmakers to change/twist the laws as they please. Judges need to follow the law when issuing a sentence. It should not be about who you KNOW in the system. Stop corruption in Louisiana courts!
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Moses Sharon
  • Stop The Unjustice of Jail For Child Support
    To stop people going to jail for child support. My deadline is to get this changed as soon as humanly possible. I will do whatever it takes to change this. I have been personally effected by this issue because my fiance just got picked up 3 days ago and taken to jail for child support what is putting them in jail gonna make them do. The ones who want to pay it struggle every day to pay it and get sent to jail lose their jobs and have to start all over from scratch. The ones who refuse to pay it go sit there time and get out and still don't pay it. So why make them sit in jail. It is not a crime. It's not a felony and it's not a misdemeanor so why treat it like they committed a crime? Please help me change this to help people stop missing out.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kayla A. Flowers
  • Legalize Medical Marijuana in Minnesota
    It is important to legalize medical marijuana. Bill HR1818, which would legalize marijuana has bipartisan support but Governor Dayton is expected to veto it. It is expected there will not be enough 'yes' votes to override a veto. It is also important to free prisoners whose only charge is marijuana and to expunge all records with marijuana offenses.
    3,150 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Elayne Lappi
  • Prison Term Percentage Change
    My daughter is in prison. She is not a criminal, has no prior criminal actions. She, and many others like her, would be better served by a shorter sentence in prison, and by earlier eligibility for programs such as fire camp and electronic monitoring.
    220 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Andrea Mugavero
  • Justice For Dontre Johnson
    Seeking fairness and justice for my husband Dontre Johnson.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tamika Johnson
  • Department of Justice - take over investigation of Fairbanks Four
    This petition was started to support an unbiased and thorough investigation of the John Hartman murder case by a third and neutral party. The State of Alaska is predisposed to bias when investigating itself. The federal Department of Justice can conduct this case with neutrality; the State of Alaska cannot.
    1,757 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Helena Byard
  • Investigate Philadelphia's brutal stop-and-frisk practices
    Imagine getting stopped by the police because your face was covered with a scarf in freezing weather, being sexually assaulted by a police officer while you were handcuffed, and then getting charged with assault and resisting arrest as you were on your way to get emergency surgery for injuries inflicted on you by police during the attack. [1] It seems unbelievable, but all that just happened to 16-year-old Darrin Manning on January 7th, right here in Philadelphia, under the regressive, racist stop-and-frisk policies that have clearly continued in spite of promises to reform policing guidelines. It all started when a young African American man and his teammates, all in uniform on their way to play a school basketball game, were stopped and harrassed by a group of white officers for no obvious reason besides the color of their skin. [2] Darrin Manning was so badly injured in this attack by an officer yanking and squeezing his groin that he may never be able to father children of his own. This should never have happened, and it wouldn't have happened if not for the police department's stop-and-frisk practices. Police actions should not make our city more dangerous for any of our residents, especially our young people. It's must not be acceptable for any police department to treat children of color like they're guilty until proven innocent, or as if they're foreign invaders who don't have the same right to be unmolested in public spaces as white children. If Philadelphia's top-ranking elected officials are concerned about whether or not children in our city have good role models in their lives, I would ask that they start by looking at the behavior of our own police officers when they engage in this kind of routine street harassment and assault. Join me to ask Mayor Michael Nutter and District Attorney Seth Williams to investigate police actions in Philadelphia's 22nd District and insist that Philadelphia police conduct themselves in an orderly, law-abiding fashion, and be respectful of all our citizens. [1] - "16-year-old says he suffered serious injuries during stop-and-frisk, arrest," black youth project, January 15, 2014. http://www.blackyouthproject.com/2014/01/16-year-old-says-he-suffered-serious-injuries-during-stop-and-frisk-arrest/ [2] - "Communities Enraged After Black Boy Sexually Assaulted During Stop-and-Frisk," by Christopher "Flood the Drummer" Norris, Philly in Focus, January 15, 2014. http://phillyinfocus.com/2014/01/15/communities-enraged-after-black-boy-sexually-assaulted-during-stop-and-frisk/
    8,930 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Jesse Bacon
    My son is incarcerated due to lack of evidence in this case. The Supreme Court has asked the judge on Jermaine's case to remand the case. the United States Supreme Court grants certiorari and reverses a decision of a state supreme court or a Federal appeals court, it may remand the case. Likewise, an appeals court may remand a case to a trial court. A remand may be a full remand, essentially ordering an entirely new trial; when an appellate court grants a full remand, the lower court's decision is "reversed and remanded." Judge Lieber has failed to abide by The Supreme Courts guidelines.
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Karen Pearson
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Richard Mills
  • Remove Cannabis from Schedule One Status and legalize it nationwide
    We need more Doctors to stan dup like Dr. San Jay Gupta and remove cannabis from the Federal Governments Schedule One status and make Cannabis legal throughout the United States as the LAW OF THE land since it was legal for at least 10,000 years before and was used even in ancient history on the carvings from the ancient pyramids cannabis plants were held in hand with the Pharoahs as legal medicine....
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rick Piva
  • Stop the Abuse of Mentally Ill Prisoners in SC
    I am a person with a serious mental illness. Five percent of the population suffers from a mental illness. Mental illness is not a crime; it is a brain disorder. Systematically torturing, abusing and neglecting prisoners because they have brain disorders is depraved and deplorable, and should never be permitted anywhere for any reason.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathleen Pottle Brannon
  • Justice for Kelly Thomas! The case needs to be retried.
    I am just a normal law abiding citizen that happened to hear about the news of the man Kelly Thomas. I watched the ~30 minute raw video footage of the police officers beating Mr. Kelly Thomas. When the verdict was released today (1/13/14) on the news where the officers were found "Not Guilty" on all counts, I was completely shocked. I don't agree with the jurors' decision and that they must have missed some important facts that were witnessed in the video. The case must be retried.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Bui