• CA court ruling: "If you aren't married, it's not rape."
    A Los Angeles-based state appeals court just overturned a rape conviction because a woman who was raped in her sleep by a man impersonating her boyfriend is unmarried. The victim, who at first thought the man was her boyfriend, tried to stop him once she regained consciousness enough to realize he was an imposter. However, because the woman and her boyfriend are not a married couple, her rapist will walk away without penalty: The court said that its decision is based on a California law stating that tricking a victim into sex by impersonation only counts as rape if the victim is married. Source: http://msmagazine.com/blog/blog/2013/01/04/court-throws-out-rape-case-because-victim-is-unmarried/
    42,072 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Craig Auster
  • Support The NRA Now!
    You have your head in the sand if you believe more restrictive gun laws will help reduce crime or violent acts against a known unarmed group or organization of people.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin
  • High-Capacity Firearms Ban
    Our society has become overly dangerous due to the wide-spread availability of high-capacity firearms with easily insert-able magazines. I just don't feel safe going to the shopping mall, the movie theater, sporting events, or frankly any place where anyone can carry these weapons. All magazine-loaded firearms should be banned from our society.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rick Reichert
  • Extreme Gun control IS NOT the answer
    With the latest violent acts that have happened, the person or persons involved ignored all gun laws, restricted areas for guns, etc..The bad people with always find a way to get the guns. Instead of focusing on more gun controls, focus on the real problem, mental health of these people doing the attacks. Instead of streamlining these people, people need to not be afraid of getting them they help they need, medication or making sure they take their medications or hospitalization, if necessary is done. Also make provisions for extra security at schools. Stop penalizing the honest people, let us be able to properly defend ourselves!
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tammy Popp
  • Pedifiles Behind Bars
    I think it's important to give pedifiles a sentence instead of a slap on the hand with probation. Lives are never the same for the victims of pedifilies. Children are our future, we need to protect them.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie
  • White House Appointment Special Investigator
    "Request President Obama appoint a Special Investigator to determine if the NRA has legal liability for wrongful deaths, due to unregulated mass proliferation of weaponry and active deterrence of legislation for reasonable control of the gun industry. "
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zaida
  • Indict Republicans who are threatening to make the US insolvent if they don't get their way as TR...
    John McCain and a couple of other congressmen have gone on record through reliable sources as planning on driving the United States of America to INSOLVENCY if they do not get their political desires. This is a complete mis-use of their power, and also TREASON! They need to be indicted by the Justice Department to send a clear message that this sort of conspiracy will not be tolerated in the Land of the Free!!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Bates
  • Impeach the Norquist signers
    Those who signed the Norquist Pledge have forsaken their promise as elected representitives of the people of the United States per the Constitution, Article 1 - Section. 10. "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility." This is an act of treason
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DeAnna Rice
  • Thank Governor Bev Perdue for Pardoning the Wilmington 10
    The Wilmington 10 were 10 civil rights workers in Wilmington, NC, whom were railroaded into a false conviction of killing a white grocery store owner. In 1980, a federal court overturned their conviction, but they were never pardoned. People have been working for a few years to obtain a pardon for the Wilmington 10 and NC Governor Bev Perdue just signed one! This will be unpopular with people who are too rigid and racist to ever admit mistakes are made. I want people to thank Governor Perdue for being brave enough, and just enough, to issue these pardons. http://www.governor.state.nc.us/NewsItems/PressReleaseDetail.aspx?newsItemid=2709
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frances Hogan
  • No Statute Of Limitations For Pedophiles!
    There is no justice for people who were molested or raped or both as children. Most children try to forget the trauma of what happened to them, but as adults the trauma needs to be dealt with in order for the person to heal. Unfortunately the law states that there is a Statute of Limitations and the pedophiles are still free to continue their heinous crimes against children. This needs to stop. We need to protect our children and the adults that were raped of their innocence by not allowing the pedophiles to get away with their crimes. Most children are threatened to not reveal the adult that molested them; some try to forget. Usually as adults the trauma of the rape of their innocence comes to the surface of their minds and when some brave souls try to take a stand they're told it's too late, too much time has passed & the perpetrator goes unpunished. This sends a message loud and clear to all pedophiles that they can get away with their crimes; so why stop? It also adds insult to injury to the ones who were raped, molested, or both as children. The message to them is that they don't matter; they weren't protected as children and they have no recourse as adults.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leah Grunwald
  • Newburgh,N.Y. Police Department
    Killings of our young men.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edith king
  • A Staged School Shooting Traumatized 400 Disabled Kids and Teachers, We Demand Justice
    Planned in secrecy, without any warning or notice to any of the victims, desperate students and staff were traumatized and struggle today with the aftermath. Hundreds of stories have emerged of teachers holding doors down to save their students while calling loved ones to say good bye. Staff falling to the floor in prayer. And brave acts of protection and heroism. Some arrived at hospitals for heart pain. 300 fragile students, starting at the age of 12, who have worked all their lives to be strong and overcome emotional hardships were terrorized by this action, and most do not have the voice to respond! Or even to tell their parents!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cassandra Moffitt