• Give meaning to the Newtown deaths
    Those 20 children and 6 adults died in a senseless massacre. The scale of the tragedy in Newtown, CT would not have been possible without the availability to private citizens of semi-automatic weapons and high capacity ammunition feeding devices. Give meaning to their deaths and a purpose to their families. You can make sense out of this tragedy by petitioning Congress to ban semi-automatic weapons and high capacity ammo feeding devices.
    308 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Orly Mishan
  • Repeal the Second Amendment
    The 2nd Amendment protects the right of the people collectively to form a well regulated militia. This amendment enacted in 1791 is out of date, and in fact has been misinterpreted by the courts that everyone has a right to a gun. Currently, many local governments attempts to enact common sense gun control have been continuously blocked and overturned. Its time to get rid of this amendment.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bruce Mainzer
  • Let's get rid of automatic weapons for ever
    How many more people have to die before we become a "civilized country"? July 20, 2012; 12 people killed in a movie theater in Colorado. December 11, 2012; 2 people killed in a mall in Oregon. December 15, 2012; 27 people killed in a school in Connecticut. We should be able to go on with our lives without fearing to be killed in a school, a movie theater or while shopping. Possession of semi-automatic weapons should be banned.
    189 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sergio Spodek
  • The Children's Protection Act
    Protecting our children is the number one priority at every level of our society. In light of past and present violence and the potential for future violence in our schools, the signatures below hereby call for an institutional policy of having a full time police officer assigned to every public school in our nation during the school hours of every school day.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elliott Wilson
  • Yes, My community has been hurt
    !00% background checks. No sale of automatic guns to the public.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by harkrishan singh
  • Pass very tough Gun Laws
    Stop the senseless mass killings. Enough is enough.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by azadeh halati
  • Pass Reasonable Gun Reform Laws, Support Mental Health Care
    In light of the tragic murders of children at Sandy Hook Elementary School, we urge you to pass sensible gun control legislation and ensure that mental health care is adequately funded in the ongoing "fiscal cliff" negotiations.
    457 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Tong
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DOMINI MALLETTE
  • Save our Innocent Children
    Gun control to cut down on senseless violence. Everybody has been affected by this tragedy. How can we protect our children when evil people can get guns so easily. I am a retired teacher and I know how little ones get scared with a clap of thunder. Or loud noise what must these little have endured with this ordeal.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vickey Haran
  • Repeal the 2nd Amendment
    Let's start stop the debate about what's the 2nd amendment means today and repeal it. Then we could begin to regulate guns as a privilege rather than a right.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marty Alterman
  • Stop the Violence
    Years ago it used to be "fashionable" to wear fur. For years animal enthusiasts have been "up in arms" over the kiling of animals for clothing and wearing fur is not just out of style, but frowned upon and stores selling real fur are few and far between. Yet, the mom of the killer of the children in Connecticutt was a "gun enthusiast", which is where the killer got his guns and no one bats an eye. How many children and adults need to die before being a gun enthusiast goes out of style??? How long before we stop accepting gun love and acknowledge guns for what they are, killers of our fellow human beings? How long before we are as unaccepting of collecting guns as we are of wearing a fur coat. Its time we put our children in as high priority as seals and fox and minks and stop accepting this violence as a way of life.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janet Sanders
  • Limit Broadcast Violence!
    I was sitting in a hotel lobby, surrounded by a TV screens. Half showed the horrendous events of the CT shooting, while the other half had a crime show with an equal amount of carnage. I'm incredulous, that networks and broadcasters are allowed to make their money by promoting violence for "entertainment" each and every hour of the day.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Farkas