• Arrest George Zimmerman for Disobeying a Police Officer
    Facts about the George Zimmerman’ actions He was a private citizen cruising his complex looking for a "crime" to stop. When he saw Trayvon Martin, he chooses to take the opportunity to “act like a cop”. He called the non-emergency police department desk and he talked with an officer who new him by name. The officer took his information and dispatched a police officer to investigate the complaint. After the police officer told Zimmerman that an officer was on the way, the police officer determined that Zimmerman was pursuing the youth. The officer told Zimmerman NOT TO DO THAT. Florida law makes it a crime punishable by up to 1 year in jail for Disobeying a Police Officer. His actions prove he committed a crime at that time. Let the courts find him guilty. How can Zimmerman use the Stand Your Ground Law as a way to claim self-defense when his actions were a crime?
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Morris
  • Equal Protection under the Law in the United States, and in every state
    My petition is about equal protection under the law. Trayvon Martin is dead; Trayvon Martin's body was drug tested, but George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin's alleged murderer, has yet to be tested for alcohol or drugs.George Zimmerman has not be arrested, or even detained. If black teenager Trayvon Martin had killed George Zimmerman, young Trayvon Martin would now either be in solitary confinement in a maximum security Florida prision, or he'd have been killed by the police or self-appointed whilte vigilantes.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Kirsch
  • Remove Clarence Thomas
    Justice Thomas deliberately filed false tax returns for ten years running. He intentionally broke the law.
    281 of 300 Signatures
    Created by James a. Wilson
  • Anti-Strip Search
    An effort to repeal the SCOTUS opinion allowing unrestricted strip searches.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Stemme
  • Stop Kill at Will legislation in Iowa!
    Trayvon Martin, the Florida teenager who was killed while walking home in his hoodie, is dead because someone who felt threatened by him took his life. George Zimmerman, Trayvon's killer, still hasn't even been arrested for the shooting. Why? Because Florida is a Kill at Will state! Astonishingly, Florida law broadens the definition of justifiable homicide by granting people the right to use deadly force if they feel threatened. This extreme expansion of the right to kill, despite being fought by law enforcement officials, has occurred in 24 states. Nearly half of the United States allow killing just because a person "feels" threatened. Right now, the legislature in Iowa is considering following Florida's lead and becoming a Kill at Will state. If enough of their constituents speak out against Kill at Will, it can be stopped. Because of the negative attention the Trayvon Martin tragedy is bringing to these laws, elected officials and the media debating the legislation won't be able to ignore loud public pressure to keep Iowa from becoming a Kill at Will state. These Kill at Will laws make all of us, including children, less safe. They are a special danger to young people of color like Trayvon Martin, who may fall under "suspicion" from armed vigilantes simply by being young, Black, and wearing a hoodie. Please join me in protesting passage of any Kill at Will laws in the beautiful state of Iowa, where people are friendly and kind. Let's not allow ourselves to be ruled by hysteria.
    380 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Constance McNamara Romanowski
  • Investigate Douglas County
    Complete investigation of Douglas County Sheriff and 18th Judicial District. Corruption on all levels. Pergury, federal theft, public theft, manufacturing of crimes, and in-humane incarceration.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Rosenhahn
  • Kill ANY Kill At Will Legislation
    This is about Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old gunned down in cold blood for the crime of being Black and wearing a hoodie. His MURDERER has not been arrested after more than 30 days since this unpardonable crime. The criminal who committed this heinous act hasn't even denied it. He disregarded the express order from the Police to stand down and stop following Trayvon. He ignored this order, and an innocent child is dead. There is NO excuse for this murder.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by will gilbane
  • Reject Alaska H.B. 80 - "Stand Your Ground"
    Currently, Alaska law gives Alaskan's a broad right to self defense. The proposed law would add wording to the existing law that would allow a person to use deadly force "in any place where the person has a right to be." That could be a sidewalk, a highway, the woods or on private property as long as the person isn't trespassing. The Alaska Legislature is almost done for the year and is unlikely to act on H.B. 80 during this session (H.B. 80 is being reviewed by a Senate committee), but it is important to strongly express our concern that such wording is being considered.
    557 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Ken Winterberger
  • Stop YouTube and Google cruelty to animals videos from being accepted and shown
    TV, news, and several types of media have been recently highlighting the seemingly growing, sickening trend of trend of images of people deliberately inflicting cruelty on animals. YouTube is not being efficient on screening the recorded crimes of defenseless animals being hurt, tortured and sometimes killed for amusement. YouTube and others in power have as of yet done nothing efficient to prevent this so it is necessary to withdraw these images, and put restrictions and penalties and immediately take measures to permanently put a stop to this sickening endorsement of animal cruelty.
    1,990 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by C. D.
  • Legalize The Growing, Farming, and Distribution of Marijuana
    Pennsylvania is in trouble. The criminalization of Marijauna use and sell has made common hustlers into hardened murderers. Why? Pennyslvania is leading the nation in crowded broken prisons and corrupted school districts. We are in debt and looking for ways to move our statehood forward into the future. Would you vote to legalize marijuana if you could vote on it?
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carlos
  • killing of trayvon martin
    trayvon martin justice for trayvon
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by doris smith
  • The Karen Ferrell Murder
    Karen Ferrell was murdered in her home while babysitting her 7 year old grandchild and 1 year old cousin. Her body was found a week later draped in plastic and thrown under her basement steps. The police had been contacted to file a missing person's report for Ms. Ferrell, but on the day her body was found there was no record of the Missing Person's report. Karen leaves 3 children and two grandchildren to mourn her death. Her daughter was promised by Homicide Detectives that their mother's death would not be in vain and that they would not rest until the killer was brought to justice. It has been over a year and still nothing has been done to capture and prosecute the person who is responsible for Karen's murder. He still walks free believing that he got away with murder.
    220 of 300 Signatures
    Created by A.Holmes