• Gunfire Detection
    Three local neighbors spent months trying to see an end to celebratory gunfire through deployment of gunfire location technology. After months of work, those same neighbors need five minutes of your time to give this technology the best possible chance at deployment. Our NPU Public Safety Chair (Ron Lall) sent out an email two weeks ago discussing an initiative to launch ShotSpotter gunshot location technology in Atlanta. This technology is capable of detecting the source of gunfire within inches, and allows distinguishing between actual gunfire events and other sounds which mimic gunfire, such as fireworks. Technical info is available at www.shotspotter.com and a short video explaining the technology is here: http://youtu.be/V28UMrWGARk In short, Councilmember Julian Bond proposed an ordinance that would allow for funding of the ShotSpotter technology in Atlanta. This is exacly what we need to isolate where gunfire is coming from and allow APD to respond to the exact site of gunfire incidents. This ordinance was held recently and is up for discussion with all involved parties and NOW is the time to request support from our representatives! If it bothers you that we can't tell the difference between gunfire and fireworks, that our APD officers waste time driving around in circles trying to locate a possible gunfire event, or that we can't prove where gunfire is coming from with any certainty, please take a moment to help:
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Dollacker
  • Gunfire Detection
    Three local neighbors spent months trying to see an end to celebratory gunfire through deployment of gunfire location technology. After months of work, those same neighbors need five minutes of your time to give this technology the best possible chance at deployment. Our NPU Public Safety Chair (Ron Lall) sent out an email two weeks ago discussing an initiative to launch ShotSpotter gunshot location technology in Atlanta. This technology is capable of detecting the source of gunfire within inches, and allows distinguishing between actual gunfire events and other sounds which mimic gunfire, such as fireworks. Technical info is available at www.shotspotter.com and a short video explaining the technology is here: http://youtu.be/V28UMrWGARk In short, Councilmember Julian Bond proposed an ordinance that would allow for funding of the ShotSpotter technology in Atlanta. This is exacly what we need to isolate where gunfire is coming from and allow APD to respond to the exact site of gunfire incidents. This ordinance was held recently and is up for discussion with all involved parties and NOW is the time to request support from our representatives! If it bothers you that we can't tell the difference between gunfire and fireworks, that our APD officers waste time driving around in circles trying to locate a possible gunfire event, or that we can't prove where gunfire is coming from with any certainty, please take a moment to help:
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Dollacker
  • Gunfire Detection
    Three local neighbors spent months trying to see an end to celebratory gunfire through deployment of gunfire location technology. After months of work, those same neighbors need five minutes of your time to give this technology the best possible chance at deployment. Our NPU Public Safety Chair (Ron Lall) sent out an email two weeks ago discussing an initiative to launch ShotSpotter gunshot location technology in Atlanta. This technology is capable of detecting the source of gunfire within inches, and allows distinguishing between actual gunfire events and other sounds which mimic gunfire, such as fireworks. Technical info is available at www.shotspotter.com and a short video explaining the technology is here: http://youtu.be/V28UMrWGARk In short, Councilmember Julian Bond proposed an ordinance that would allow for funding of the ShotSpotter technology in Atlanta. This is exacly what we need to isolate where gunfire is coming from and allow APD to respond to the exact site of gunfire incidents. This ordinance was held recently and is up for discussion with all involved parties and NOW is the time to request support from our representatives! If it bothers you that we can't tell the difference between gunfire and fireworks, that our APD officers waste time driving around in circles trying to locate a possible gunfire event, or that we can't prove where gunfire is coming from with any certainty, please take a moment to help:
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Dollacker
    Florida restricts those under 18 from visitation with an incarcerated parent, even alongside their other parent or adult family member, in many legal cases. The court, jail, or prison should not restrict children from visitation with their parent. Studies show children benefit from visiting with their parents.
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dolores R. Peers
    FLORIDA restricts those under 18 from visiting with their parent, even alongside their other parent or adult family member in many legal cases. The Court, jail, or prison should not restrict children from visiting with their parent. Studies have shown children benefit from visiting with their parents.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dolores R. Peers
  • Legalization of Illegal Drugs
    I believe the "War on Drugs" to be a dismal failure; economically, as a means of curbing addiction, keeping drugs out of the hands of underage children, curbing crime associated with illegal drug trade, filling our prisons with drug related offenses (have heard that 70% and above of people in prison are there due to drug related crimes), loss of life due to drug overdose, crime related loss of life for citizens and police officers, clogging our court systems. This supposed "War on Drugs" has been going on for 3-4 decades and if anything the situation is worse today than ever. From my research, there appears to be as many "legitimate business" people who are profiting off the illegal sale of drugs as are the cartel people. I expect that these "legitimate business" people don't want it to end. I also believe there is more than a little evidence that our govt has benefited from illegal drug trade to pay for black op operations. It is the taxpayers and people caught up in the cycle addiction who end up paying the price. We need to grow up and take control where we can and realize that prohibition will never work.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzanne Jensen
    People for the Reform of Criminal Law Against Indecent Material Involving Minors: This petition is in response to the ruling of the New York Court of Appeals which deemed that the viewing of child pornography is no longer a criminal offense.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Randi Henderson
  • We Need An Independent Federal Judiciary
    The federal judiciary is composed of judges who have been chosen on the basis of their political standing and not because of their legal acumen. The President nominates judges for the United States District Courts, and Congress validates or rejects those appointments. Generally, a Republican President nominates good party conservatives who have "toed the line" and been good political allies to the party's positions. A Democratic President will nominate slightly more liberal candidates but due to Republican obstructionism in the approval process, even Democratic Presidents must be very careful to appoint moderate or conservative nominees who will be approved by the Republicans. Therefore, even a supposedly more enlightened President, such as Obama, will not be able to put in the judiciary those individuals who have a consistent record of standing up for civil rights, employee rights, union rights, minority rights, and essential civil liberties. Even one single state court decision, or a single speech by the candidate, that conjures up visions of civil libertarian justice or independent thinking "off the beaten path", can prevent that individual from ever serving on the federal judiciary. Take a look at President Clinton's record, for example, and you will see a failure to appoint "out of the box" thinkers. We, of the liberal stripe, thought that by electing Clinton twice in a row that we would at the very least improve the independence of the federal judiciary. But his appointments were mostly dismally political and 'neutral' in every sense of the word. The federal criminal justice system is frankly a mess, as I will explain in some of the entries to follow. For now, let us make no mistake about it: the federal judiciary is one of the broken spikes in the wheel of American democracy. We get only the mediocre individuals who have succeeded in not pushing any buttons or speaking out on anything even remotely requiring an independent view of life. Nice people though they may be, we expect and we want more. We want to have federal judges who are serving their true destiny in the job. We want more of those rare federal judges who have led the way for legal reform, and who have fastened to the ground the social framework of a progressive body of case law. We want those who are not afraid to guarantee strong civil rights despite the constant glare and meddling of ignorant political forces. Thus, the federal judiciary is currently populated by individuals who will not "rock the ship", those who do not have the habit of thinking for themselves, the people who have notable records for supporting all of the quirks and perceptions of the established system. And they support, nurture,and manifest, the injustices that permeate federal court decisions day in and day out currently throughout the United States. So much needs to be done to correct this catastrophe. We need to change the method of choosing federal judges. If this requires a constitutional amendment, then so be it. As much as we practically can, we need to take politics out of the process of choosing our federal judges. We need to examine some of the proven methods of finding independent judges, such as may be found in the recommendations of the American Bar Association. Again, a federal judge should be in that job because it is his destiny to follow his soul's natural path to self-fulfillment. A federal judge motivated by nothing other than love for the job, and the calling of truth and justice, is the miraculous achievement of public service that we as Americans cherish in our idealistic vision of society. I call on those of you who know the folly of our current system to stand up, take a position, call for change, and act for what you know to be right. Let's obtain an independent, highly qualified federal judiciary that fully, or at least nearly fully, satisfies the visions of justice and American democracy that we always took for granted, but which we were shocked to find out no longer exists.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Keller
  • Criminal Violations of the Constitution
    Impeach Obama [or whatever his real name is] for violations of the Constitution of the United States To be delivered to: President Barack Obama As a Citizen of the United States of America I feel that the sitting president in our Oval Office has failed to present the required documentation to even hold his position as president ~ All that he delayed into presenting was ruled nothing more that criminal forgeries ~ The alleged President Barack Hussein Obama has been violating my Contitutional Rights against me who is a lawful and legal citizen of the United States of America ~ He has also created Executive Order to bypass Congress that violates the Constitution of the United States of America ~ He had failed to address the issues such as making justice work in deportation of his illegal / unlawful aunt and uncle ~ He needs to be impeached for failure in compliance with his oath of office The alleged President Barake Hussein Obama has been violating my Contitutional Rights against me who is a lawful and legal citizen of the United States of America ~ He has also created Executive Order to bypass Congress that violates the Constitution of the United States of America ~ He had failed to address the issues such as making justice work in deportation of his illegal / unlawful aunt and uncle ~ He needs to be impeached for failure in compliance with his oath of office
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Bethea
  • No cell phones while driving!
    Im tired of seeing that people are getting hurt because the person next to them was not paying attention on the road, people hold up traffic and hurt other people because they want to talk and drive or text.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Douglas Davis
  • Justice for Thomas Payne, Jr.
    "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tom Petty wrote: "Redemption comes to those who wait, forgiveness is the key." Governor Beshear has the key and must step in and provide justice for Thomas Payne, Jr., his family, and the community to which he wishes to return and make a meaningful contribution. 61 year old Thomas Payne, Jr., has been serving a life sentence for the majority of his adult life. Thomas was 20 years old when his actions resulted in this sentence. He lives with remorse every day for his actions and dedicates his life to Christ. He has more than served the time of his sentence, enough to merit an equitable commutation. In fact, he has served enough time toward a twenty year sentence to merit release without application of credit for good time earned. At present, he is working as an Institutional Grievance Aide at Little Sandy Hook Correctional Complex. In this role, he interacts daily with staff and inmates concerning dispute resolution and problem solving. He utilizes this position to positively impact the beliefs, values, and behaviors of young inmates having issues with adjustment and rebellion against authority. These contributions can be put to better use if we take action today!
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Darrell Payne
  • Stop "Mandatory Minimum" Prison Sentencing
    State of Florida has been imposing Mandatory Minimum Sentencing which result in young offenders getting 10, 20, 30 year prison sentences. Police officers "over charge"petty offenses to further facilatate "longer sentencing". If someone attemps to go to trial the state makes them pay!! by giving them the max when they lose...so most people just cop to unfair sentences tht are still 3 times what they hould be.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Burdeana Walton