Mr. Hawes was wrongfully arrested and charged with a murder that occurred on a West Baltimore street on July 21, 1993. After Mr. Hawes' conviction at trial, he filed a petition under the Maryland Public Information Act to get the homicide file for the deceased. Mr. Hawes discovered that exculpatory evidence in nature (negated Mr. Hawes from guilt) was never disclosed to him/attorney during the trial,and it stated in pertinent part that "The eyewitness recollection of the event is simply not credible. She describes as only seeing the shooter's back. The State's Attorney office violated the law (Brady Violation) by failing to disclosed this police report that negated Mr. Hawes from guilt. Since Mr. Hawes trial there have been several other convicted men who has gotten their sentences reversed, a new trial, due to errors committed by the same Judge who presided over Mr. Hawes case, Hon. Elizabeth Bothe. See: Anthony Brown v. State, case no.: 192321020, PCPA 9743; Damion Graham v. State, case no.: 28910321, 22, to name a few. THIS MAN HAS SPENT THE PAST 19 YEARS IN PRISON FOR A CRIME HE DID NOT COMMIT! Mr. Tracey Hawes #239770 can be contacted at: PO BOX 534 Jessup, Maryland 20794
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lamont Middleton
  • Support S.1301 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act 2011
    S. 1301 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization provides for appropriations to vital programs and services that have successfully prevented trafficking, enhanced prosecution of its perpetrators, and protected and served the needs of the human trafficking survivors.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by UNE MSW 506 students
  • its time to pay for your crimes
    Make the banks pay for what they did to our econemy
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Hall
  • Help Prevent Child Crimes.
    Each year in the United States an estimated 6 million children are abused, five or more children die each day due to abuse and 80% of the children that die from abuse are under the age of 4 years old. Help make an example out of the offenders that are found guilty of child crimes. If there is enough evidence to find someone guilty of a child crime they deserve to spend a (LIFE SENTENCE) in prison without possibility of parole. These are innocent defenseless children that need our help!
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by vanessa stark
  • Changing The Gun Laws In Georgia
    There is a law in Georgia that gives a person to gun down another person whom they thinks is going to harm them and to me that should not be because killing another person is not right. We suppose to lose or life for one another not kill each other because that is not what God intended.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sonya Hall
  • Immediately Arrest The Black panthers involved in putting a hit on George Zimmerman and all who d...
    This is terrorism plain and simple. Its a Hate crime because its one race targeting another race. Also bring it down to basics its murder for hire, conspiracy to commit murder, etc. Anyone else in America would have been arrested immediately for this. This is a criminal act and they must be brought to justice. Ever since this has happened the Zimmerman family has had to go into hiding and they have been subject to threats and intimidation. Even zimmermans unrelated to George Zimmerman have had to change their residence in order to protect themselves.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joel Melei
  • Justice for Mario
    Justice is rather the activity of truth, than a virtue in itself. Truth tells us what is due to others, and justice renders that due. Injustice is acting a lie. Horace Walpole
    152 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Arki
  • Plea for Continuation of FBI Corruption Investigation
    While Ted Stevens’ best friend Bill Allen and other oil executives were bribing Alaska’s legislators, including Ted's son Ben Stevens, corruption in Alaska grew to that critical mass necessary to enable corruption to become self sustaining with or without oil backed bribery schemes. End result, communities across Alaska are dominated by persons who’ve secured an unfair advantage over local commerce by pouring money into the campaigns of elected officials who sustain their unfair advantage.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ray Metcalfe
  • Install Sheriff Term Limits
    The Sheriff's Department of most counties is lead by an elected official. This is meant to be the office of a man or woman charged with protecting the public and serving them with respect to their personal liberties. However, it is often used as a weapon to curtail adult media and minority cultures that do not agree with the individual in charge. Just take the Sheriff of Polk County, FL, for example. Sheriff Grady Judd, has used his authority to prohibit the production and purchase of adult media and stifle the efforts of those that wish to organize peacefully. He is also responsible for forwarding department funds to churches and create policies that serve religious institutions best. This includes but is not limited to the arrest of Philip R. Greaves II, a man from Colorado. This kind of behavior should not be tolerated, and term limits are a solution.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anonymous
  • Justice for Tryvon petition
    Tryvon Martin death was unjustified and when has it been ok to defend one's self with a gun when the other person has no weapon. The law is being bent in this situation and it is time for JUSTICE.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angelique
  • Be Prudent About Strip Searches
    City and county governments need to be urged to limit strip searches to persons suspected of involvement in drugs or violence. The Supreme Court has approved strip searches of everyone arrested, for no matter how minor a violation, but because it's legal doesn't make it right. Indeed, in the current overheated atmosphere of the national security state, with indefinite detention, arrests for peaceful protests, and SWAT teams proliferating, we need to cool off--and rebuke the Supreme Court for scrapping the Fourth Amendment.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Herbert S. Thomas
  • Keep juvenile murderers in prison
    If juvenile murderers are sentenced to life or had a former sentence of the death penalty then they should not be eligible for parole. The US Supreme Court will make this decision as early as June, 2012.
    106 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tena King