• Officer Lagier, Warm Springs Correctional Center
    Officer Sean Lagier is a Correctional Officer at Warm Springs Correctional Center in Carson City, NV. Officer Lagier was a victim of an attack by two inmates on January 31, 2012. The attack was provoked by Officer Lagier because of his intense harrassment of the inmates. Officer Lagier has a record for harrassing the inmates so severely that he was put on probation at one point and has had many grievances against him, yet they are considering bringing him back on duty at Warm Springs. This cannot happen, this man needs to be investigated and action needs to be brought against him, as well as Ms Cynthia Thomas and Warden Smith, who not only knew of the Officer's sadistic behavior, but encouraged it.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angry Prison Wife
    I am making this petition for anyone that is behind the West Memphis Three. Back in 1993 the state of Arkansas railroad three innocent teens for the brutal murders of three little 8 year old boys. Although the guys have maintained the innocence from day one and been let out of prison via an Alford Plea, the real killer/killers are still to this day at large. Show your support and let the state of Arkansas know that you as an American will not stand for this kind of injustice. I for one find appalling that the sate of Arkansas or any state for that matter would ruin the lives of three innocent people rather than put the real killer/killers behind bars. So please if you agree sign with me ----Thank You
    713 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Bobby Short
  • Reconstruct The IDOC
    Revamping how the Illinois Department of Corrections spends our tax dollars. There is a lot of frivolous spending in all departments going on. School teachers gt paid not to come to work and everything is monopolized and the IDOC receives a kickback.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ralph Gordon
  • Petition for a New Drug Policy
    The war on drugs has failed. The public is seeking alternatives to punitive drug policies that have done little to curb substance abuse or drug-related crime and violence. We want President Obama to initiate a national dialogue that would identify policy alternatives grounded in science, compassion, public health and human rights.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Peterson Small
    Ofc. Jim Peters shot JOHN LOXAS while he was holding his grandchild just after he called his daughter to tell her to come because of the police commotion. Mr. Loxas had no weapon, was turning away from officers to walk back into the home, and probably was setting his grandson down as the reports say he was lowering the child from around his head to the lower right side of his body. In other words, when Ofc. Peters shot and killed Mr. Loxas, Mr. Loxas was not an imminent physical threat to anyone, not police, not his grandson, not anyone.
    243 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Scottsdale Resident
  • Constitutional amendment to legalize the growing, selling and recreational use of marijuanna
    I believe it is time in the USA voting population to have the opportunity to vote on adding an amendment to the Bill of Rights to legalize the use, growth and selling of marijuana. It is time to end the War on Plants!!!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elmo C. Mason
  • Support the Columbine mini-series on Lifetime
    In 1999, two teenagers rampaged their school and caused a deadly school shooting, killing 13 before themselves. Thirteen years later, Lifetime is now in talks of making a mini-series based on this event, and possibly exploring the two teens' lives prior, but many people are against it. I believe it should be made, for our generation's sake.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dominique Aguilera
  • California 3rd Strike Amendment
    Originally 3rd Strike advocates were intending to lock away seriously violent predators/murderers for 25 years - life. Unfortunately now we have many non-threatening aged prisoners who were sentenced to life (essentially) on a non-violent/minor offense because in their youth (before 3rd Strike sentencing statutes) they had committed felonies such as residential burglary or possession of a deadly weapon. Now our state is supporting these aged prisoners' in their increasing health care costs, while the prisoners themselves may not be incarcerated for a serious felony.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne Bauman
    The caging of human beings in tiny concrete cells with no windows, no natural light, no human touch for decades in many cases is cruel and wrong. When people who have been so held, they are completely broken when they are released.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sista soul
  • No one is above the law.
    Investigation of possible illegal acts by the G.W. Bush Administration.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by rwkleinman
  • Stop the War on Medical Marijuana
    Obama's policy on medical marijuana is an about face of what he campaigned on in 2008. His policies are worse than those of George Bush. Obama is raiding and shutting down legal medical marijuana farmers and distributors, destroying jobs and businesses. The question must be asked, is he engaging in this war against legal business because big pharma now has an interest in researching the benefits of marijuana?
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Shapiro
    This petition concerns the unjust incarceration of DeArcey Stewart. The San Diego County’s District attorney’s Office is in a position to correct this injustice, yet have chosen to turn a blind eye. By signing this petition, you will be doing your part in compelling District Attorney Dumanis to uphold her duty under the United States Constitution and set Mr. Stewart free.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bainisha Scales