• Reentry: Support our loved ones coming home.
    Reentry success is directly affected by post prison reintegration and adjustment, which, in turn, depends on four sets of factors: personal and situational characteristics, including the individual’s social environment of peers, family, community, and state-level policies. Learn how create a supportive & positive environment. Know what your county is doing to support AB 109 & how you can become involved.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robin Keeble
  • STV(Stop The Violence)!
    I feel utterly disgusted with how this world operates and some of the people in it.I no longer even have the audacity to even call myself a HUMAN BEING. The actions that people do that get viewed on news make me wonder why...why is this world so filled with uglyness..?It has such potential and it's not being shown because of people.We need to do something about this NOW.No more saying "Yeah stop the bullying!"yet it STILL going on!!!!!!It's a new year people!We need to step things up..WORLDWIDE!. Below is a perfect example of what's going on in what we call "society"and how action is being not taken seriously! **Example of why violence needs to STOP NOW!** -1/17/2012: Okay so many of you know about the beating of the Asian guy getting beat by 7 people. And its all over youtube now to get this kids found and caught, well it worked. Those kids have been brought to interrogation and guess what. NO CHARGES WERE PLACED. Ummm okay, what happened to stop bullying? HERES THE VIDEO (Note: cannot view unless you are 18+ due to the graphic) http://www.youtube.com/watch?src_vid=xxeb2S0RfRI&annotation_id=annotation_565908&feature=iv&v=5HZQ7l2xYqA HERES THE NEWS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn4oWNRSaTk&context=C31cd48aADOEgsToPDskITPk76BTTR388BXLM_w7pB ONLINE NEWS ABOUT IT http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Teens-Vicious-Beating-Posted-on-YouTube-137460493.html
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samantha
  • Convicted Gang Members Are Domestic Terrorists
    Gangs, from street gangs to motorcycle gangs to hate groups and the mafia, terrorize our communities through intimidation and force. They are just like terrorists and should be treated as such.
    1,477 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jimmy Perry
  • Incarceration for Employers who Discriminate
    Most people who face discrimination, lose their jobs trying to stand up for their rights
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott Hammond
    Wrongful convictions are at epidemic proportions! DNA evidence has released many innocent citizens. Prosecutor and police misconduct to close a case, and ensure a "high conviction" rate keeps this epidemic alive and well. In Florida, Harold W. Scism became victim to a wrongful conviction in 2009. He was given a life sentence for a crime that never occurred. There was no evidence nor DNA evidence. The prosecutor, known for her high conviction rate, was later given the judgeship. Enough is enough. STOP wrongful convictions NOW!!!
    651 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Dolores R. Peers
  • Criminal Prosecution
    The investigation and prosecution of those in government and the financial sector who violated Constitutional Law thereby contributing to the financial meltdown and the mortgage crisis. Using Watergate as a template, the president should direct Congress to begin this process with public hearings.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth H. Brown
  • Gov. Corbett Must Resign
    Thomas W. Corbett, while he was Attorney General of Pennsylvania and later as Governor, has allowed politics to supersede sound judgment in the child abuse scandal at Penn State. While Attorney General, he delayed making an arrest for years despite having eyewitness testimony of child rape. As Governor he gave millions of dollars to Second Mile despite his knowledge that they were at the center of the child rape scandal. At best, Corbett has used poor judgment. At worst, Corbett allowed politics to trump protecting children and prosecuting criminal actions. It is time for Corbett to resign.
    2,475 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by William Morris
  • Stop the meager settlement with the Banksters
    The Administration is intent on settling with the mortgage servicers who stole trillions of dollars from us for less than 25 billion dollars!
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeffrey L. Kravat
  • Boycott Casey Anthony from making money off poor Caylee
    Casey Anthony has not been charged with the murder of her daughter Caylee Anthony. But we can not let her get away with making money off this. Let Caylee rest in peace. Sign this petition and join me in the fight against her
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by megan
  • Legalize medical grass and decriminalize the rest.
    In 14 states, VAs give medical grass to vets. What about the vets in different states? Did they serve in another country's army? Alcohol and cigarettes are more dangerous to health than weed. I beat pancreatic cancer in 2010 but couldn't legally smoke grass because I live in New York. New Jersey is OK? Of course our country is divided. By laws as well. No good.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Len Gelstein
  • End The War On Drugs
    Today, more than 60% percent of America's imate population are incarderqted for nonviolent crimes. This government policy implemented more than 30 years ago by the Reagan administration has not only been capricious and unjust, in that minorities have been it primary target, it has also been one of biggest drains on taxpayer's dollars. This failed policy has been an economic burden on the American taxpayer, causing a never ending need to spend precious resources in order to build more prisons to incarcerate instead of spending those tax dollars to educate our children, not to mention, releasing violent criminals into our communities in order to relieve prison overcrowding. We must put an end to this government madness. Please help by signing this petition so that we can send the message to President Obama and Congress that we want this decades old failed policy to end, and stop the waste of American taxpayer's money.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edward Davie
  • REPEAL H.R.1540 - National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)!
    December 31, 2011: President Obama signed into law the NDAA, as passed by the House and Congress, which strips "covered" citizens of their rights of Due Process. This Petition aims to repeal SEC. 1021 & 1022, thus holding our government officials accountable to their oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States".
    204 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Shannon Ivey - The Independent Contributor