• killing of trayvon martin
    trayvon martin justice for trayvon
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by doris smith
  • The Karen Ferrell Murder
    Karen Ferrell was murdered in her home while babysitting her 7 year old grandchild and 1 year old cousin. Her body was found a week later draped in plastic and thrown under her basement steps. The police had been contacted to file a missing person's report for Ms. Ferrell, but on the day her body was found there was no record of the Missing Person's report. Karen leaves 3 children and two grandchildren to mourn her death. Her daughter was promised by Homicide Detectives that their mother's death would not be in vain and that they would not rest until the killer was brought to justice. It has been over a year and still nothing has been done to capture and prosecute the person who is responsible for Karen's murder. He still walks free believing that he got away with murder.
    220 of 300 Signatures
    Created by A.Holmes
  • Moratorium on Ohio executions NOW
    Executions in Ohio must stop NOW. No one should be executed under a system of justice while that very system is being closely examined to assess its fairness and accuracy. Doubt continues to erode the system: - Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O'Connor has established a Joint Task Force to examine Ohio's system of capital punishment. The Joint Task Force should be allowed to operate without the undue pressure of ongoing executions. There are currently 13 inmates with execution dates. - There is a bill to repeal the death penalty in the Ohio House - Bill 160. - There is a bill to repeal the death penalty in the Ohio Senate - Bill 270. - In January 2012, Joe D'Ambrosio became the 6th person to be exonerated from Ohio's death row, further demonstrating Ohio is at risk for executing an innocent person.
    228 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Julie Przybysz
  • Justice For Jasmine
    Jasmine Thar, a 16 yr old African American was shot and killed December 23, 2011 while in her Godmother's yard in Chadbourn, NC preparing for a routine shopping trip to Myrtle Beach. Jasmine was doing what most teens do, texting, when the shot rang out. Two others were injured by the same bullet. A 23 yr old Caucasian male who was in the house across the street where the shot came from claims it was an accident. He was taken in for questioning but was not charged.The families of this tragedy lives will forever be changed.
    76,137 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Treka McMillian
  • Request the Retreat at Twin Lakes to Hand over the Original Community tape Recordings for the day...
    This is about getting the Community Surveillance tapes for the case of Trayvon Martin to finally put Martin's Killer in Bars. These tapes will tell us 1-3 things 1. If Mr Zimmerman really made the Call from his automobile, if he had the gun drawn, If He had seen him while trayvon was walking to the store. 2. IF trayvon attacked Zimmerman first with out zimmermans gun drawn and was pounding his head violently on the pavement. with intent to Either hold him off in till the cops got there or intent to Kill Zimmerman and 3 IF Mr Zimmerman had the gun drawn trayvon tried to pry it out by using a wrap up tackle move and then take the gun away from him to hold Mr Zimmerman Under citizens Arrest until the cops arrived only to have Trayvon's Plan Back fire and Zimmerman pulled the trigger as the two went to the ground!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason
  • justice for Stephonne
    Unlawful shooting of my daughter's father who was unarmed by nypd
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by marsha palmer
  • Murder of Chamberlain Sr. by Police
    Murder of Chamberlain Sr. in his apartment by police from his community.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Muriel G. Ward
  • Require testing of shell casings using Dr. Bond's technique
    Ronald Long was convicted of a 1982 murder and has always claimed to be innocent. In 2008, a British scientist, Dr. John Bond developed a technique to recover fingerprints from shell casings even though wiped clean. This tells you who LOADED the weapon, not who FIRED it. Mr. Long wants the shell casings tested. The State of New Jersey is against it.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Drukaroff
    The shooter should be behind bars as he present him to be face to face with Trayvon. In the Police call the officer ask whether the shooter was following him {Trayvon} the shooter replied YES. The Officer then said to the shooter to NOT follow Trayvon violating a Police Order. The shooter should be arrested and Trial with hope of being charged 1st degree Murder. You can't strive to be a Police if you are too gun hoe and can't follow Police Orders. Kelvin Parks
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelvin Parks
  • The General Attorney Of the United States
    My petition is about justice for Trayvon Martin
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eileen McFarlane
  • Police Brutality Must Be Stopped!
    THE KILLINGS, Beatings, Unjust arrest also planting evidence & lies at trials must also hiding evidence ... along with tampering with evidence has all run rampant... something must be done to Stop this type of power police abuse over and over again ...do something Stop the mistreatment of the African Bloods world wide of our Race!
    325 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Wifiyah EmpreZion Hakim & Nana
  • Governor O'Mailey: Transform & Revamp the Criminal Justice System
    The criminal justice system everywhere including Maryland is bent on continual judgement and punishment of previous behaviors including barriers to employment, housing, and education. This continaul system of unfairness leads to more criminal activity especially for sex offenders, murders, assualts of all kinds, and handgun issues. This has a detrimental affect on people primary of color, underserved, and uneducated. This has to be addressed.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tim