• Say NO to AB 1266 to protect our children
    "Gov Jerry Brown signed AB1266, The School Bathroon Bill, into Law. This law requires California public schools to allow students to use bathrooms, showers, locker rooms, and other facilities based on their 'gender identity' and not biological sex."
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ZaymarnHenriquez
  • Let Carolyn Marcus write with Seth MacFarlane
    Seth MacFarlane is my role model and being given the opportunity to write an episode of Family Guy with him would be a dream come true. I am a funny person and would be a valuable contribution. Please help me get his attention in order to increase my chances of fulfilling my dream.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn
  • Please help 2 cause CA State Audit Report of case that exposes CA Court problems, statewide.
    On August 5th, Mr. Ronald Pierce issued a complaint report to the California Bureau of State Audits (BSA). Mr. Pierce�s confidential complaint is filed under the Whistleblower Protection Act. It alleges systemic corruption, ineptitude and cronyism centered in Tulare County�s local court and auxiliary services; along with concealment of the court mismanagement and retaliation by the courts and Administration of the Courts (AOC) on a state level for Mr. Pierce�s exposing of collusively unethical and unlawful misconduct. This matter should have been a simple granting of Mr. Pierce's petition for divorce. Instead, it became a profit generator for the courts and auxillary agencies based on provable misstatement of facts and retaliation to conceal it. It has been ongoing for over five years and has taken many twists and turns which have devastated Mr. Pierce and his children. In his BSA Whistleblower Complaint, Mr. Pierce alleges and provides evidence that each court has added to the damage while refusing to acknowledge the direct evidence of prior misdeeds by prior courts, the AOC and auxiliary agencies. Many people state they have been harmed by ethics problems in the CA judicial branch that appear to be originating from the top. The ethics breaches appear to be concealed by efforts of the AOC in countless court cases. Using the courts to retaliate against whistleblowers for exposing misdeeds appears to be an alarming pattern in all types of cases. Auditing the Pierce case in the Tulare County courts, which appears to encompass many of the elements of unlawful mismanagement and often reported retaliation on a state level, could help to illustrate where the root of the problem lays throughout the state. The case could serve as a blueprint to aid to correct systemic judicial branch problems for the good of the people of California.
    98 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mrs. Kramer
  • Stop allowing dogs to live their entire lives on chains
    My name is Valerie Gray. I am starting this petition because I have personally seen the horrors of dogs who spend their entire lives on a chain, most to be completely forgotten, with no adequate food, water, shelter, or the soft touch of a human hand. Many have been on a chain so long that their collar has embedded into their necks. Sadly enough, if any of these dogs are lucky enough to be noticed, for many it will be too late, as many are too starved or too sick or because lack of human contact are too scared to let someone love them and can not be adopted out. It is a sad, cruel way to live and must be stopped.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Valerie Gray
  • Let Jennifer Dibs have zebra finches!
    After caring for several zebra finches, Jennifer would love to have a pair of her own to love and care for. Her family thinks they already have enough pets, but Jennifer has been trying unsuccessfully to convince them she will care for them entirely by herself. She will! Her family will not have to do any additional work, but will definitely enjoy having their energetic chirps and antics in the house.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Dibs
  • MineXe Factions/Raiding Server
    I shut down MineXe Factions, however, if we can get 50 signatures on here, I will bring it back.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matt
  • Respect the Stop Sign
    Every day while driving home from work along the same route in Newark, NJ and I watch drivers go thru the stop sign as if it doesn't exist. It only gets noticed if a cop is present which is rare. There are too many children, parents, expecting mothers, elderly folks that walk around and have yeild to drivers who run the stop sign and drive above the speed limit. I'm calling an end to this and I want us to take more responsibility and remember that driving is a privilege NOT a right. Please lets save lives, not end them.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Aikens
  • Changes at Sumter County-City Animal Control
    The dogs picked up by AC are living, breathing souls; God’s creations. We must end the killing of healthy dogs that, by no fault of their own, have ended up at AC. We must improve the facility and we must stop wasting our tax dollars by putting a band-aid on the dog overpopulation problem in Sumter. We need to fix the problem. We cannot kill our way to fewer unwanted animals! We must speak up; we are their voice! Your signature is your voice! Please support efforts to save the lives of these deserving dogs and demand that they are treated humanely with compassion and decency.
    405 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Jesse Brown
  • Eliminate Educational Debt of Disabled - Service Connected Veterans
    Service Connected Disabled Veterans receive a small pension for their sacrifice to our nation, but many did not fall under the guidelines of the GI Bill, and went to school to further their and their families lives. Now they are burdened with educational debt that they are unable to pay, and where the interest rates make paying this debt impossible, affecting there credit for their lifetime and where this debt should be forgiven, due to their sacrifices.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rocky Manos
  • Help the Residents of Yarnell who lacked the proper insurance coverage.
    I was one of the people of Yarnell who has had property in the small town of Yarnell, for 23 years. My insurance ran out in 2011 and was not told of such a situation not being under a insurance carrier. FEMA has denied any Federal Aid, I was hoping for a constuciton load of low interest rate to start over.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Silvia
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Theresa Senior
  • Ask Michael Moore to make a documentary about PAYDAY loan companies
    Ask, along with me, for Michael Moore to make a feature-length documentary about PAYDAY lenders.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by joanne groshardt