Iowa senate vote to stop bslBsl is racism at its finest being supported by the government instead of educating the public it is used to scare them. You cant blame the breed of a animal for the bad choices of a human no more than you can blame a person for the color of their skin . Many people are being forced to choose between their loving family pet and the town in which they live and that is causing over population in shelters and causing hundreds even thousands of good dogs to be killed..97 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chelsea Davis
IMVU: Fix Broken Company PoliciesI am a member of your community. Some of the names on this list are part of your developing community as well. We, the people of both your social community AND THE MEANS FOR YOUR BUSINESS have had enough of your lack of ability to perform your jobs to their fullest extent. Below is your list of things that are expected of your company that they are not doing: A) Properly reviewing the content of publicly displayed images. - You have failed to demonstrate your ability to properly review images that are displayed publicly by banning or even disabling users whose avatar display images are not considered "Access Pass Only" (hereafter referred to as AP) or do not go against the terms laid out in your own Terms of Service (hereafter referred to as ToS). B) Properly reviewing products in your catalog that have been flagged by your users. - When an item goes through the Peer Review system, that means that a jury of it's peers has declared that this item is properly rated and is suitable for IMVU catalog. Something’s make it through that are not. However, where the inability of your company lies is in someone reporting an item that has made it through Peer Review already. It is obvious by the refunds and by the products being disabled, along with their creators, that IMVU is not doing their own reviewing properly. Items that have no reason being AP are being flagged as inappropriate and then you proceed to ban it and provide a refund because it has supposedly broken the ToS when there is nothing evident about it that does so. Unacceptable. C) Providing information to those who have been victim to the above. - When someone is victim to the above mentioned failures of your company, you refuse to impart details as to why they have been banned, disabled, or why a product was removed. The only thing you say is that it was reported and upon review was found guilty. Under what terms was it found to break the ToS? How is someone in a leather jacket, which is from your catalog and a “General Access” item (hereafter referred to as GA), breaking your ToS? The pose was not considered AP. They were even by themselves in their picture. So how? D) Not punishing those who are acting out of spite. - There are people who simply report others for fun. There are those who do it out of anger when wronged by another person somehow. These “Serial Reporters” are not being punished for their actions and you are simply feeding into them to keep doing it by not reviewing or doing your jobs properly. You are the final judge on what happens and yet you do nothing to prevent the true criminals from leeching away your community. You, IMVU, are letting down your consumers. The same people who are your users. The same people who are your means of business. The same people who use this as their own means to business. You are failing to properly punish those who are wrong and supporting these false vigilantes in their quest to watch the world burn. We, the community of IMVU, have had enough. We are signing this petition to show to you that you need to fix these problems because we are not going to take this abuse any longer. We are not just bits of data. We are real people and we will not be denied what is properly ours, the ability to use this program without the fear of being banned or disabled because the host company will not do their job properly.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tim Buehler
Give John Liu his right to matching funds.The board of election is not providing candidate John Liu with matching funds inorder to run for Mayor of New York City 2013.71 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mauricio Estarellas
President Barack Obama: Stop the F-35!My Neighborhood and my health are in danger of losing a decent quality of life if the F-35 is brought to The Burlington Airport. The airforce itself has reported that the area near the airport would be deemed unlivable! Yet our local politicians are not listening, nor will they respond to our queries. People should come first and the wasteful cost of the F-35 should be cut!!!459 of 500 Signatures
Hungry PeopleOur churches and food pantries will not be able to feed the large expected increase of hungry people.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Julie McNaughton
Stop USA #Chemtrails Attacks w/Penetrating Lethal Acoustic & Magnetic Mind Control Weapons!People all over the world are being attacked by USA #Chemtrails Pilots with pain, noise, bleeding, stroke, and disability from Acoustic Weapons and retardation and heart attack from magnetic wave and mind control weapons.60 of 100 SignaturesCreated by April
"Big Oil" Still Ripping Off, as U.S. RecoversAll through recovery, "Big Oil"has been getting rich, while our country can barely afford to pay for groceries, utilities, & individual prices at the pump. With no fidelity to the needs of our nation, we demand that D.C. do something to bring prices to an affordable level!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carl W. Coleman
We support urban beekeepers in Florida.New Best Management Requirements will become law in Florida on August 10th, 2013. A public hearing was held July 30th, 2013, and many urban beekeepers found the requirements as written to be unfair, vague, or in some cases prohibitive of urban beekeeping. Your signature will help rule makers realize that the people of Florida support urban beekeeping.245 of 300 SignaturesCreated by A.G. Shaffer and urban beekeeping supporters in Florida
PWC VA Traffic Concerns on the I95 and Rt 1 CorridorIf residents who live and work up and down the Northern VA I-95 and Route 1 Corridor are not concerned with the present increase in development in the Dumfries and Woodbridge area, they should be. Sign up and tell our elected officials that we need a “pause” in the sale of new homes to allow the current road construction projects, projected transportation improvements and decisions by the PWC Planning Board Committee over the last decade, to play out, and then reassess.122 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Deborah Ramirez
Help Save TexTex is an abused american bulldog being held in Brighton, CO at animal control. They are deeming him "vicious" with no proof to inhumanely euthanize him. They refuse to return him to his rightful owners so they can transport him to a local dog sanctuary to receive the help and love he so desperately deserves. He is being abused by these officers, and cowers and shakes in fear when they approach him--a clear sign of their abuse to him.122 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Cara Stewart
A Disney World in North Texas would bring hope to manyI live in Dallas Texas, and on a daily basis I am encountered by homeless people asking for money. These people are homeless, jobless, and living in despair. We need hope, and an economic stimulant that will create more jobs and promote a positive change in Texas.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cathy Darnell
Use the NSA Data to end Spam Phone callsEveryday Americans on the "Do Not Call" list are barraged with recorded “spam” phone calls with “spoofed” caller ID's which is a violation of Federal Law. Many of these calls have been reported to the FCC, with time and date. This information should be enough for the NSA to trace the actual caller. Since they are going to collect this data anyway, we might as well require them to put it to good use!18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Casey