• Bad for PA.
    Selling of State Stores
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carl W. Coleman
  • Funding and Reforms
    Public school funding is always an issue. I was personally affected when RIF was brought into play and the school public school system has not been the same. Too many children have gotten their little hands on guns. There should be legislature to pursecute those who are careless with leaving guns around unattended. Trace the guns to the owners and prosecute them for being careless.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by S. Jones
    I'm concerned that people have lost their way in this world especially in the united states where they decided to take prayer out of the schools. i believe that we should get prayer back in the school. let us focus on one our amemndments "Freedom of Religion." i don't believe people are given the opportunity to practice that phrase. especially when they can't brethe a word of prayer in school. but whenever something tragic happens they are ready to call on God and ask america to pray. we need the prayer back in the school.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eveth Harris
  • STOP the sale of ROCK SALT
    Since people sprinkle rock salt on sidewalks, it can damage the pads on the bottom of a dog's paws. As a result, the dog may lick the harmful salt from its paws resulting in burns to its mouth and throat. Repeated ingestion of rock salt can also lead to kidney problems or pancreatitis.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rita Novak
  • No GMO's in School Lunches
    GMO's in Corn and Wheat are making big end roads into our food supply - dont let our children be the guinea pigs for this food. If it s not in the products it is being fed to the animals that are processed for our children.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tina Giachetti
  • Wake County Commissioners: Support more Transit!
    The population of Wake County is likely to double over the next 20 years, and traffic congestion will continue to get worse and worse. The Wake County Transit Plan doubles bus service, creates commuter rail, and initiates light rail. Durham and Orange County have already passed a similar plan. Without action, Wake County risks being left behind. The Wake Board of Commissioners has the power to move forward with review and approval of this plan right away. Help us build support for more transit in Wake County.
    644 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Dave Rogers
  • Restore Central Time To All Of Indiana
    20,000 Hoosiers have signed petitions and 41 school boards have signed resolutions in support of Central Time for Indiana. On their behalf and that of the 1.35 million students whose safety and educational well-being are being compromised, and on behalf of the Indiana businesses that are being inconvenienced by Eastern Time, I request that a legislative study committee be established to evaluate Indiana’s time designations. That way an educated decision can be made to either keep it as it is or take the steps to return Indiana to its original Central Time Zone. You are the state’s leaders and you have the power to get this done. Please, do it!
    221 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Andy Ray
  • Slaughter of Horses
    I think every American should be effected by this.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janice
  • Slaughter of Horses
    I think every American should be effected by this.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janice
  • Make America Proud
    The US is awash with guns. There is no need for anyone to own a military style assault weapon and gun magazines loaded with bullets. I am ashamed that the US has many more guns than other advanced nations I want to be proud of our country. So please sign this petition so that we may have new gun policies that will reduce the number of gun deaths in inner cities and gun massacres such as the one in Newtown, CT, that broke the nation's heart.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dorothy Blaustein
  • Enforce Pittsburgh’s and Allegheny County’s “Percent [%] for Public Art Laws"
    The economic opportunities that come with Percent for Art projects: 60% of public art budgets routinely go towards the fabrication and installation of an artwork; 20% towards the artist's authorship. Examples of people who work on fabrication and installation are plumbers, electricians, welders, carpenters, general contractors, plus workers with expertise with tile and concrete. Essentially, this insures that artists get paid to think and to build on a large scale, engaging the eyes, ears, and interest of all citizens.
    2,400 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by PGH4ART
  • Rein in City of Atlanta Water Department
    Stop the Injustice of these extreme water bills. I am retired. There is no way for customers to know if these bills are accurate. How can the same one person in a home bill change so drastically. Water and Sewage.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leola Summers