• State of Georgia Unlawful to Eat While Driving
    Accidents while driving are mostly caused by people who are in some way distracted or impaired. Texting while driving, Drinking, Talking on a cell phone, and Too loud music are just some of the most commonly known for causing auto accidents. Just as fatally dangerous, Eating While Driving has cause auto accidents that cause property and in some cases bodily injury. Can you really operate a vehicle safely at 100% while eating at normal speeds or excesive speeds? signing into law a restriction for GA liscence drivers.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by A.H.N Badi
  • Say No to the Hudson River Park Nid TAX
    Only for residents of the proposed Hudson River Park Taxation district
    103 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Ellsworth
  • Noise Pollution
    My petition is about being able to live in peace within my home. The trailer across the street has had their stereo blasting since September. My dad died in October & my mother broke her hip in November. I couldn't even grieve in peace. The music was so loud, I couldn't even hear my mother on the phone at times. The sheriff has came out twice. Within hours, the stereo is turned back up so loud that it's rattling my windows in my home. I can't turn the tv up high enough because of the vibration of the bass from their stereo. I have a beautiful acre on the edge of the Gila National Forest. I can't go into my yard to work my garden in the summer, or just to relax. I can't even read a book in my home, my favorite pastime. I can't escape the noise. When I have asked these people anything, I am screamed at with more vulgar language. I live alone, my voice needs to be heard. Three generations live in the trailers moved in across the street. All I am asking for is some peace & quiet in my home. CO has incredible laws in regard to people violating your privacy with their loud music. Why can't we adopt some of those laws? I just want the loud music to stop. I own my home, I can't just leave, I love it here.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Quandt
  • Obama International Airport
    Change the name of O'hare Airport to Obama Airport.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Gebel
  • Olympics Drop Greco Roman Wrestling
    Greco Roman wrestling has been a sport since the 1st Olympics in 1896. They are dropping it for an unknown new sport. They now have to join with about 7 "new sports" to be readmitted.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sandra Larson
  • Keep Wrestling in the Olympic Games
    The oldest sport known to man kind has taken a blow this week, with the IOC decideding that the founding olympic sport is not fit for the games being as there are too many "core games". This petition is to let the IOC kow that they have made a huge mistake and to revert their decision before it is too late.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by levi rose
  • Adult Gaming
    Myself along with thousands of adult,hard working individuals are now out of work because of the recent ruling in the State of North Carolina regarding adult gaming.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by marty cole
  • Bring in Gun Law to save our children and generations to come
    Bring in Gun Law to save our children and generations to come.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jay Rodrigo
  • Tell Colorado Governor Hickenlooper to support “Just One Day” on June 11, 2013 by urging all Colo...
    According to Colorado Department of Agriculture statistics for fiscal year 2011, Colorado animal shelters euthanized 31,751 animals. Many of these animals were adoptable and needlessly died. On June 11, 2013, animal shelters across the U.S. are taking a pledge to not kill any savable animals for Just One Day. We are asking for Official Colorado support for Just One Day, encouraging all of Colorado’s shelters to market their animals to the public, aggressively partner with rescue groups, host special adoption events that have discounted and affordable rates, stay open for extended hours, and ask their communities to help them empty the shelter in the best way possible, where no animals die.
    6,545 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by No Kill Colorado Coalition
  • End government support of this cruel experiment at University of Wisconsin
    I was dismayed to learn that the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) is still tormenting cats in cruel and useless "sound localization" experiments. Cats used in these experiments have steel coils implanted in their eyes, holes drilled into their skulls, and electrodes implanted in their brains. Sometimes, they even have their ears cut off or are intentionally deafened by having a toxic chemical applied to their inner ear. They are then deprived of food for several days in order to coerce them to look in the direction of sounds during experimental sessions in which their heads are immobilized by a bolt screwed to their skulls.
    6,800 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Leona Maddux
  • Montgomery Bell Park: Do Not Host The 2013 AmRen White Supremacist Conference
    Montgomery Bell Park in Dickson, Tennessee will be hosting a major annual conference of white supremacists for the second year in a row from April 5-7 2013. This is the 11th conference of the white supremacist group American Renaissance (AmRen). AmRen is designated a hate group by a number of human rights organizations. AmRen is listed as a terrorist organization by several states including Virginia. The presence of a terror group in Montgomery Bell Park is unacceptable and presents a clear and present danger to public health and safety. What is AmRen? Amren is a newsletter that publishes pseudo-scientific research which argues that people of color are intellectually and morally inferior to white people. The organization is led by a white supremacist named Jared Taylor. Previous attendees at the conference include Ku Klux Klan members (including former KKK “Grand Wizard” David Duke), neo-Nazis (such as Don Black who runs the neo-Nazi website “stormfront“), holocaust deniers, anti-immigration thugs, and other racist and fascist groups and people who promote racial hatred. Who is Supposed to be at the Conference This Year? Some speakers at this conference include: John Derbyshire an ex-writer for the National Review who was recently fired for a racist rant he published advising white parents to teach their children to “avoid concentrations of blacks not all known to you personally”, “before voting for a black politician scrutinize his/her character much more carefully than you would a white”, “do not act the Good Samaritan to blacks in apparent distress”, etc. He currently writes for a white supremacist and anti-immigration website called vdare where he wrote recently that, “White supremacy, in the sense of a society in which key decisions are made by white Europeans, is one of the better arrangements history has come up with.” Sam Dickson an anti-Semite who is a former lawyer for the Ku Klux Klan and holocaust denier. He is a white nationalist who attacks affirmative action, interracial marriage, gays and lesbians, and immigration. Fabrice Robert an Islamophobic anti-immigration activist who founded a fascist organization in France called Bloc Identitaire. Jared Taylor who believes that black people are genetically predisposed to having lower IQs than whites and has stated in an article published on his website that, “Blacks and whites are different. When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, western civilization, any kind of civilization, disappears.” What Can We Do? After signing the petition, please contact Dickson County mayor Bob Rial by calling 615-789-7000 and entering 5 to be connected to the office of the mayor. You can also call the park and voice your concerns at 615-797-9051. Here is an example of what you could say: "Hello my name is _____. I am concerned about the American Renaissance (AmRen) white supremacist conference that Montgomery Bell Park is planning to host from April 5th through the 7th. I see the decision to host this conference as an irresponsible promotion of racist ideology and if you do not cancel the conference I will no longer be able to patronize the Montgomery Bell Park Inn and will be advising my family and friends to do the same. American Renaissance is a terrorist organization and its presence in the park is a clear and present danger to public health and safety. This is unacceptable and I urge you to take immediate action on this issue."
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Park Defense Committee
  • highway safety act
    keeping tractor trailers on right side of the road and under 55mph while driving through a city or town
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jose