• PERA continues to be threatened by privatization ideology
    PERA has been around for 80 years and is successful and sustainable but is coming under attack by Right-wing Ideologues. PERA is only 2% of the Total State Budget, most coming from employees. I worked thirty one years with 8% coming out of my paycheck for my retirement. Now legislators want to take a huge economic stabilizer in our Colorado counties away and send money away to mutual fund managers in New York, San Francisco, etc.costing the state more.
    662 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Cyndi Ortman
  • peace love & hope
    Give peace to all. Love each other. Hope for the best!!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darlene Flugge
  • Arizona: Ban smoking around children in public places
    I'am a proud parent of a 2 year old baby girl. When visiting parks, and while waiting at bus stops I have witnessed adults smoking around children. These adults not only put my daughter at risk of 2nd hand smoke but also your children. It is our duty to defend those who cannot fend for themselves therefore a ban must be put in place to protect our loved ones
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Devin
  • Citizens Demand that Fresno County Settle the Jail Lawsuit!
    Fresno County cannot afford to continue to poor hundreds of thousands of dollars defending a lawsuit they know they can not win. Too much money is wasted trying to hide or delay the ultimate judgement against the Fresno County Jail. Investing dollars used to fight this class action lawsuit, would go much further if it were used to the improve and restore conditions of adequate healthcare and mental health services to constituitonal standards. Fresno Co. Board of Supervisors you have that power, we demand that you use it! Settle this lawsuit and see to it that the defendants of this lawsuit focus on the priorities on improving adequate inmate healthcare and mental health services to constitutional standards at the Fresno County Jail.
    143 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Reyes
  • Goats in Albany
    We have kept goats in the past that were like members of the family and provided us with delicious and nutritious milk, cheese and yoghourt. We live in Albany and would like to keep them again.
    297 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Suzanne Popkin
  • Support our US postal system
    Our postal system is the best in the world with a long tradition of keeping us in touch with the whole country and the world. Please DONT Dismantle IT. The US POstal system belongs to the American people
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Triano
  • Stop the Wolf Hunt
    Last year the Minnesota Legislature passed the first Wolf hunt in decades by attaching it to a spending cut bill. Voting against this bill would have been political suicide so it was passed not for the Wolf hunt but as a result of the other expenditure cuts! Sneaky politics!!
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cathy Anderson
    We support a kentucky state law that bans and outlaws all use of any types of tobacco products cigarettes,cigars,tobacco snuff,chewing tobacco at all public buildings and all places of work or employment anywhere in the state of kentucky.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Randy Pritchett
  • Eliminate hand-held devices while driving
    Eliminate hand-held devices while driving
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Miriam Babbitt
  • Save Our Post Office Vermont
    Our goal is to save the U.S. Postal Service from drastic cuts in service. We want the postal service to cease closing mail processing plants. We want the postal service to continue 6 day delivery and we want the postal service to stop closing post offices and cutting retail operating hours. Our goal is to see the dramatic pre payments into retirement accounts to stop and be returned to the postal service. We are proud of our postal network in Vermont and want to keep it the way it is.
    1,510 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jerry Stidman
  • Ban Fake Caller ID apps!
    Fake caller ID apps are DANGEROUS and need to be illegal! PLEASE READ!
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bradlee Blanchard
  • Help End Dead Beat Parents!
    I am a single mother and sole provider for my son and the state has failed in its duties to assist me in enforcing a court ordered child support (the collection of monies from his biological father). The State should be more aggressive and proactive in pursuing these matters on behalf of the custodial parents.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by TENAYA JOHNSON