• Reinstate Carver Recreation Center Hours
    The Carver Recreation Center was and always has been a venue for the black community of Charlottesville to rent for private dances, social affairs, parties, wedding receptions, etc. These events could start as early as 4:00 PM or as late as 10:00 PM. Carver is housed in the historic Jefferson School, which at one time as the only all Black school in Charlottesville. It has been renovated, a small part preserved, but many new things have been added. i.e., Clinic, daycare, roller skating, new gym, etc. In doing this the hours were changed, they are 6:00-12:00 midnight. We would like to see the hours put back to what they have always been, enable to continue to accomodate a community that has lost so much, and never to be able to regain it.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dorenda Johnson
  • redress, a civil right
    Steven Chester of San Jose was hospitalized for Hepitius - C for 8 months in the year{s} 2009 - 2010 at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Hospital.While treated with Neosephrin he lost circulation in his extremities and became an unwitting amputee; feet and fingers. His attempts at his day in court have been denied. I am petitioning for Steven at the importunity of his sister, Deborah Fletcher.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Herb Garfield
  • Mr. President: Save Father's Rights
    Father's are increasingly being push out of children's live by mothers, with the help of family courts. The popular belief among most judges in the us family court system is that children are better off with mothers. Leaving most fathers to be treated like ATM machines. I am among the "dead beat father population" not by choice, but because I simply can not afford the amounts that my child support is set at. If you are serious about what you spoke of, when it comes to fathers in the USA, then you need to take a look at how fathers are being treated in the family cout system.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jobe Levesque
  • Label GMO Foods For Public Safety
    Foods created with GMO seeds are scientifically proven unhealthy and potentially dangerous. We have a right to know what is in our food, what seeds it is grown from, and when it is GMO in order to be responsible for our own health. Corporations should NOT have the right to use the media to scare unaware consumers.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexia Wacks
  • Slash Student Loan Debt!
    My son and daughter-in-law have $140,000 in student loans. He is working at Home Depot part time. It's the only job he can find. Get this, they are hiring 55 new people for the store he works in. No one is allowed to work more than 24 hours so Home Depot doesn't have to offer benefits. The student loan debt is killing them.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gail Gillies
  • Electric Co-op Companies Regulations
    The PUC has no authority over Electric Co-op's, so customers have no recourse.Under the current law; customers within a co-op's service area cannot change companies.Demand meters are a rip-off for the companies. We were forced to close our business.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jackie Dickson
  • End Lane Splitting CA DMV
    In the interest of safety and to prevent the inevitable accidents by the uncertain movements of irresponsible drivers on California's Freeways. Governor Brown, please either enumerate the benefits of such a dangerous practice or ban it on all roads with clear and appropriate enforcement policies. Adding reasons to be a defensive driver is not in the interest of safety
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John V
  • Pass Sara Howard's Adoption Bill LB 380!!
    LB 380 will provide for two unmarried adults to jointly adopt and clarifies provisions in the State law to allow for second parent adoption. This bill will protect children and allow families the protection of the law that they need.
    1,970 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Mika Covington
  • Tell Harry Reid to Keep the Senate in Session
    Harry Reid must keep the Senate in session until there's vote on Chuck Hegel for Secretary of Defense and not let them go off on vacation before doing so.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leslye Janusx
  • Strengthen Gun Control Laws
    Altough I don't have a strong connection to this topic, I feel very strongly about it. Too many innocent people are being killed. If we strengthen our gun control laws, the death rate from murders with guns will dramatically decrease.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tia
  • protect u.s. citizens from unjust indian sovereignty rights
    I was injured on Salt River Indian Reservation and immediately became aware of the very limited rights U S citizens have regarding protection on all Indian Reservations as they are protected by Native American Sovereignty, which really means they are a foreign country. Please write your elected officials and ask them to take action to enact laws to protect you while you are visiting Indian Reservations where you are not even always guaranteed payouts for jackpots.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bryon Haywood Thomas
  • Petition for Removal
    Their is great concern from the public for the safety of tribal members on the Island and the future of the Police Dept. Robert Bryant (Chief of Police) has had numerous complaints filed against him from tribal and nontribal members.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Francis