Why should Staten Islanders have to "PAY" to get home?I live on Staten Island and have to pay a hefty toll to get home either on the Gothals, Verazzanno or Outerbridge Crossings. I get a Staten Island resident discount but it is still a great deal to have to pay each trip: $5.76 on the Verazzanno, $10.25 on the Outerbridge and Gothals and if people visit me they pay $13.50 per trip! These bridges are the only way onto the island by car and I think it is absolute robbery one has to pay such a lot just to get home!14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Hannah Piteo
Don't End Saturday Mail DeliveryOn February 6, 2013, the United States Postmaster General announced plans to end Saturday mail delivery across the United States. Ending Saturday delivery is not the solution to end USPS's financial problems. Saturday delivery provides vital services to our communities, seniors and small businesses. Ending the delivery will affect all of us, but especially those in rural areas that do not have access to internet. This is not the solution to a sound USPS, and does nothing more than cut good-paying jobs. Tell the Postmaster General to reverse course and not cut Saturday mail delivery.1,237 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Christian Norton
Governor Quinn: stop the butchering of Chicago kids.Many kids die in South Side of Chicago every day. Even though Chicago has strict gun safety laws, guns come in from neigbouring towns and cities. We need to stop this carnage by having uniform gun safety laws in the whole state just like New York.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Raminder Kumar
aflciodemo test petitionthis is a test petition2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by AFLCIO Demo
Senate "seclusion and restraint" Bill 345Today I read a story in the Indy Star about Shaylyn Searcy, an 8-year-old girl with Down syndrome who was emotionally and physically mistreated at her school. Without even attempting to contact her parents, her shoes were duct taped "all the way from her feet up around the tops of her ankles." When she arrived home, her mother, Elizabeth Searcy, had to carry her from the bus, because her feet hurt too bad to move. They immediately took their daughter back to the school where it took 30 minutes to remove the tape. "...it was industrial duct tape. It literally pulled fabric off her socks and vinyl off her shoes it was so strong." The tape left bruises on her ankles. Bill 345 is up for a vote in the Senate Education Committee next week which will require local school boards to approve policies on seclusion and restraint on children with special needs in the state of Indiana. As a mother and previous teacher I am sadenes, sickened, outraged and want to know how I can help ensure the passing of this bill, similar bills in other states , and future bills designed to educate teachers to handle these situations properly.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Samantha Ostler
Say NO to CuomoLast month NY state was awarded $51 billion dollars in the Federally funded Disaster Relief package. Do you know one person that has seen a penny of that money? Governor Cuomo has and he wants to profit on it!!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dorenda Bainbridge
STOP THE INTEREST on Arrears Child Support in CaliforniaI pay Child support for my son. His Dad won sole physical custody by a fluke in the justice system. I don't mind paying support it is my responsibility. I mind paying interest to the State of California. I sent in a $1000 payment and my balance due did not change. Most of that was applied to the interest. I did not borrow money from the state, why do I pay interest to them. I inquired who was getting the interest and was told it goes to the custodial parent. Because my son's father refuses to speak to me I asked him if he received a check for $1000 and would not say. If the money goes straight to the custodial parent why didn't they forward the $1000 to my son's father. Now they want to take my driver's license because I am in the arrears by $1000. If they do , I won't be able to work and my son father won't receive a penny. My son will be the one who loses.73 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Constance Roman
Mayor Bloomberg, make nyc shelters no kill sheltersour treatment of dogs and cats in the nyc shelters is disgusting. I have seen the cruelty and inhumanity there. there is a better way through education, spay/neuter programs and a no kill equation.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by barbara sandberg
Bring our troops home now.We spend more on defense than the next 13 countries put together. This is ridiculis. Cut defense spending and it will help cut down on that ridiculis deficit Georfe W. caused. As history will tell you the deficit started when George W. lowered the taxes when we were in the middle of a war. This had never been done before. We are all paying for it now.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Wayne Thorson
Our elderly should have solar, geothermal and wind energy in their homes so they can live with d...The elderly in our communities. I have a friend who worked for the gas company and he was ordered to cut off service for the elderly even they had medical need of the service. It's horrible to know that our elderly with their small fixed incomes must pay light and gas companies for service that can be renewable and sustainable! If home appliances and water heaters are converted to electric they can be serviced with solar,wind and/ or geothermal energy! Most of all they need not fear being cut off due to high rising gas and electric services! Solar, wind, geothermal among other ways can help our elderly stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer, the best part is they can have their dignity! Honor all our elders!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Liliana
Mayor Caldwell join MAYORS AGAINST ILLEGAL GUNSHawaii has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation. By joining Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Honolulu’s newly elected Mayor Kirk Caldwell can share the Aloha State’s best practices with mayors nationwide AND decisively take a bold stand against special interest groups in supporting the 9 out of 10 Americans--many of whom are in his own state of Hawaii—that were first sickened, then mobilized into action by the Sandy Hook tragedy. We are urging Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell to help America stop the horrible epidemic of gun violence! Join Mayors Against Illegal Guns! 41 of our children, friends & family members died in 2012 school shootings. Since Sandy Hook, 6 more are dead. How many more must die before our elected government representatives: •Stand up to greedy self-serving special interest groups. •Listen to the anguished voices of mourning families among the 9 out of 10 Americans crying out for change? We urge you, Honolulu Mayor Caldwell, to support your fellow mayors and the overwhelming majority of people in your state of Hawaii and the nation in demanding background checks and bans on illegal guns! Join Mayors Against Gun Violence!259 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Joyce Charles
FREE DEALEY PLAZA! 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF JFK'S DEATH HAS BEEN HIJACKED!The 50th Anniversary of the Kennedy assassination will be held Nov. 22, 2013 in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, where President John F. Kennedy was shot, but the City of Dallas and the 6th Floor Museum have taken over Dealey Plaza. They say they will allow no mention of Kennedy's death, will allow only city residents entry to Dealey Plaza, issuing entry tickets. All others can assemble in a designated area far from Dealey Plaza, where they can be subject to arrest as felons if any disturbances (which can be created by infiltrators) take place. COPA and others who traditionally spoke on the Grassy Knoll for decades have been denied permits to speak, buy or sell, or to hold a moment of silence. We demand that Dealey Plaza be opened to all Americans. COPA, which traditionally held a moment of silence, eulogies and speeches regarding the assassination, has been denied the expected permit to gather on the Grassy Knoll. This petition is not associated with COPA but stands as a demand for the freedom of speech of the people, and for access to Dealey Plaza for all Americans, without impediments or arrest. The City of Dallas and the 6th Floor Museum will monopolize this event and make their opinions the only ones to be heard. Their actions constitute obstruction of justice for Kennedy and for Oswald..We will demand free access to Dealey Plaza for Nov. 21, 22, 23 and 24, 2013. We will demand that permits will be issued at a reasonable cost and without delays, beginning July 5, 2013. Sign this petition to open Dealey Plaza to ALL AMERICANS today!40 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Judyth Vary Baker