• Texas TDCJ Coalition
    Give raises to Correctional Officers who risk their lives and reputation to protect the Public from dangerous criminals.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wayne Boyd
  • Guns kill because people shoot them
    I have been mugged twice, and because of the strict gun laws in Hudson County, New Jersey, I did not face a gun in either mugging. Stop using the Constitution as an excuse to keep people armed with guns. You know perfectly well it states that people in organized militias should carry guns & own guns. Unless the millions of citizens who legally own guns are in government recognized, organized militias, they should not carry guns. End of story. Try actually reading the Constitution, & tell the head the NRA to actually read the Constitution too. Maybe after reading the Constitution, he will shut up, & you people who were elected to run the country will actually uphold the Constitution & do what it says - allow guns in organized militias only!!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
  • Cannabis vs. Climate Change
    Cannabis agriculture is both unique and essential for resolving climate change. California's Governor must take responsibility for the true essential value of Cannabis. A protocol to implement "essential civilian demand" for "hemp" (Executive Order 13603) must be implemented in time to plant a crop in California this spring.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul von Hartmann
  • Gun Control
    To place lives at risk because shooting a rapid fire weapon is FUN is ridiculous. Assault weapons are aptly named, but who are you assaulting?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Ginsberg
  • No Franken Fish In Oregon
    To preserve the integrity of our food our fishing industry, and our environment Say no to Genetically Modified Salmon in Oregon.
    247 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Stacey
  • Mr. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama: Address the rampant violence in Chicago...
    Hadiya Pendleton, a 15-year old girl, who performed at Obama's Second Inaugural events was just slain on South Side of Chicago after leaving school, about a mile away from the sitting President's home and NOW is the time to speak out. We need to confront the sources of violence such as ignorance and poverty. We don't need the reactionary call simply for more police to further the Prison Industrial Complex whose Wall Street financial success is dependent upon society's failures. This could have been your daughter. "Silence is betrayal" -MLK
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by kymone freeman
  • Do NOT hire Ray Lewis for ESPN
    As NFL fans, we do not want to see someone with questionable character to represent fans. Ray Lewis has been convicted of a crime. He took a plea for obstruction of justice. And, with the new deer antler spray accusation, his character is once again in question. Please do not hire this man to represent your show and the NFL.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deana
  • Control the Bullets
    It simple: JUST CONTROL THE BULLETS. Let gun lovers have their guns and let them hunt and let them target practice and let them have security of guns. But don't let them have lots of bullets. Then, they won't kill innocent children. I know control of anything is most difficult, but controlling the bullets is easier than controlling all those guns.
    1 of 100 Signatures
  • Control the Bullets
    It simple: JUST CONTROL THE BULLETS. Let gun lovers have their guns and let them hunt and let them target practice and let them have security of guns. But don't let them have lots of bullets. Then, they won't kill innocent children. I know control of anything is most difficult, but controlling the bullets is easier than controlling all those guns.
    1 of 100 Signatures
  • Ban Assaulted Weapon
    Pass Assaulted Weapon law
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cynthia
  • Petition on trapping and bear baiting regulations
    The lack of adequate response from BOG-FAG concerning trapping and bear baiting issues on residential and multiple use public lands is a safety issue for all users. There is possibly a legal issue as well since trapping limits the safe use of public lands to a single use by minority users.
    6,066 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Ken Green
  • Mandatory Gun Locks Now
    Gun legislation is a farse and there are 3 million assault rifles!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rich Frankfeldt