5 year-old girl: Help Find Justice For Bubbles.On January 10, 2013 the news reported a 5 year-old girl living in Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania for wanting to invite her friend to play with a bubble gun. She was labeled as a 'terrorist threat' and suspended at first for 10 days but the then nailed down to 2 and terrorized for wanting to shoot a bubble gun. The little girl was overheard by a parent and was not on school grounds when it happened. Here are links to the article: http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/21/us/pennsylvania-girl-suspended/index.html http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/World/2013/01/21/20513981.html?cid=rssnews1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary
Stop the Texas Birther Bill (HB 650)On Wednesday, January 23, Republican State Representative Bill Zedler filed House Bill 650 - a birther bill. The legislation would require any candidate for President or Vice-President to submit his or her birth certificate to the Texas Secretary of State in order to be allowed on the ballot. The application to be on the ballot, including the birth certificate, would be matters of public record. The law would take effect immediately if it received 2/3 the vote of the Texas Legislature. On April 27, 2011, President Obama released his long form birth certificate to the media and the public, putting the issue to rest for all but the fringe element of the Republican and Tea Party. That any lawmaker would still be obsessing about this issue is embarrassing. Rep. Zedler - a fringe, Tea Party conservative - is not new to crazy ideas. He once tried to remove official complaints made against a doctor who injected jet fuel into his patients. (The doctor also just happened to have given money to Rep. Zedler's campaign.) Rep. Zedler has also filed legislation to bar discrimination against professors who teach intelligent design, and another to outlaw Sharia law in Texas. It's almost like Glenn Beck got elected to the State House. Sign our petition today and let Rep. Bill Zedler know Texas has far more important problems than this.14,999 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Matt Glazer
Keep Kim in May 2014 ClassWe are in need of your assistance. A grave injustice is being served to one of our fellow classmates, Kim Brown. Kim suffered the loss of her baby after having to emergently deliver her at just 21weeks gestation. The baby unfortunately did not make it and the nursing school is attempting to force Kim to retake peds/ob clinical because she missed one week (although there are a built in 2 make up days) and told her not to come to the next week (thus now missing 4 clinical days not by choice). She has been told that she can still continue on for medsurg clinicals and hopefully make up peds/ob this summer if someone in the accelerated program drops out, which so far no one has. We are asking for your signature on the below petition for the school of nursing to allow Kim to make up the clinical days on the built in make up days and also during her medsurg clinical rotation ( she's in pep and will only have to go one day so the other day she can fit in peds/ob). This is very time sensitive so please add your name below if you would like to help fight this injustice and support Kim. Thank you.208 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Karli Carmichael
Rhode Island lawmakers: Take the lead on marijuana regulationIn order to better fund drug treatment and prevention, undermine illegal markets, and keep our children and families safe, Rhode Island needs sensible marijuana regulation. It's time to end the failed policy of marijuana prohibition and establish a controlled regulatory framework that will boost Rhode Island's economy, take control away from criminals, and prevent youth access.198 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jared Moffat
SignOn is awesomeWhy is SignOn so Awesome1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Adam Quinn
Gun ControlI want to remove all assault weapons from everyone, except the military and police. It is not right that innocent children be killed because someone wants to be macho.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Laura Leder
Pres. Obama: You have 100 days to fix what Wall Street brokeThe first 100 days of the second Obama Administration is moment when we begin to judge President Obama’s legacy. This as his last chance to ensure a legacy of justice for the millions of homeowners, taxpayers and retirees whose homes, savings, and pensions were stolen by Wall Street bankers. On Martin Luther King, Jr Day, when President Obama said, “Our country cannot succeed when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it”, we took him at his word. That’s why today, along with allies like the Campaign for a Fair Settlement, we are launching the “100 Days to Fix What Wall Street Broke” campaign. We cannot address the growing many barely able to make it if we do not address the mess Wall Street bankers have left us. While it’s always easy to beat up on Congress, the President and his Administration can take strong and effective actions to achieve these goals without any action at all by Congress. All it requires is the courage and determination to stand up to Wall Street. So that’s what we’re demanding: bold action. The Administration must use every available legal, enforcement, and market tool available to keep the President’s past promises and hold Wall Street accountable. President Obama’s legacy will rest on how future generations perceive his ability to deal with the core cause of the economic wreckage of the past four years: reckless practices by Wall Street bankers emboldened by lax regulation, poor oversight, and their outsized influence in the halls of Congress. Our 100 Days Campaign gives him the opportunity to live up to his best intentions and past pledges.142 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Nathan Henderson-James
Cost of Living Raises for State EmployeesGive a cost of living raise to State Employees each year, due to the cost of living increasing each year.128 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Shelia Garrett
Replace Harry Reid as Majority LeaderHarry Reid has sold out progressives too many times to count. This latest capitulation to the right, on filibuster reform is just the latest outrage. It's time for more aggressive leadership.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barry Hill
Sane gun lawsWe cannot prevent crime, but we can reduce the number of injuries ans fatalities.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ralph Prince
Regulation Of Motorized Wheel Chairs.As a driver of a motor vehicle, I have observed several motorized wheel chairs driving in the break down lane and some times in the road. I feel this presents a hazard, to motorist.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Couto
Act on Expanded Gaming Revue Before BudgetVoting favorably for expanded gaming revenues will reduce the need to cut important programs, increase opportunities to create jobs and will facilitate ease in producing a balanced budget. The House has to consider sound advice starting now.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard B. LaBonte