• change the superbowl to saturdays
    changing the superbowl would create alot more business for small businesses.Because most people have off on sundays
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard c trust
  • Governor Walker: Don't rig federal elections
    If portions of Act 10 wasn't seen as an obvious political move to defund the political opposition, changing the way Wisconsin counts the Electoral College votes will make it clear to this sophisticated electorate that Walker is at it again.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Tafel
  • Farm animals need shelter too
    Are you observing the blizzard from the window in the comfort of your home? Are you enjoying a blazing 103 degree day under the shade tree? All living creatures seek shelter from inclement weather. What if you were prevented from doing so?
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzann
  • Megatons to Megawatts
    There are currently around 17,000 nuclear warheads in the world that can be converted into electrical energy. Given that there is an energy shortage and an overabundance of weapons, why don't we balance the equation?
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Grant Neuens
  • Iowa Puppy Mills
    To get legislation passed in Iowa to have strict laws against Puppy Mills. We would like them shut down & if that can't happen, then very tough inspections. We need to be their voice. The puppy mill breeders (they are not true breeders) are raking in $1M plus a year.
    174 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Melinda
  • Massachusetts state legIslators: Ban assault weapons and large gun clips.
    I am a teacher and a parent. I want to make future Newtown massacres less likely to happen.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John MacLean
  • Fluoridization of our Drinking Water
    The General Assembly enacted legislation in 1969 that required all public drinking water systems that serve more than 5,000 residents to fluoridate their water. That 1969 state law allowed communities to opt out via referenda in 1970 and several did. Today, there is no mechanism for additional communities to opt out of that requirement. Just as The Safe Drinking Water Act has a review period to examine practices every six years, we believe Ohio State should allow communities to vote periodically on the desire or need for this waste product to be added to our drinking water. The Safe Drinking Water Act is currently under review, and I'm told by Dr. Joyce Donohue’s office at the CDC, there are plans to lower the U.S. recommendations for acceptable levels of fluoride for public drinking water. Adding Fluoride to our drinking water is another example of "herd" treatment that can have severe health implications for individuals among our "herd". As citizens in an era of easy access to information, unlike the 1970's, we can visit sites such as www.fluoridealert.org and become educated. Here is some language from the Ohio Department of Health Bureau of Oral Health Services website that may add some clarity to the situation: 'Does Ohio require fluoridation? In 1969, convinced of the public health benefits of community water fluoridation, the Ohio General Assembly passed a law requiring fluoridation of public water supplies that serve more than 5,000 persons. The law provided customers of the affected water systems the opportunity to be exempted through a referendum held within 240 days of the law’s passage. Which cities are exempt? Thirty Ohio communities held special referenda in 1970 and were exempted from the law. Since then, eight of those communities have reversed the decision. Athens, Bellefontaine, Bellevue, Fairborn, Lebanon, Middletown, Delaware and Tipp City are now fluoridated. However, 22 communities remain exempt from fluoridation' Everyone has access to fluoridated products, no matter what your financial status may be. It's in toothpaste, mouthwash, dental rinses, offered through dental program as well as the foods and drinks we consume every day. Baby formula contains fluoride. It is a waste product and according to www.fluoridealert.org's "50 REASONS TO OPPOSE FLUORIDATION", has a cumulative effect, interferes with hydrogen bonding, inhibits numerous enzymes and when complexed with aluminum, interferes with G-proteins (Bigay 1985,1987) which has the potential with many hormonal and some neurochemical signals. It has been shown to be mutagenic, cause chromosome damage and interefer with the enzymes involved with DNA repair in a variety of tissue studies (Tsutsui 1984; Caspary 1987; Kashi 1993 and Mihashi 1996). The time has come to amend this law and allow communities another chance to vote for their right to safe drinking water.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Kavanaugh
  • I demand a 'Cars 3' Movie!
    My toddler brother and I would be so excited if Cars 3 was made, and I want to get word out so that there's a higher possibility. Everywhere I go, I see little boys with Cars clothes and figures, and I think it would be a great idea for Cars3!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shannon
  • Ask NH Chiefs of Police to Give Up the Gun Giveaway
    The New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police is raising money for police cadet camp with a raffle that gives away a gun a day in the month of May. The first listed gun prize is a Ruger SR-556C, a semiautomatic weapon. The New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police have received an offer from a concerned citizen's group to buy out the raffle, covering the price of all tickets sold, and a jeweler is willing to used the melted guns to create items to benefit victims of gun violence. Ask the New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police to take the win/win/win option and save lives.
    3,613 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Sheila Evans
  • Voluntary Gun Buy Back
    Camden NJ did this for one day and bought back over a thousand guns. That's a thousand less on the streets of Camden
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Voluntary Gun Buy Back
  • Stricter Guideslines for gun ownership.
    I have a close relative that is mentally ill. In the past, he owned several guns and threatened me and other family members for decades. Most of his arsenal was obtained at gun shows in California. After being arrested and convicted of violating mine and my then-minor daughter's restraining order with firearms, he no longer has access to easily obtainable firearms. This is good, but too little, ALMOST too late.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeannine Rouse
  • Label GMO Food
    Consumers have a right to know what they are consuming and should have the right to choose their level of risk associated with these products through properly labeled food packaging. Please ask our legislators in Wisconsin to require proper labeling of GMO food that is sold here.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jodi Daniels