• Teva Pharmaceuticals: Stop price-gouging and cap your inhalers at $35 NOW!
    People with asthma and COPD should not have to suffer through Teva’s price-gouging just to access the inhalers they need to survive. There is absolutely ZERO excuse for Teva to be the only major inhaler manufacturer that hasn’t capped out-of-pocket costs at $35. There is no cure for asthma or COPD, which means that people with these diseases need their inhalers to survive. But because of the corporate greed of inhaler companies like Teva, many have had to ration their doses due to the costliness of inhalers. Families should not have to choose between food, shelter, and electricity or their lifesaving medication while corporate executives line their pockets, but that is the reality that many Americans are facing. And in the midst of the pandemic, the worst public health crisis in the U.S., and while one out of five Americans cannot afford the medicine prescribed by their doctors, Teva has made $1.7 BILLION in revenue on their inhalers in the past five years alone. Teva has used profit from that revenue to provide huge multimillion-dollar compensation packages to the CEO and other top executives at the company while their patients ration their inhaler doses (if they can even afford them to begin with). Teva Pharmaceuticals still hasn’t, but Sen. Sanders says that Teva Pharmaceuticals is considering joining the other three major inhaler manufacturers in capping their inhaler costs at $35. That’s where we come in. We have to keep up the pressure to ensure that they listen and follow through. Together, we can make it happen. Will you sign the petition and send it to three friends to spread the word?
    1,053 of 2,000 Signatures
  • Vertol Systems: STOP profiting off of deceived migrants and stop the inhumane flights NOW!
    Ron DeSantis, Florida Republicans, and Vertol Systems didn’t stop with the Martha’s Vineyard flight. In June, 36 Latin American migrants were deceived and promised work, housing, and food if they agreed to be flown to California on a chartered flight organized by Vertol Systems. And just last month, DeSantis floated the idea of flying Haitian migrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Enough is enough! We have to stop these flights before it’s too late. The migrants who were trafficked to Martha’s Vineyard have since sued Vertol Systems, and a federal judge has allowed the lawsuit to proceed and said that there was evidence to support that the migrants were targeted because they were Latinx. The federal judge recognized these sham flights as a political stunt asserting that DeSantis was exploiting migrants "in a scheme to boost the national profile of Defendant DeSantis and manipulate them for political ends,” and ruled that the treatment of these migrants was "extreme, outrageous, uncivilized, intolerable, and stunning.” It’s shameful that instead of treating asylum-seekers with the due process, dignity and care they deserve, Vertol Systems and Republican governors like Ron DeSantis are exploiting them and using them as political pawns. These are not isolated incidents. They are deliberate actions relentlessly carried out by anti-immigrant Republicans. It’s completely unacceptable, and there is no excuse for Vertol Systems to continue profiting off of deceived migrants. They must stop organizing the flights NOW. Will you take action and sign the petition?
    17,043 of 20,000 Signatures
  • Step down from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s spoiler presidential ticket!
    READ THE OPEN LETTER BELOW: Dear Nicole Shanahan, While I completely respect third parties and the right for anyone to run for public office, I am deeply concerned that Robert F. Kennedy’s name on the ballot in swing states could tilt the election in Donald Trump’s favor. Another Trump presidency would be disastrous – for our environment, for our economy, and our democracy. My concerns about RFK Jr.’s campaign swinging the election in Trump’s favor aren’t coming out of thin air. The latest polling from late March showed Trump taking a 1-point lead when RFK Jr., Cornel West, and Jill Stein were on the ballot. Even Trump himself, and other members of his team, have admitted that a RFK Jr. ticket will help his reelection. I admire your commitment to exploring bold solutions to the climate crises, including the recent $1.105 million grant that the Bia-Echo Foundation provided to Iowa State for regenerative agriculture research. This is why I am so concerned by your decision to join a ticket that may hand the election to Trump. According to a new report by Carbon Brief, a second Trump presidency could lead to an additional 4 billion tons of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by reversing the Inflation Reduction Act, expanding drilling operations on public lands, and defunding the EPA. While you may have fair disagreements on the Democratic Party's platform, it is clear that a second term for Trump would be disastrous for climate and undo the work of President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act, the most significant action Congress has taken on clean energy and climate change in our nation's history. We can’t afford such a fatal blow to building a clean energy economy. We need you in the Democratic coalition to help reelect President Biden and to push for bold climate solutions. Your climate leadership would be welcome in our big tent. I know you don’t agree with President Biden on every issue. Neither do I. Despite being a surrogate for the President, I have criticized his position on the Willow Project, which opens part of the pristine Arctic tundra and wetland to oil production. I continue to push the President to end the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East by calling for an immediate ceasefire and the release of all hostages. Nevertheless, l wholeheartedly support him in the November election and campaign vigorously for him all over the country because I know he is our best choice for president. This election is, as a practical matter, a binary choice between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. On January 20, 2025, one will take the oath of office in our nation's capital. We will either have a President who has passed the most significant climate legislation in history or a President who does not believe there is a climate crisis. I hope you consider this as a sincere and open invitation. Please feel free to reach out any time to discuss. Warmly, Ro Khanna
    13,238 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Ro Khanna
  • Get Mr. Bryan back his job!
    Not only is Mr. Bryan an amazing person just in general. He is one of the very few teachers today who still absolutely give their all to his children in his class, and every other child in that school as a matter of fact, Bryan is there to feed their minds and teach them, there is not one child in that school that doesn’t absolutely adore Bryan , because of his work ethics his ethics as a human being and his teacher ethics bring back Bryan immediately!!
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cassandra Doolittle
  • Repeal the Comstock Act!
    The Comstock Act—if enforced—is a law that prohibits the mailing of contraceptives through the mail. If the GOP wins the presidency this November, Donald Trump could enforce this law, which is still on the books though it's long been unenforced—and therefore restrict access to medication abortion, as well as other contraceptives. That's right: It's a backdoor to an abortion ban—as well as an attack on birth control, which the right wing has its targets set on—and the Supreme Court is handing Donald Trump the key. Repeal the Comstock Act NOW! Stop anti-abortion extremists' efforts to push a nationwide medication abortion ban and to limit access to birth control and other reproductive health care.
    38,801 of 40,000 Signatures
  • Don’t Ban TikTok!
    TikTok is a place where millions of Americans have gone to find community, education, to grow their small businesses, and to organize on issues that affect our communities. It should not be banned. Members of Congress are claiming that banning TikTok is an issue of national security and data privacy, meanwhile little has been done to pass a comprehensive data law that protects us from all social media companies. In 2018, it was revealed that a data analytics firm that worked with Donald Trump’s election team harvested 50 million Facebook profiles of American voters. This was one of Facebook’s biggest data breaches ever, and the data was used to build a software program that influenced the 2016 election by targeting them with political advertisements. TikTok shouldn’t get singled out when privacy, data tracking, and data harvesting is an issue with ALL social media platforms. After members of Congress in the House of Representatives voted to pass a law to ban TikTok, it was revealed that some of those who voted for the TikTok ban may own $29 million to $126 million worth of stock in TikTok’s competitors like Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft, and Snapchat. This means that many of the same politicians who voted for a TikTok ban would financially benefit from a TikTok ban. It’s unacceptable. A TikTok ban would also harm small businesses. Over 5 million small businesses have TikTok accounts and TikTok generated $14.7 BILLION in revenue just last year which created over 224,000 U.S. jobs.Banning TikTok could be financially devastating for millions of people across the country. The truth is, data privacy is a huge issue. Companies track our data, our conversations, the things we view on social media platforms and use it to target us, and then sell our information to third parties all the time. But this isn’t just a TikTok issue. It’s a Big Tech issue. And just banning TikTok won’t fix it. Only passing strong national privacy legislation will truly protect us and our data. And together, we can demand it. In the meantime, we must come together to ensure that members of Congress don’t avoid the real issues at hand and that they don’t violate our free speech by banning TikTok. Will you take action now and sign the petition?
    32,709 of 35,000 Signatures
  • Stop working with Boeing and retire your Boeing planes NOW!
    Out of Alaska Airlines' 314 operational airplanes, 73% of Alaska Airlines' fleet are Boeing planes. And United Airlines, one of the largest airlines in the world and one of Boeing's top customers, has more Boeing 737 Max 9 aircrafts than any other airline. They had five serious incidents with Boeing planes last week alone. Since 2020, there have been a shocking 1,800 service difficulty reports from airlines to government regulators about the Boeing 737 Max planes—from fuel leaks to engine stalls. But despite the glaring and egregious safety concerns with Boeing's production, Alaska Airlines, as of August 28, has transitioned to an all-Boeing fleet. The Alaska Airlines Boeing incident is the third major incident from Boeing in the past five years—with the two heartbreaking crashes in 2018 and 2019 that resulted in the death of more than 340 people. And less than a month before January's Alaska Airlines Boeing incident, employees at a Boeing supplier sounded the alarm about safety concerns with Boeing 737 Max jets, but their warnings were ignored, they were told to falsify records, and workers were retaliated against for speaking out. But this is not new. Boeing’s former CEO, Dennis Muilenburg, was fired and accused of creating a culture that put profits ahead of safety, notably telling Congress, "We don't 'sell' safety; that's not our business model." Even Boeing employees, journalists, and investigators have said that Boeing has cut corners and prioritized cost-cutting over safety and employee concerns. The dangerous and deadly trend of Boeing aircraft accidents is alarming. We can't allow Boeing to earn billions of dollars while potentially cutting corners and allowing glaring safety issues to slip past. Major airlines like Alaska Airlines, Delta Airlines, United Airlines, and Southwest Airlines must do the right thing and retire their Boeing planes. Will you sign the petition?
    460 of 500 Signatures
  • Affordable housing
    This topic of affordable housing is important because of the homelessness around Massachusetts that has been occurring. There is also inflation that is causing the prices of Massachusetts housing to increase at a sky rocketing price! Affordable housing is important so everyone has a place to live an thrive! Wouldn't you want to have somewhere to live, and be able to go at night to stay?
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bella Franco
  • Don’t Platform Election Deniers!
    Ronna McDaniel, a 2020 election denier, Trump ally and former Republican National Committee chair, has just been hired by NBC to be a political commentator. Ronna McDaniel actively attempted to sabotage the 2020 election results and continues to sow doubt about the integrity of the 2020 election, claiming that the election was rigged and that mail-in voting allowed for fraudulent ballots to be cast, despite investigations proving this false. Being an election denier has literally paid off for McDaniel. Election deniers should be held accountable for their attempts to undermine our democracy, not rewarded with high-profile jobs. Upon the announcement, Carrie Budoff Brown, who oversees NBC News political coverage, claimed that McDaniel would provide “an insider’s perspective on national politics and the future of the Republican Party.” Election deniers should not be being platformed as trustworthy sources. It’s both irresponsible and wrong to reward her with this role. Sign the petition to demand NBC fire Ronna McDaniel as a political commentator now!
    67,329 of 75,000 Signatures
  • Backpacks in class
    Having backpacks in class is a way to make everything more organized and it’s faster to go to classes
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Avery Hotze
  • Transforming Nations Ford: Design Challenge
    This initiative is significant as it addresses the needs of the youth population and the high rate of violent crimes in the area, which is significantly higher than the county average. Tailored support through these non-profits ensures everyone can thrive regardless of background or circumstance.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joi Mayo
  • CNN & The New York Times: Stop the journalistic malpractice NOW!
    CNN and The New York Times are two major news outlets who largely control narratives and public perceptions on any given topic. We deserve fair and honest coverage. CNN and The New York Times must stop the journalistic malpractice NOW. Recently, a freelance Israeli journalist for The New York Times was exposed for liking a social media post that called for Israel to turn the Gaza Strip “into a slaughterhouse” and other horrific content. This exposes a clear bias in traditional news media, and they must do better. And The New York Times' language to describe the killing of Israeli people versus Palestinian people has been damningly passive. The words "slaughter," "horrific," and "massacre" have been used in relation to Israelis 86 times but only three times for Palestinians. And when discussing the prisoner exchanges, The New York Times referred to “Israeli women and children” being exchanged for “Palestinian women and minors.” Since October 7, news outlets have been partially responsible for messaging to the American people about what's happening, and some of the facts are just not adding up. CNN agreed to terms that condition that in order to enter Gaza, they'd have to submit all materials and footage to the Israeli military for review prior to publication, giving the Israeli military the opportunity to suppress content and materials that might showcase Palestinian suffering. CNN also hired a former Israeli military soldier, who was a member of the IDF’s Spokesperson Unit which is responsible for public relations, to report on CNN’s war coverage. There are record reports of increased acts of hate against Muslim, Arab, and Jewish communities throughout the country. Outlets’ choice to publish articles that inflame tensions and increase hatred against communities already experiencing a record number of hateful threats is irresponsible and dangerous. The media plays a huge role in public perception and opinion. Media outlets have a responsibility to publish factual articles and to act with journalistic integrity that promotes the peace and safety of all peoples. CNN and The New York Times have staff that are sounding the alarm about journalistic malpractice. We must come together in solidarity to hold CNN and The New York Times accountable and to demand that they report fairly and honestly. Will you take action now and sign the petition?
    1,464 of 2,000 Signatures