The significance of reopening the Chester Carlson Metro YMCA in Rochester, NY lies in the fact that the closure of this branch has created a void for numerous residents of all age groups. Without this facility, there is a notable absence of a conveniently accessible location via public transportation, thereby requiring individuals to travel considerable distances to avail themselves of essential services and amenities. Reopening this YMCA is essential for restoring a local hub that caters to the diverse needs of the community, ensuring accessibility and convenience for everyone.
    216 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Shelly Fowler
  • Don’t Cancel "The Mehdi Hasan Show"!
    "The Mehdi Hasan Show'' has been on air for over three years. With over half a million viewers on Peacock and hundreds of thousand on Youtube, Mehdi Hasan has received praise for his credible political analysis and sharp interviewing skills, with high profile guests such as Jon Stewart, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. We need Hasan’s expertise now as much as ever, and canceling Hasan’s show interferes with the public's ability to access fair and balanced reporting. With already existing concerns regarding MSNBC silencing and sidelining its Muslim broadcasters, this latest decision is especially troubling. With over a million viewers, MSNBC is a reputable news outlet and we need it to live up to its standards of journalism and ethics. That starts by supporting Mehdi Hasan and all their Muslim broadcasters. Call on MSNBC to reverse its decision and reinstate “The Mehdi Hasan Show” immediately!
    90,931 of 100,000 Signatures
  • Support working families at Johanna Foods in Flemington, NJ!
    Because stimulating economic equality and strong worker power helps all workers to win increases in pay, better benefits, and safer working conditions.
    305 of 400 Signatures
    Created by UFCW Local 152
  • Help the spanish speaking community get a spanish rock style dance in Dance Extravaganza!
    We believe it's time for diversity and different types of cultures to be expressed and showcased to our community.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gaby ‎
  • Petition to Protect Benefits for INIC Teachers
    Given the increase of tuition for the 2023-24 school year for all students at INIC, it is important that our dollars are spent on increasing the value of our children’s education and improving the quality of life of our caretakers and educators. The undersigned support the above requests.
    207 of 300 Signatures
    Created by INIC Parents
  • Get The Grammy Awards to acknowledge Buck-Tick
    This is important to me because Buck-Tick's music has touched many fans worldwide, even if they don't want to admit it, they are heroes behind their musical instruments. They may have inspired and prevented fans from taking their own lives, put it bluntly. The band has definitely deserved more Awards than what they have been presented with over the years. Their live performances are extremely dynamic, I have only seen recorded versions of their live shows, but wow!!!
    238 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Tabitha Davis
  • Update the outdated BMI policy for Top Surgery
    Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Center for Transgender and Gender Expansive Health released a study in the journal Annals of Plastic Surgery on November 1. They reviewed over 2,300 cases of chest masculinization surgery (top surgery) performed in the U.S. between 2012 and 2020. The researchers found no correlation between a patient’s BMI and whether the person develops severe post-surgical complications, even though that measurement is frequently used to determine whether a surgery will be approved or denied. The authors of the study recommend “re-evaluation of BMI cutoffs” and say “When you look at the data and you look at complications resulting from top surgery, BMI really doesn’t factor into it much at all,” Despite this Both major providers of chest masculinization surgery in Denver, CO Denver Health and UCHealth will often not even take referrals for people with a BMI over 40. My primary care doctor told me that there was no point in her ever referring me because they will just deny the referral. These two hospitals are the only places in the entire state of Colorado that I could find who take Medicaid for chest masculinization surgery as well which leads to more denials for poor and disabled trans people. Please consider signing and sharing this petition so that more trans people of Denver have access to the gender affirming care they need!
    501 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jude Novak
  • Netflix: Stop the corporate greed, stop raising prices, NOW!
    Netflix’s newest price increase follows its unpopular and restrictive policy change regarding password sharing, requiring customers to pay an extra $7.99 to share their password with someone outside of their household. Netflix needs to know that consumers have the power—and we're not going to allow them get rich while they slash services and raise costs. The reality is, when one streaming giant like Netflix raises its prices, the others often follow. Disney+, Hulu, Apple TV+, Discovery+, and AMC+ are also raising prices on some of their monthly subscriptions. It’s unacceptable. Over the years, many people have ended their traditional cable TV contracts and migrated to streaming services, but the price hikes on these services are quickly becoming unsustainable. Netflix must stop the price hikes, NOW. Netflix is implementing a price hike despite anticipating 5 BILLION dollars in free cash flow, partly due to writers and actors going on strike because Netflix and other streaming giants were refusing to offer them a fair contract. So essentially, writers and actors with the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and Screen Actors Guild (SAG-AFTRA) went months without work or pay while Netflix got richer. It’s corporate greed on the backs of writers, actors, production staff, and Netflix subscribers, plain and simple. It must end. The massive wealth inequality that we see between the ultrawealthy and everyday working people is reflected in the entertainment industry too. Streaming companies like Netflix make BILLIONS of dollars in corporate profits each year and pay top executives hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars combined, while exploiting writers, actors, production staff, and streaming subscribers. This is one of the many reasons why we have to come together to stop these price hikes. Add your name to the petition, and then send it to three friends to spread the word!
    206,454 of 300,000 Signatures
  • Have Jesus Garcia St and Emilio Garcia St Paved
    This will allow for a safe mode for transport in our neighborhood. Additionally paved roads offer a smoother transportation, reducing wear and tear on vehicles. They enhance accessibility, fostering economic development and connecting communities. Paved surfaces minimize dust, improving air quality, and facilitate efficient drainage, reducing water-related issues. Overall, they contribute to a more organized and reliable transportation infrastructure.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elia Hall
  • Stop this outrageous Paxlovid increase, end Big Pharma greed!
    Paxlovid saves lives. And Pfizer is jacking up its price. Pfizer just announced it’s going to nearly triple the price of the antiviral COVID drug that can help reduce symptoms, prevent hospitalizations, and save lives.1 Pfizer executives are prioritizing profits over patients. This is Big Pharma greed, plain and simple. Pfizer’s CEO doesn’t need any more millions — he made $33 million in 2022,2 while so many Americans struggle to pay for the prescription drugs they need to survive. We must let President Biden know this is unacceptable. Sign the petition: Tell President Biden to stop the corporate profiteering off of COVID treatments by guaranteeing access to all Americans. Paxlovid costs $13 to make. Pfizer is going to sell it for $1,400.3 That’s a 10,000% price markup. Drug corporations are making massive profits on medicine people need to survive. Pfizer became the first ever Pharma company to bring in $100 billion in revenue. That’s right, $100 billion.4 While everyday Americans are struggling to afford medications, Pfizer executives are getting richer and richer. Big Pharma will always want to maximize profits. Big Pharma executives will always want fat bonuses. That's why President Biden must step in. Add your name: Stop this outrageous Paxlovid increase, end Big Pharma greed! Sources: MSNBC, “The estimated production cost of Paxlovid: $13. Its new list price: $1400,” October 23, 2023. Fierce Pharma, “Coming and going paid off for biopharma CEOs in 2022,” July 27, 2023. MSNBC, “The estimated production cost of Paxlovid: $13. Its new list price: $1400,” October 23, 2023. Fierce Pharma, “Coming and going paid off for biopharma CEOs in 2022,” July 27, 2023.
    39,083 of 40,000 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • AMGA BOD request to update By-laws
    Help us drive positive change in the AMGA by requestion long overdue changes to the By-Laws which will help create a more equitable distribution of influence and power on the Board of directors.
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Zack Novak
  • Your comments are needed to support critical new DOL H-2A regulations
    In September, the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed new regulations for the H-2A guest worker program that would reduce abuse, exploitation and trafficking of farm workers. Transparency and accountability in the H-2A program will in turn improve the wages and working conditions of US workers. The 327 pages of complex regulations by the Biden administration would improve the lives of the hard working men and women who harvest our food and reflect the recommendations that the farm worker movement have been making for years. The public comment period will be open until November 14th. Please help us do all we can to make sure these changed regulations go into effect by sending your email to make sure the final regulations are as strong as possible and improve workers' conditions, wages, and ability to organize. The proposed DOL regulations would improve conditions for H-2A farm workers by: * Strengthening workers' right to advocate, form a union & have key services in employer-provided housing * Protecting workers from unjust firing, retaliation, and other violations by employers * Prohibiting employers from confiscating travel documents to prevent human trafficking * Targeting unlawful fees, fraud, and other abuse in the recruitment and hiring of workers These changes are urgently needed. Just last year, a federal investigation uncovered how H-2A employers ran a human trafficking ring, described by prosecutors as "modern day slavery" in Florida, Texas, and Georgia. In Utah, the former President of the Utah Farm Bureau is now subject to a human trafficking investigation after physically assaulting H-2A workers on his farm. Wage theft, abuse and exploitation are commonplace in the H-2A program and displace US workers while employers profit. This can't keep happening. The current system is broken and oversight is urgently needed and the regulations must be changed. Take action to send us your comments, add a personalized comment on the box on the share page and we can submit them en masse and save you the difficulty of navigating through the government website.
    380 of 400 Signatures
    Created by United Farm Workers UFW