• Legalization of Hemp and Medical Marijuana
    We need a safer more eco friendly materials and fuel. And, its too hard to keep denying the positive and healthier uses of cannabis.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by perry harkins
  • Tired of "Gun Control"
    Let's look at the bigger issue. Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Obesity, and just being stupid, kill more people daily then any nut job with a gun. Lets go after the real killers of our kids and friends," Our Society that accepts the other killers".
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Oliver
    Atlanta Neighbors: Please make your voice heard by signing the “Stop Coyote Trapping” petition. We will share your voice with leadership officials in the Greater Atlanta area. In addition, we would appreciate your contacting your city and county officials, using any of the talking points in the petition, telling them you oppose trapping, and support a proactive educational approach to coyote coexistence. Please visit the COYOTE COEXISTENCE website at www.coyotecoexistence.com for information and updates. If you are willing to help out more, please write us at [email protected] Thanks for your support!
    6,665 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by coyote coexistence
  • the Anti-NRA
    instead of blaming obama for not pushing gun control why don't you put your money behind the anti-NRA?
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lori Nelson
  • Student Pilots at Gillespie Field Threaten Our Safety, Health and Quality of Life
    Many residents around Gillespie Field bought their homes when it was a small general aviation field for small private aircraft. But recently, it has experienced a rapid increase in flight schools, been designated a “reliever airport” for San Diego International Airport, and acquired more land for expansion. Each year, over 200,000 operations (take-offs and landings) are conducted, most of which are circular training patterns over homes, schools, and businesses. If forecasts are correct, current growth plans predict operations will nearly double—up to 400,000 annually.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ASAP-Advocates for Safe Airport Policies
  • Hold Sen. Kelly Ayotte responsible for voting against Disaster relief for Sandy Victims!
    Kelly Ayotte voted against sending aid to hurricane Sandy victims. We cannot tolerate this lie that we need austerity at the expense of disaster relief. Again it is untrue that we can't afford to extend relief to the thousands affected by this disaster. It is her job as a senator to fight for those in need. Hold her personally responsible for this kind of savage disregard for those who have been affected by something so devastating as Hurricane Sandy.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rae Dawn Chong
  • Imperial Power & the Executive Branch
    Times are changing, with terrorists everywhere "wanted dead or alive" is once again reality.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Imperial Power & the Executive Branch
  • Unbann me Hackforums
    I belive that i've been mislead and misjudged leading to a ban. If staff evaluates all my actions it'd make no sense to do what i did if, i already knew.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Preston
  • games affecting our youth.
    I'm a mother of three teenagers and my oldest son is addicted the mindcraft. He sneaks his ipad in the middle of the night or ipod and he and his buddy play. You take it away he finds it. It controls him. Is all he talks about. Our youth already have enough things making it hard for them to grow up at this time. Why have games Thursday don't do thm any good. I'm not saying don't have games but make them unavailable to children above youth. The gaming world is becoming more important than family.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jean houghton
  • Respect The Children
    Every time there is a disaster that affects children, natural or man-made, television reporters stick a microphone in a child's face and ask how they feel about the death of a school-mate; are they sad because a classmate has died; are they comfortable returning to school, etc. etc. It is about time the media agree to confine their intrusive and tear-jerking interviews to adults. Let's end the manipulation of kids for the sake of sensationalism.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karl C. Johnson
  • Change Credit Agency reporting rules
    Credit reporting companies should not be allowed to hold negative information in individuals reports more than 5 years. Given the state of the economy since 2008 and the enormous bail outs the financial institutions received, the least consumers should get is a reduction in the credit reporting rules. Jobs, insurance and security backgrounds are all affected by these reports adding to the difficulty getting a job.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leslie Hardesty
  • let's put a stop to gun violence now!
    there are concrete actions that the american people can take to stop gun violence now. 20 children and 6 adults have recently been brutally murdered. people are being gunned down in shopping malls. peace loving people need to stand up now!
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by amy simon skerry