• Suffolk Veteran Sales
    Helping Disabled Veterans
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronald P. Matonti
  • Defenseless Without The Daily Show!
    Jon Stewart has been voted the most trusted newsman on TV. Stephen Colbert analyzes and educates at a level not matched in any media. What other journalist has started a SuperPAC to mock (but more importantly expose) the corruption and laxity at work in electoral politics? These two Comedy Central programs are doing some of the heaviest lifting in our democracy -- but they leave the people exposed and defenseless too many weeks out of the year. Fox News spews its poison propaganda 365 days a year. But The Daily Show and Colbert Report go on extended vacations all the time. They leave for two and three weeks at a time, sometimes, and we have no firewall standing between Fox News and reality.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keith Rouda
  • New National Anthem-America the Beautiful
    Let us return to singing the praises of the LAND on which we live instead of glorifying the wreck of a battle with an Old English drinking song. Imagine stadiums of people singing a more easily sung song that envision our beautiful mountains, plains and the food produced from it all. Imagine school children picturing a country living and working in harmony. Imagine music soothing the angry beast that lies in many American's hearts today. Make it real, ask for this one, simple change
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tina Juarez
  • Hold Drug Companies Accountable
    While the media is publishing that guns are the reason for tragic violence the research piles up showing prescription drugs are tied to school shootings and other gun violence tragedies. Lawmakers will be more effective at stemming the tide of unpredictable gun violence if the correct cause is reported and the FDA and legislative bodies hold the pharmaceutical companies accountable. See examples of prescription drug gun violence at http://www.ssristories.com/index.php
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fred Davies
  • Stop Kansas from Demanding Child Support from Sperm Donor
    A sperm donor in Kansas is being taken to court for child support by the state of Kansas against the request of the child's family. They have tried to get the courts to drop the case, but the courts are refusing.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ari Kaminski
  • Help Stop the Violence
    There is too much violence related to the violence our children are exposed to through various media outlets. After watching hours and hours of games and movies, where people are killed without regard to the hurt caused by the killings, our kids are placing themselves in the same situations and are using whatever means to act out the scenes played over and over in the media. We need to step up and show our children how life is not a game and how taking another's life causes pain for not only the deceased individual's family, but also causes pain for their family.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Dionne
    There is not and there should be a national database tracking system on the numbers of violent gun deaths and suicides in this country. Without knowing the actual numbers of gun deaths how can we assess the real situation? We need a permanent agency providing national totals for every previous day.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by GERALD W. LANDRUM
  • Communities Against "Neighborhood Napalm"
    Proposition: Assault rifles in civilian hands are "Neighborhood Napalm." If you believe the intentional marketing of such conflagration makers is an inherently bad idea please sign this petition calling for a stop to manufacture of such "Neighborhood Napalm." Recognition Criteria: For purposes of this petition, any long gun capable of firing seven rounds - without reloading, and without requirement of manual projectile advance into firing position, is deemed a "Neighborhood Napalm" device.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William P Mullins
  • Have FOX News Removed from Cable TV
    FOX news has been spewing hatred, lies and deceit for many years. Recently, an Indiana man was convicted of arson for setting fire to a mosque in Ohio. The man specifically stated that he was motivated by media accounts, mostly from FOX news, and that he felt no remorse in setting the fire. If I am not mistaken, this is a hate crime, a hate crime driven by the poisonous and contagious lies and conventional "wisdom" supplied by this media outlet.
    5,159 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Ippolito
  • Transamerica IRA members: Don't let Boy Scouts take over our investments
    My workplace IRA is run by Transamerica Asset Management. Ten members of the Board of Trustees are being elected for life as of February 26, 2012, One candidate, John W, Waechter, lists as a qualification being on the Board of the West Florida Council of the Boy Scouts of America, 2008 to the present. All we are told of his activities on that Board is that he "did not act in any disruptive way on motions before the Board: "
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Theolinda (Teddy) Knight
  • Fine legislators for unconstitutional and repetitious bills!
    Please sign this petition: We the informed people of the United States are fed up with mostly the Republican legislators that are playing games with our tax money and taking time away from meaningful legislation that serves all the people. It is time to fine them and hold them accountable.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronda Evans
  • Republican Congressmen Need to Apologize
    As a current New York resident and former resident of Long Beach and Staten Island -- areas hard hit by Hurricane Sandy -- I believe that Republican members of the House of Representatives need to apologize today for putting their ideology and re-election ambitions ahead of their concern for the Americans who have recently suffered and continue to suffer from the recent storm. The refusal to vote on House Speaker Boehner's Plan B and to vote for $60 Billion for states affected by Hurricane Sandy is clear evidence where their priorities lay.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Streifer