• We Believe in You
    As President Obama prepares for the debate tonight, I was wishing there was a way to convey to him that I believe in him, and that I believe in his vision for our country. I started this petition to see how many signatures we can get before he takes the stage in a few short hours. Please join me in showing him the love.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Corey Rubin
  • Senators: Protect the Rights of Military Parents, Pass Bill HR 4201
    Imagine coming home from military warfare service in any global hotspot and finding oneself in the battlefield of family court to reinstate your child custody ruling. HR 4201 restricts the use of deployment orders as an instrument to determine the child’s best interest to modify temporary custodianship as a permanent ruling against an honorable serving military parent.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jere' Fields
  • Stop Tax Exemptions for Religious Organizations.
    I believe in the Separation of Church and State. I think that it is time 'we the people' did something about the interference of Religious Denominations in the public arena. It is detrimental to the life, liberty, and pursuit of happines of many citizens (women, minorities, LGTB community). Churches have been given a free ride for too long. They should have to pay taxes.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy R Minter
  • We DO NOT want tract housing in Durham
    I myself have lived in Durham my whole life. This "track housing" will destroy our small town and turn it into a mini city. Durham has had many businesses come and go and yes we could use a few upgrades but adding 144 families will only bring big chain grocery stores, coffee shops, pharmacies ect. THE MEETING IS THIS THURSDAY Oct. 25th @9am at 25 county center drive Oroville. That is the same exit and street that the court house is on.
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Christina
  • Honor the real Americans
    I would like to see the United States put aside a day as a national holiday to honor and celebrate Native Americans. It is the least we can do to pay tribute to a people who have lost so much and been so mistreated by the immigrants. This is a day in which all Americans study the history and customs of a venerable people.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diane Donato
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Renate Sahulcik
    In the past, daylight savings time has not saved any time nor money. I say we go back to basic and regular (sun) time. I'm sure savings on utilities will be noticed.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DWebster
  • Challenge The Candidates During The Debates
    We have now witnessed two crucial debates for the highest elected offices of the United States of America: one for President, the other, Vice President. Pols and partisans alike have decried one candidate or the other of exaggerating, dodging and flatly lying to the American people about their positions. The moderators also have been held to differing expectations based upon the candidates' campaign ideologies. If We The People are to make a sound, informed decision to vote between President Obama and Governor Romney, we deserve to have factual information presented to us during these debates.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laurie A Schwartz
  • Boycott Gorham Car Wash
    Join us in supporting civil political discourse in the North Country, by demonstrating the impact that divisive, vilifying language can have on the success of a local business.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Brennan
  • President Obama, Please Call Out Republican Obstruction
    During the two most recent debates, Congressman Ryan and Governor Romney both talked about bipartisanship and Congressman Ryan claimed that President Obama should have been able to do more because there was a Democratic majority in the House and Senate when he took office. These attacks went unanswered. President Obama needs to challenge these attacks in the next debate by pointing out Republican obstruction through their record use of the filibuster in the Senate.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chad Halsey
  • Accountability for use of un-taxed donations
    I have seen mega church leaders grow their own personal fortunes as their congregations remain destitute. When asked to account for the usage of funds, they intimidate the members into silence. Should disclosure of financial statements onlybe optional or a matter of public record?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matt Weaver
  • No hoodies at Johnson Middle School
    I am a student at Johnson middle school and the school is great the only problem is the fact that we are not allowed to wear hoodies. Johnson is the only school that can't wear them. Sam Houston school jacket is a hoodie. When it is cold outside kids wear hoodies to school but they have to freeze during the day because they don't have a non-hooded jacket. I think that is the most unfair rule there could be we are a brand new school and we can't wear hoodies. I don't understand it.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Allison