• Busing for school children safety
    my grandsons live appox. 11/2 from school& the have to walk or have someone take them& pick them up. Because the policy here in Altoona,Pa. is If they live 2 miles from the school. The School Provides NO Buses.That is way to far for any child to walk.Because there is to much Crime -Raping,Kidnapping& Child Snatching.going on nowadays. One reads it all the time where kids walking to School disappear& they end up finding them raped,killed&etc. Question: What if it was ine of you Kids or Grand kids,or someone in your family.How would you feel. YOU Need To Sit & Think About It.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Mcclellan
  • Fact Check
    Fact Check on Romney!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Loretta Lones
  • Maintain the integrity of US Elections
    Romney family owning interest in the company that manufactures the ballot counting machines that will be used in Ohio and other states for the Presidential election.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Payne
  • Change.org: Reinstate the person you fired for letting your users know that you're going to work ...
    Change.org is changing for the worse -- and just fired the one person on their staff who tried to make sure you knew about it. As the Huffington Post reported, "Change.org, the online social movement company founded on progressive values, has decided to change its advertising policy to allow for corporate advertising, Republican Party solicitations, astroturf campaigns, anti-abortion or anti-union ads and other controversial sponsorships, according to internal company documents." Huffpo also reported that Change.org wasn't planning to tell its users about these changes, so they promptly fired the employee who leaked the info. Tell Change.org to reinstate the fired staffer right away.
    554 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Mark
  • Senator Hagan & US Representative David Price: Stop Promoting Drones Over North Carolina
    Tell our representatives that we do not want drones in our skies.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wendy Blanks
  • Call on Mitt Romney to denounce racist, violent, sexist actions by the supporters of his campaign
    Beginning with a "lynching" of a chair in Texas and continuing with shots being fired at an Obama for America office in Colorado, a threat to the school of the Obama girls in Washington, DC, heading back to Texas with a sign supporting President Obama filled with bullet holes, to attacks on the First Lady and her womanhood, the racism, violence and sexism from supporters of the Romney Campaign is dangerous and a threat to the President, his family and our democracy. http://www.examiner.com/article/texas-church-sign-says-vote-for-the-mormon-not-the-muslim?cid=db_articles
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hogan M. Sherrow
  • Assault Weapons; Definition
    Assault Weapons must be fully automatic to be termed Assault Weapons.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Prescott
  • Maricopa County lists incorrect voting date in Spanish
    Maricopa Country residents recently received documents with their voter registration cards which incorrectly displays the date on which to vote in the Spanish translation. We would like the U.S. Justice department to investigate.
    333 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Pedziwiatr
  • Mr.Romney:Remember "04" speech on "pointing fingers"?
    In a 2004 speech Mitt Romneysaid:pointing fingers after terrorist attacks is "easy" but "not terribly fruitful." We would like him to remember that before he blames Obama administrtion for the terrorist attack on Libyan Embassy
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Leonard
  • Save Nantucket Nightlife
    Nantucket's nightlife and small business are under attack by the Island's Board of Selectman. They are considering banning all outdoor music at Nantucket's many bars after 10 p.m. This would effectively close many of our favorite bars after 10. It would also mean the loss of many workers, and likely the loss of some of those businesses. We're calling on the Board to do the right thing, to say no to this ban and protect the many small businesses and workers affected.
    2,081 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Scott Fraley
  • Save Nantucket Nightlife
    Nantucket's nightlife is under attack by the Island's Board of Selectman. They are considering banning all outdoor music at Nantucket's many bars after 10 p.m. This would effectively close many of our favorite bars after 10. It would also mean the loss of many workers as well, and likely the loss of some of those businesses. We're calling on the Board to do the right thing, to say no to this ban and protect the many small businesses and workers affected.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott Fraley
  • Honor RPCV Ambassador Chris Stevens
    We who have served with the Peace Corps in nations around the world ask that the Peace Corps celebrate the exemplary life of service to peace of Ambassador Chris Stevens by naming a space of significance in the Peace Corps building in Washington in his honor.
    1,017 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Marian Haley Beil