• Legalize Backyard Hens in South Daytona, Fl
    I am trying to reverse a wrong that has classified chickens as farm animals. Yes, they provide a superior protein, eggs, but they are no different than any other bird kept as pets in our city now(although, they may be quieter). We do have to think about our one grocery store for 12,250 residents while we sit in a potential natural disaster area. Food security needs to be restored as a natural human right.
    312 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Bonnie Barta
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Annette Franklin
  • Get Rush Limbaugh off the air
    Limbaugh has long used the airwaves to broadcast incendiary hatred. Now he's putting the lives of Americans in peril on the line. He must be stopped.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Farrell
  • Drop Romney's Lying Ads from Toledo Radio Stations
    Mitt Romney is a pathological liar. Help me send him a message that Toledo will not tolerate his outrageous lies and we will not perpetrate his lies by broadcasting them on our radio stations. Toledo citizens are calling on Toledo's WRQN, WXKR, WKKO, WWWM, WRVF, WVKS, WIOT and WSPD radio stations to take down Romney's false ads and stop pushing the Romeny agenda of lies.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brenda Walton
  • Save the Historic YMCA: Say NO to Demolition
    November 16th St. Petersburg Community Preservation Commission (CPC) will vote whether or not to allow demolition of the Historic YMCA building. The CPC is comprised of nine persons appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The Mediterranean Revival building, located at 116 5th Street S St. Petersburg, FL, was constructed in 1926 and in October of 1991 it was listed in the St Petersburg Register of Historic Places. A Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) to demo the building is filed and will be heard by the CPC. If the CPC decision is appealed it then goes before City Council. Historic buildings in St Pete, such as the downtown YMCA, serve as a public and physical reminder of our city's deep and rich culture. These buildings are nostalgic and a point of pride among many city residents, and should be preserved, not torn down in the name of "progress" and "development." Please join Awake Pinellas in telling City Council and the CPC that we do not want this important monument to our city's history torn down.
    726 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Amos Miers
  • Demand Romney To Make Youngstown, Ohio Soup Kitchen Whole
    In Youngstown, Ohio, the St. Vincent DePaul Society runs a soup kitchen that serves hungry children and families in the community. Mitt Romney recently sent his VP nominee, Paul Ryan, to the soup kitchen for a 15-minute “service” photo op of him washing pans without obtaining proper permission. The publicity stunt was designed to send a political message -- and it did. Angered by the soup kitchen’s use in a political campaign, many of its donors have withdrawn their financial support. Moreover, the soup kitchen’s volunteers are now getting harassed by Romney-Ryan supporters. New donors have stepped up to offset some of the losses (info on making a donation is below), but it should be Mitt Romney who takes responsibility. It’s time for him to pay up and show the soup kitchen the money – not his apology. He needs to make the soup kitchen financially whole, so its volunteers can continue to serve the families of Ohio. To make a donation, visit http://mahoningsvdp.org/ or send a check to directly benefit the Mahoning County Society of Saint Vincent De Paul to the following address: St. Vincent de Paul Society Mahoning County P.O. Box 224 Youngstown, Ohio 44501 To send a copy of the petition language directly to the Romney campaign, you can email [email protected] and [email protected].
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Casey
  • Wisconsin: Do You Want Rep. Ribble to cut FEMA Disaster Relief Funding?
    In the wake of Hurricane Sandy US Representative Reid Ribble plans to vote to cut funding for FEMA the Federal Emergency Management Act, which provides disaster relief in many forms after events such as hurricanes and flooding.
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lyn Gottschalk
  • We Elect Matt Larkins as our Unicorporated Durham Town Mayor
    Make Matt Larkins the the official of the unincorporated town of Durham California.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Larkins
  • ExCommunicate Willard Mitt Romney from the LDS Church
    Willard Mitt Romney has repeatedly and flagrantly made deceitful statements to the American people in his campaign for the Presidency of the United States. As a result many non member people ("gentiles") have developed a very negative opinion of the Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The most sacred and holy ordinances in the Temple can now be viewed on YouTube!
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathryn Boussemart
  • Bury Power Lines in Cities and Towns, Prevent Long-Lasting Outages, Improve National Security
    Hurricane Sandy: 8 Million+ without Power for at least a Week! Time and again natural disasters cause power outages, often for extended periods of time. Outages are not inevitable. Why do Americans tolerate such outages? By comparison: The German power grid has outages at an average rate of 21 minutes per year. Why? Because most of their lines are buried. Power outages do not only create personal hardship for the people in the affected areas; as Hurricane Sandy demonstrated once again, these power outages claim lives, negatively affect our economy and impact National Security. Power outages make us vulnerable! Power companies around the country keep putting up the lines and repairing damages after each storm, only to repeat the procedure after the next storm and the next and the next.... WHY? Bury the lines!
    7,027 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Bernard Schaer
  • Can someone from Move On get to Obama?
    A GREAT idea for the remainder of the Campaign would be for Obama to have a Press meeting to say that he is pulling the rest of his political ads and plans on donating the funds to help the Recovery effort for Sandy. This would speak loudly, make him look fabulous, get him more votes than the ads and help the relief effort. People get tired of the campaign bashing. I think he could really shine.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Valerie Williams
  • 28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America
    The United States was created on the basis that all its citizens are equal before the law. Congress has voted themselves benefits for life, including pensions and health care, which destroys this notion of equality. This petition would lead to an amendment to the United States Constitution, that would if enacted, end this gross injustice to the welfare of the citizens of the United States of America. The only way to stop this abuse is by Grass Roots uprising in the form of petition to our Senators and Representatives of Congress.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chatham H Forbes Jr