• Fire Joseph Pitruzzelli as LARABA's President. Hypocrisy Is Not Leadership!
    I was the artist that lived in the Los Angeles Arts District for 30 years and was unfortunately next door to Joseph Pitruzzelli's business, Wurstkuche Restaurant when they arrived in 2009. Joseph Pitruzzelli leased the AIR loft next to my studio and began to illegally use it as a commercial warehouse for his restaurant next door. I sued Joseph Pitruzzelli for that illegal commercial use of an Artist in Residence and I won. But Joseph Pitruzzelli refused to stop his commercial use of that legal Artist's loft. He turned it into a 24 hour nightmare for any artist actually trying to live and work there. Joseph Pitruzzelli would not stop his illegal use and had the case appealed because I sued him personally and didn't sue him as his republican corporation, Wilson, Pitruzzelli Investments, LLC. The city of Los Angeles cited Joseph Pitruzzelli's business for the illegal use of that AIR loft as well as Paul Solomon, the owner of my building. But rather then do the right thing and be the least bit considerate to his artist neighbors, Joseph Pitruzzelli refused to stop his illegal use, at which point I was forced to fight my landlord who was also cited by The City of Los Angeles for Joseph Pitruzzelli's illegal use of that legal AIR loft next to me as a 24 hour noisy commercial nightmare. That was my home and my studio for year before Joseph Pitruzzelli showed up and disrupted the arts district with no regard what so ever for the actual artist trying to live and work there. Having Joseph Pitruzzelli as LARABA's president is total hypocrisy. I ended up leaving the arts district because of this on going and growing nightmare Joseph Pitruzzelli and his partner Tyler Wilson brought to the Los Angeles Arts District. And his illegal commercial use of that loft in the heart of the LA Arts District continues to this day. Joseph Pitruzzelli's business has no permits to use that loft commercially. But he still does not care because he has chased the artist around him away. This man should not be the president of any artist association. LARABA must fire Joseph Pitruzzelli. Hypocrisy is not leadership.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by LA Artist David Goldner
  • PROP 37: Count ALL the Votes!
    Jon Rappoport, investigative journalist, states that OVER A MILLION votes on Prop 37 (the GMO labelling initiative) in CA have gone uncounted to date. Since the margin of "victory" is about 600,000 votes, this means Prop 37 could actually have passed. If we want to do something about this, NOW is the time. This petition seeks ACTION by the CA Secretary of State to count ALL the votes cast on Prop 37. If you cast a vote on Prop 37, make sure it gets counted by signing this petition, requiring the CA Secretary of State to do her job. *** A little background: On November 8, two days after the election, Jon Rappoport found that many votes in California remain uncounted. He decided to try and find out just how many, and contacted the Secretary of State of CA, responsible for elections in the state, who apparently doesn't know. He was informed that all counties in California have been asked, but not ordered, to report in those figures, but it is apparently voluntary. So Rappoport decided to pick the largest counties and called their voter registrar offices and these are the results he obtained: Santa Clara County: 180,000 votes remain uncounted. Orange County: 241,336 votes remain uncounted. San Diego County: 475,000 votes remain uncounted. LA County: 782,658 votes remain uncounted. In other words, in just those four counties, 1.6 million votes remain uncounted. It is still unknown how many other votes are uncounted in other Californian counties. *** About Rappoport: Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Rappoport has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic and creative power to audiences around the world.
    71,255 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Linda Masterson
  • Cancel Celebrity Apprentice
    With Donald Trump's recent comments and actions regarding The President Of The United States,There is no place for this kind of behavior at NBC or anywhere else in The United States Of America.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dennis Little
  • Nature Made corporation poisoning pregnant mothers
    My wife was thinking she was doing something good for her body and baby, started taking Nature Made's prenatal vitamins on a daily basis 3 months before she became pregnant. After our son was born she continued to take them while nursing him for a year. Preparing for our second child, she just recently discovered that Wholefoods and Mother's market didn't carry it and she was told to look at the ingredients. She didn't realize that it contained artificial and unsafe ingredients that have been linked to brain development birth defects, ADHD, and forms of cancer; including leukemia. The ingredients Red 40 (dye), Yellow 6 (dye), Blue 1 (dye) are unecessarily placed into this prenatal vitamin have been scientifically linked to ADHD. It also contains DHA from an unknown source. Which brings into question the amount of mercury, lead, pesticides and other potentially harmful contaminants typically found in unsourced fish oil. The fact that it's unsourced is a red flag since Nature Made has made two fish oil products that are under scrutiny (lawsuit) for containing the highest amounts of PCBs which cause birth defects, which makes little sense in a pre-natal vitamin. We're calling for Costco to stop selling Nature Made products and for Nature Made to be forced to stop putting poison in their pre-natal vitamins.
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Noble DraKoln
  • Boycott Celebrity Apprentice
    Donald Trump is a divisive public figure who has engaged in some of the most appalling behavior toward a sitting President ever. I feel that because he has been given air time to voice his beliefs, it is time for the people to voice ours.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by travis b
  • Stop the Obstructionist Gridlock
    In the recent election, the American people reconfirmed our belief in a government that serves all of the American people, not just the wealthy, white, or male members of our society. It is time that the obstructionist "right" in Congress woke up (grew up?), smelled the coffee, and went to work with our President for the American people instead of bull-headedly beating on their own outdated ideology. I do not want to see even two more years of the gridlock that kept us from moving forward in the last two. Our President deserves better than that.
    600 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Bruns
  • Cancel Celebrity Apprentice on NBC
    Donald Trump displays a lack of respect for the elected President of the United States. I do not think it is in good taste that a natiional TV network such as NBC to continue to support him as a brand. There are plenty of other celebrity brands or show platforms that can replace Mr. Trump and his show.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terri Jones
  • Give Veterans the day off work on Veterans Day!
    The reason we have Veterans Day is to honor those who have served. So, why in the world don't we honor them by encouraging businesses to give them the day off of work? Government employees, many who have never served, are allowed to stay home while millions of veterans have to go to work.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Croff
  • Stop the Republican Entertainment Complex
    Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and many other authors, talk radio hosts and television hosts LIE to the American electorate on a daily basis inciting racism, xenophobia and HATE. Canada won't even allow Fox News to be broadcast because of the disgusting content of the programs. Freedom of speech is one thing - but lying with the specific purpose of turning people against the government is another.
    131 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Beverley Hughes
  • Tell President Obama Not to pick Sen. John Kerry as Secretary of State
    If Sen. Kerry is nominated as Secretary of State to succeed Hillary Clinton, it would leave Massachusetts with an empty senate seat to fill and the the US Senate one seat closer to losing its democratic majority. Scott Brown's campaign machinery is still in place and although he failed to beat Elizabeth Warren for re-election, it was a close contest. His mean-spirited campaign was funded in large part by outside the state right wing SuperPacs, most notably Karl Rove's Crossroads. That means, if he ever was bi-partisan in his first term, he is going to be beholden to far right Republicans if he succeeds in regaining a Senate seat. All of us who worked hard to defeat Scott Brown and elect Elizabeth Warren would have an uphill struggle to do it again for a brand new democratic candidate in such a short period of time, given his campaign machinery is likely still in place just waiting for this opportunity.
    196 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Robin Levine
  • A chair is just a chair, but my dog is not.
    My pets have always been like family members to me. Currently in California, pets are merely personal property. Therefore, if somebody were to murder my dog, I would only be able to recover the value of my dog in a civil law suit against the murderer, and nothing for my emotional distress or loss of companionship. My dog is priceless to me, but being a rescued mixed breed, with health problems his objective, economic value is probably zero. I believe that the legislature should add statutory civil damages against those who purposely or recklessly kill pets. I'm not asking that pets be treated like humans, just better than some inanimate object (like a chair or tv).
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon
  • Truthful ads only
    This past election cycle hosted numerous advertisements that were factually false and misleading..time to stop deceptive political advertisements. We should demand truthful ads on all stations or in print so voters can have facts and truthful details upon which to base their vote. We need an informed electorate!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Lauster