• Donald Trump
    Donald Trump is a clown, nobody want to see him on TV any more, he is clagging the air space with nothing but stupility
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by robert
  • Keep Live Reggae Music in Chicago
    After operating for over 30 years in Wrigleyville, last year the Wild Hare Reggae Club closed. They have reopened in a new location. The City of Chicago is fighting their application for a live music venue license. I want to let the City of Chicago know Chicago and the world wants live reggae back home in the Wild Hare now!
    1,322 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jeri Oesterreich
  • Get the US Postal service to give an opt-out of junk mail!
    Help us stop junk mail!! It is a waste of so many resources- trees, ink, paper, time, energy... Let's get the post office to give us an "opt-out" option.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shanna M
  • President Obama...don't meet with Romney
    Mr. Romney continues to lie about & disrespect the President. But he also continues to INSULT THE VALUE OF THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS. Bottom line, he has invalidated the worth of any of his opinions.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Robinson
  • Make Changes in Iowa's Drivers Licensing Policies
    1. Drivers Education needs to be a requirement in Iowa high schools- and without charge to students and parents; 2. Every person, regardless of age, should be required to take and pass a drivers education course or related safety course prior to obtaining his or her first license; 3. Older drives should be required to show they have the skills and knowledge to continue driving by taking such courses periodically.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by C. Sheckels
  • Fight for Country-of-Origin Labeling
    The Country of Origin Labeling Act (COOL) was passed in Washington as part of the 2002 Farm Bill. Starting in 2008, COOL ordered U.S. retailers to notify their customers, by way of labeling, on the sources of many meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, and some nuts sold in their stores. In November of 2011, the World Trade Organization (WTO) declared that the law violated parts of the WTO's Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). Even though Washington appealed the ruling last March, the WTO Appellate Body upheld its decision, stating that COOL "has a detrimental impact on imported livestock." As citizens of the United States, we reject the WTO's authority to undermine our domestic laws. COOL does not discriminate against any country by requiring labeling. We ask that our government defend this consumer right and take a stand for our nation's sovereignty by disregarding the WTO's ruling on COOL.
    132 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joel D. Joseph
  • Mets Fans Declare - R.A.Dickey Must Wind Up Here
    The Title of R.A. Dickey's book is "Wherever I Wind Up". We want him to wind up with the NY Mets for a very long time. We will deliver this petition to Sandy Alderson.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victor Trombettas
  • Stop Puppy Mills
    This cruel and inhumane practice is still continuing because people who buy pets in pet stores have no idea how horrible these "factories" are. Regulation is pointless. Shelters are full. The owners of these mills are unconcerned about the animals that are used simply for breeding.
    1,426 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Eileen Goodman
  • Caroline Kennedy for Massachusett senator
    Support Caroline Kennedy for U.S. Senate for Massachusetts.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by RollieF
  • Allsate rip off scams!
    Allstate dropped my policy after learning that insurance was going up after the storm on the east coast. I would like Allstate to give back money it stole from people who signed policies right before the east coast disaster with hurricane Sandy. I know I am not the only one because I have talked with similar people who had the same thing happen to them. I had thought I got a great policy and found out after Hurricane Sandy that my policy was not going to be approved by the underwriters because a secondary driver's license was wrong. They took part of my down payment and sent me a pro rated amount back and I had to look for insurance again. They tried to persuade me to sign up for a new quote and it was considerably higher. They then had the nerve to tell me that their quote was competitive with almost any quote. They said I would be approved for about seven more days under their quote. I asked them why couldn't they just take the driver off and allow me to keep my policy since they took my down payment? They said there was nothing they could do because the underwriters rejected my policy. I feel like I was scammed and preyed on because they discovered they would have to pay for damage on the east coast and raise premiums to recover which is the real reason I was dropped and my down payment was taken.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ira Emerson
    STOP THIS Scandal of 807 guard dogs put down by Army after faithful service via @DailyMirror . Is Rememberance day only for human HEROES!! WHY ARE WE PUTTING DOWN OUR K9 HEROES.!!!!!!!
    2 of 100 Signatures
  • Loan Modification And Im affected by it.
    For three years, We're going back & forth with Bank of America trying to modify our mortgage. Please monitor these banks.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tone Cruz