• FEMA Should Help Renters
    Reports claim that renters in New Jersey, Brooklyn, and other parts of New York City are being denied any assistance by FEMA. Renters, unlike homeowners, have limited or no resources. Renters need money to get a new place to live, buy clothes, and get to and from work. If their old job is no longer available due to Hurricane Sandy, they need help finding a new job. If the renter has children there's more need of assistance. FEMA should provide financial help to renters.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by D. Kitty Simms
  • Ask Exxon/Mobil, Shell, Gulf, BP to donate gas to victims of Hurricane Sandy
    For people in the NY, NJ area directly impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Sandy it has been next to impossible to obtain gasoline to run their cars or power their generators. People are unable to get to work, take their children to school, check up on elderly family members, or have access to light and heat via the use of a generator. Residents of these areas are being forced to wait in line for hours on end (one report tells of a man who waited almost 30 hours!!!) It's about time that the big companies such as Shell, BP, Exxon/Mobil, etc. give back to the communities that continually provide them record making profits in the BILLIONS!! Let's ask them to set up temporary filling stations and DONATE GAS so that people can have much needed access to gasoline and put those savings into rebuilding their homes and families that were destroyed by this natural disaster
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Y
  • Let's change the world by forming communities of mutual support and caring
    It's time to stop trying to get others to do what they should do. If we want a peaceful, just, and ecologically sustainable world, all the protesting, pleading or petitioning of authority figures isn't going to make that happen. These institutions are their (the 1%'s) game and they're well-armored against outsiders (you and I) meddling with what they've set up (for their own benefit, of course).
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clint Summer
  • Veterans off on Veterans day.
    As a veteran I have always found in unbelievable that so many vets have to work on Veteran's day. We have served our country and so many non-vets get the day off and vets are working. It is time that all vets get the day off with pay.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Pike
  • Animal Protection
    Dogs, cats and other animals are constantly being abused. A law should be enacted making animal cruelty a felony.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sonja McGillivray
  • Eliminate Daylight Savings Time
    Daylight Savings Time is nothing but a nuisance now.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melody Goetz / Jan Medaska
  • agapelove35
    Our nation is racially divided, including American churches. Ninety-three percent of American churches are either 95-100% white or 90-95% black. American church segregation has persisted since slavery days and must cease. It opposes our commitment to divine, unconditional love (agape love) and unity among Christian believers and sustains a non-integrated institution in the United States. If white and black American Christians integrate their churches, their love, courage and humility will overflow into our racially and politically divided land. When the church heals itself, it will have the integrity and divine power to heal the nation.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Valdasia
  • Do not re-elect any Republican who refuses compromise
    That Republicans kept control of the House of Representatives and the ability to stall the Senate with countless filibusters may not be a problem in the next Congress if they are willing to discuss alternatives and to compromise. But, if they remain determined to continue the same course of "gridlock" as a means of not having to pass any bill not 100% to their liking, they need, finally, be dumped for Democrats or independents in the 2014 elections. President Obama was clearly given a mandate to resolve as many issues in his second term as he did in his first using compromise as a tool to address these issues. However, if Republicans continue their ideologic-based policy of no compromise, they need to be forced to accept the only wake-up call by the only means they seem to understand. The voice of massive defeat by vote of the American people. We can only hope.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Albert C. Moeller, Jr.
  • Do not re-elect any Republican who refuses compromise
    That Republicans kept control of the House of Representatives and the ability to stall the Senate with countless filibusters may not be a problem in the next Congress if they are willing to discuss alternatives and to compromise. But, if they remain determined to continue the same course of "gridlock" as a means of not having to pass any bill not 100% to their liking, they need, finally, be dumped for Democrats or independents in the 2014 elections. President Obama was clearly given a mandate to resolve as many issues in his second term as he did in his first using compromise as a tool to address these issues. However, if Republicans continue their ideologic-based policy of no compromise, they need to be forced to accept the only wake-up call by the only means they seem to understand. The voice of massive defeat by vote of the American people. We can only hope.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Albert C. Moeller, Jr.
  • Throwing Off the Yoke of the Citizens United Ruling
    Corporations are not people, and we must remove the corrosive influence of big money, anonymous money, on the election process.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Sepulveda
  • Demand President Obama to stop Drone Warfare
    Drone attacks in the Middle East
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tanya Coen
  • NBC: Tell Donald Trump You're Fired!
    Time has come for NBC to retire Donald Trump from national television. His bizarre behavior and callous disregard for much of the citizens of the United States must no longer be rewarded by NBC with a national TV show. NBC should not need any incentive to do the right thing and drop The Apprentice but if you do need an incentive, all signers of this petition promise to boycott purchases from any advertisers of The Apprentice. Please do the right thing for the country and fire the Donald.
    137 of 200 Signatures
    Created by cary parks