• Truth in Advertising
    Empower the Federal Communications Commission [FCC] to enforce truth in political advertising. The FCC must set severe monetary penalties for any politician, PAC or Super PAC making false statements, lies, or half-truths in ads. Fines are to be levied against broadcasters that fail their due diligence to fact check ads before being aired on radio and television.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Donin
  • separate "church" and "state"
    I object to goverment telling us a union between people is not marriage, or that a fertilied human ovum is a human being. That is for Theologians, not our government to decide.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by pencolodny
    On wednesday 26 September 2012 the Austin Peay State University (APSU) Office of Career Services will be hosting a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recruitment event on campus. The CIA has a history of recruiting students and professors to stop communism, giving students new job opportunities, as well as a long list of repeated stopping of terrorists. Activities such as these are very acceptable and will be tolerated at APSU. We are calling on the campus administration to uphold the student code of conduct and allow the CIA on our campus.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jimmy Rustles
  • Save Richmond Track
    On September 21st, 2012, University of Richmond Athletic Director Jim Miller informed the members of the University of Richmond Track and Field program that the University would be cutting the mens indoor and outdoor Track and Field teams. These cuts were made in order that the University could add a Men's Lacrosse team. The Richmond Cross Country/Track program has been the epitome of what the NCAA promotes as Student-Athletes. We have succeeded both academically and athletically. The following are just some of the accomplishments by the Richmond Cross Country/Track and Field program over the past few years. Spring 2011- Highest Team GPA all DI Outdoor Track and Field Teams 10 consecutive years on USTFCCCA All Academic Team for Cross Country, Indoor Track and Outdoor Track 2010- Qualified for NCAA XC Championships 2010-Top 25 finish in the NCAA 2010- Atlantic10 Cross Country Champions Please sign this petition and vocalize your concern to the University community at large, to raise awareness and hopefully reverse this decision. Thank you for your support.
    11,689 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Kyle
  • knighthood for the bee gees
    the tremendous work they did, music, compossers, charities, servicemen and women
    30 of 100 Signatures
  • What's Not Progressive? Attacking Portland Workers' Rights, That's What
    My co-workers and I, who work at the Fund for the Public Interest in Portland, voted to unionize 11 months ago, but we are still without a first contract. Leadership at the Fund—a nonprofit that has supported great organizations like Environment Oregon and the Oregon State Public Interest Research Group with fundraising and member outreach—has utilized stalling techniques in negotiations and even fired some fellow workers who have been involved in negotiation talks.[1] Tell the Fund's National Telephone Outreach Project Director Pat Wood to negotiate in good faith with workers to settle a fair first contract. [1] nwlaborpress.org/2012/09/cwa-11/
    1,755 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by David Neel
  • Bring Trader Joe's to Brighton, MI
    The people of Brighton, Hartland, Howell, MI, and surrounding areas, ask Trader Joe's to consider opening up a Trader Joe's in our area. Many of us have to drive 40+ mins to the nearest Trader Joe's and would benefit massively from a healthy and affordable neighborhood grocery store. There is no other store like Trader Joe's in this area!
    6,068 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Phil Bell
  • Improve Social Security
    scrap the caps on Social Security's "contribution and benefit base," also known as the "maximum taxable wage base." Social Security limits the amount of earnings subject to taxation through FICA contribution". that way everyone earning income in the U.S.A. pays into Social Security from January 1 thorugh December 31. This will not only create a positive infusion of revenue into Social Security, eliminate any need to reduce benefits, or age, to receive benefits but will also create jobs in that more people will be willing to retire knowing that Social Security is safe
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ron Friend
  • Return fairness to the media
    President Obama, you will have my vote IF you will promise to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine in January 2013.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Chatman
  • We Need To Defeat Heather Wilson
    Heather Wilson is a right-wing idealogue who supported the G W Bush agenda absolutely. She will not be good for New Mexico as our Senator.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Levine
  • Please make a gluten-free Girl Scout cookie!
    My daughter and I cannot eat gluten. My daughter is in her fifth year of Girl Scouting. She has never tasted a Girl Scout cookie, because all varieties of Girl Scout cookies contain gluten, so, if she even tasted one, it would make her ill. Recently our local Girl Scout council considered making gluten-free Girl Scout cookies available. My daughter and I were very excited!!! But then they decided not to offer them after all. This petition is to ask them to reconsider. I hope this petition will help the Girl Scout organization to realize that there are a lot of people who would eagerly buy gluten-free Girl Scout cookies.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Valerie Mates
  • We are the 47% and we Vote!
    I received food stamps and medicaid for my children while working and completing my education. I paid payroll taxes then, and now that I'm enjoying my profession, income taxes as well. I'm calling on Del. Richard Snuffer and all West Virginia legislators to stand with the 47% by condemning Governor Romney's crass remarks.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrea Farenga