20th Congressional DistrictI am offended by the recent expose on Mitt Romney's opinion of me. Part of Mitt's '47 percent', I am a retired civil servant who has just applied for social security.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sharon McFarlane
Tell Darrell Issa to apologize to AG Eric HolderFor months Congressman Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee conducted what amounted to a partisan witch hunt for Attorney General Eric Holder over the Fast and Furious debacle and even hinted that President Obama was involved. The U.S. Department of Justice just exonerated Holder. Tell Darrell Issa that he owes Holder and Obama an apology and should take personal responsibility for the wasted tax payer money that went into this by either paying it back or resigning or both.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rena Marrocco
I'm part of the 47%, are you?Mitt Romney was talking about me and you! I'm probably part of his 47% who need the government to protect me against health insurance companies by creating insurance for all Americans. A government that takes care of a mother in Massachusetts, who without MassHealth (Medicare and Medicaid) would not be surviving her dementia. You know that was a Romney initiative that provides the best healthcare system in American and the ACA was modeled after......go figure. Or maybe the 47% are really mostly Mitt's donors who don't pay taxes either. Think about it and knock on the door of Bob Dold and every other Republican, Democrat and Tea Party representative who stand behind Romney. Ask them if they are part of the 47% or they were elected into the Congress by the 47% and thensome? Ask them to remember that Mitt Romney was born with a silver spoon and proud of it. Ask them if they are bold enough to stand up for one American and end the politics of money instead of the politics of the people.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andy
Tell Tom Price: "Debate Your Opponent"Despite having an opponent, Jeff Kazanow, in the November 6 general election, Rep. Tom Price refuses to remain accountable to his constituents and participate in even a single debate. We believe, in the interest of democracy and transparency, that Rep. Price should agree to debates with Jeff Kazanow.39 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeff Kazanow
Mr. Romney, prove you're not the 47%Mitt Romney accuses a portion of the population of certain negative characteristics. He refuses to release his taxes, is it because he doesn't pay any either?475 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Carole Heffernan
Retire Lance Corporal Steve Sutton's LCHS Football Jersey and Football Number PermanentlyThis petition is to set forth a strong request to permanently retire Lance Corporal Steve Sutton's football jersey and football number at Lee County High School. Lance Corporal Steve Sutton paid the ultimate sacrifice as a Marine. It is by request of the following signatures that this petition be taken in consideration.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steve Owens
Cancel "Swamp People"Demand that the History Channel stop glorifying animal abuse with shows like Swamp People. Reptiles are hunted down in their own habitat and murdered by a shot to the head. They have no chance against a bullet. The cowardly humans are then touted as being "brave" with mean looks on their faces. Gators are also dragged behind horses. Please sign this petition and boycott the History Channel until it cancels Swamp People and other animal abuse shows. http://www.history.com/support200 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Margo
Aurora Victim Relief FundThis fund of 5.2 million has been collected for the victims in the shooting in Aurora Colorado. It has not been released to the victims yet. Please sign this petition to ask that the funds be released to the victims it is intended for.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cara Golden
Vehicle headlights on at all timesAutomobiles are very dangerous and drivers are distracted more and more every day both insdie and outside their vehicles advertising signs, cell phones, etc. You read many accident reports with drivers saying I didn't see the other vehcile. certain car colors blend into the scenery or are hard to see at certain times of the day. If they were required to have their headlights on at alll times it could cut down on numerous accidents and deaths saving lives and numerous costs relating to the accidents.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Roullier
Stop Adventure Aquarium From Relocating Our Seals!As 8:21am Kevin Keppel, Executive Director of Adventure Aquarium declared in a email announcement that Seal Shores will be officially closed October 1st to expand their penguin exhibit. If we band together we might be able to reverse this decision! We love our seals! I've been going to Camden, NJ for the aquarium since I was five years old. I was inspired to be a ocean activist when I got to meet "Squeegee" the seal. I have always returned to Seal Shores several times a year since then to see our lovely seals! Generations need to know and be inspired about this lovely animals! Our seals, if moved, will be relocated hours away to Washington, DC. We can stop this! Let's tell Camden to keep Seal Shores!6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Byrne
Stop Partisanship on Supreme Court!The Supreme Court is the only court in the land that has no rules regarding becoming involved or attending political events. Therefore, they (and their spouses) have been able to become intimately involved in partisan issues and organizations which has affected their rulings.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Maureen Harrop
ban all gas chambers,heartstick,and all forms of euthanasiaI have seen the hoorrors of the kill shelters these animals have done nothing to deserve to be dragged by thier necks to the gas chambers or kicked or beaten and only have 4 days to live at the shelter before they are killed a torturious death that may take as long as 45 mintues to an hour of suffering.visit one of these shelters and see what I have seen we must get rid of all kill shelters I beg of you stop the killing.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Bowman