592 of 600 Signatures
    Created by SUSIE
  • Re-Re-Improve School Lunches
    School lunches are now too small and students aren't getting enough energy, especially those who are poor and can't afford barely anything for food at home, and those who are constanly active. Some better suggestions for developing healthier eating habits and fighting obesity: Snacks for students of all ages that include fruits, veggies, grains, etc., investing in school sports and many other "let's get moving" type activities, and so on. Also: Stop wasteful spending on foam plates in schools! It's bad for the enviroment and buying regular plates could save schools thousands of dollars per year, helping schools use more money on textbooks, new equipment, and much more. Plus, it is our right to eat how we choose, is it not?
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keegan
  • Eric Holder, Protect the Vote
    Demands that Eric Holder dispatch federal poll watchers to states with voter-suppression laws and have representatives at all private electronic vote count facilities.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by lew stewart
  • Ask CETF to stop its malicious vendetta against Rochester Board of Education Commissioner Mary Adams
    Community Education Task Force (CETF) members have asked that the Rochester Board of Education compel Comissioner Mary Adams to issue an apology for behavior unbecoming of an elected official. I urge you to sign this letter in support of Commissioner Adams' right to due process and in opposition to the the dubious tactics employed by CETF in pursuing their grievance.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robin Wilt
  • Support Rachel Ronan
    My friend, Rachel Ronan, was wrongfully terminated after telling her work, Super Cuts in Mandeville, LA, that she would need time off to say goodbye to her son, a US Marine- who was to be deployed to Libya.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Cash
  • Apple: Let CREDO Mobile Support iPhones
    My family and business have relied on Apple products for decades. Overall, I think it is a good company. Yes, Apple makes some poor choices. But, what REALLY drives me crazy is that my business can't get iPhone and iPad service from CREDO Mobile! When using AT&T or Verizon, our dollars go to candidates who think I should not be guaranteed equal pay for equal work or that corporate executives have a right to determine what reproductive health care women have access to. So, doing business with AT&T is self-defeating. Yes, we could jump to other devices, but we rely upon iPhone-compatible tools. And, yes, we could jump to Sprint. But where we local, progressive, Apple lovin' business owners want to be is on CREDO -- where our business dollars will go to politicians who work to make our lives better, not harder. This as a win-win-win-win: CREDO gets thousands of new mobile and data plans; Sprint (which I THINK hosts CREDO) might get help meeting their iPhone quota; Apple sells devices to all of those hold-out progressives, and those progressive would be heard through their dollars and CREDO Action. Please join me in asking Apple CEO Tim Cook to finally set up an agreement for the iPhone with CREDO Mobile and give progressive business owners what they really want: iPhones on CREDO!
    306 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Leslie Martel Baer, MS, MA
  • Stop the Use of Corn for Ethanol Production
    Corn is a widely used crop for food and as a food product used in the production of countless other foods. At this juncture with corn already being in short supply, ethanol producers are taking a scarce food and using it for fuel instead of feeding the populace.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Woody Crockett
  • Jase Bolger should step aside as Speaker
    It is absolutely unacceptable that Jase Bolger be allowed to continue in his role as Speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives. Bolger’s ability to lead and his judgement have been called into question by his constituents, Michigan’s newspapers, and even his colleagues in the House.
    895 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Progress Michigan
    Our people are under constant oppression from the Republic of Cameroon which is illegally occupying the land of Former British Southern Cameroon. Our land is exploited, citizens tortured and killed, others forced to go on exile. Our identity is under threats of extinction as a nation. (visit: www.ambazonia.org)
    19 of 100 Signatures
  • Mayor Bloomberg Correct the 9/11 Memorial Mistake
    When the Twin Towers collapsed on 9/11/01, Mohammad Salman Hamdani, a NYPD cadet was one of the first responders pulling people out of the rubble. Sadly, like many of the other first responders that day, he never returned home. His nation and his city first dishonored his legacy and his name when they actually suspected him to be a conspirator, then by misplacing his name on the 9/11 Memorial in Lower Manhattan they did it a second time. This is a slight that cannot be allowed to be forgotten and justice must be done. Mohammad's name deserves its rightful placement.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Gooljar
  • Give Wildlife a Chance in fire impacted States
    Colorado has made regulations to where Wildlife Sanctuaries cannot help animals from other States. These Animal Sanctuaries would use their money to relocate the poor animals who have NO chance. Pretty soon myself, and others in our State / Other States will not have the Wildlife to see. With starvation, or killing them when they try to get food, etc.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M. Mahalic
  • Power of the pluses
    We can all agree that clothes are a very essential part of American culture. A lot of us say "who we are" through the clothes that we wear. It is a problem that most stores do not offer plus size clothes; it has a negative impact on teens who need a range of styles to express themselves. The stores that carry plus sizes are not always fashionable, which makes overweight teens feel even more self-conscious. We want all stores to make clothes for people of all sizes.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lilly White