• campaign finance reform
    getting the money out of our political system
    3 of 100 Signatures
  • Bring back the Remix (Tropical Sprite Remix)
    This petition is about convincing coke that there is still demand for Tropical Sprite Remix. If we can show coke that there is demand, it would be a mistake if it wasn't re-introduced into there product line-up.
    418 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Justin Bailey
  • Fukushima Threatens Everyone in the Northern Hemisphere
    Please vote to urge President Obama and the UN to take immediate action, as requested by Japanese nuclear experts and concerned citizens, to secure the spent fuel rod pool at Fukushima, before it spews out 85 times the radiation of Chernobyl worldwide! ‎"We Japanese civil organizations express our deepest concern that our government does not inform its citizens about the extent of risk of the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel pool. Given the fact that collapse of this pool could potentially lead to catastrophic consequences with worldwide implications, what the Japanese government should be doing as a responsible member of the international community is to avoid any further disaster by mobilizing all the wisdom and the means available in order to stabilize this spent nuclear fuel. It is clearly evident that Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel pool is no longer a Japanese issue but an international issue with potentially serious consequences. Therefore, it is imperative for the Japanese government and the international community to work together on this crisis before it becomes too late. We are appealing to the United Nations to help Japan and the planet in order to prevent the irreversible consequences of a catastrophe that could affect generations to come." http://fukushima.greenaction-japan.org/2012/05/01/an-urgent-request-on-un-intervention-to-stabilize-the-fukushima-unit-4-spent-nuclear-fuel/
    452 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Frederick Glaysher
  • National Compassion Holiday
    March 15 is the date for the proposed National Compassion Holiday. When achieved, March 15 will be a day to: Encourage volunteer service to aid senior centers and disabled-care facilities Encourage donations from individuals and businesses Promote respect, education, and awareness for senior and disabled citizens Unite all people across race, religion, and politics in a new spirit of compassion and giving Help the world re-evaluate what it means to be older or disabled in our society Please help out today by signing the petition. It only takes a few seconds to change the world. You can also visit us at www.nationalcompassionholiday.com
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael B. Villalpando
  • Fixing the Worlds Major Problems
    The one cause to the worlds problems is; the people who are paying money to, and voting for, criminals who are subverting governments world wide for their so called "New World Order". The one solution is for enough people to learn how the International and Central Bankers or Financiers are corrupting nations governments by controlling their money supplies, causing economic disasters, and then mutilating their laws while everyone else is busy surviving. The path begins by looking up the 16 phrases at the bottom of the petition.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Harley Davidson Borgais
  • Stop profiling dog breeds and enforce owner responsibility instead!
    Bully dog breeds have been getting negative publicity because of attacks on people and other animals. No information has been gathered or information given regarding the type of unqualified and irresponsible individuals who, while deciding to own these dogs failed to properly train and supervise them. A dog of any breed is a true reflection of his owner regardless of size or breed. Make owners--not dogs--responsible for their dogs' behavior by placing the burden of punishment on the owner and making the punishment fit the crime!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Graciela C. Catasus
  • Stop the senseless killing of marine animals, including dolphins and whales.
    Whales and dolphins have been beaching themselves in order to avoid ruptured eardrums caused by Navy sonar exploration of the ocean's floor. This exploration does not appear to be necessary when considering the cost of the suffering and loss of marine life.
    106 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Janna Baker
  • Owner occupied exemptions on rental dwellings.
    Recently, my property taxes, on the last house I lived in, were increased as my owner occupied exemption was stripped when I purchased a new house. With mortgage sales down, I would not be able to sell the property and break even on the mortgage and repairs, so I rented it out to cover the mortgage, insurance, and taxes. With the exemption being taken away, taxes were increased 600.00 a year. Now, I have to increase the rent 50 a month. If there was no mortgage owed, I could understand an increase in taxes. Taxing authorities are taking advantage of tax payers by continuous raising assessed values of properties, in a down market, and stripping exeptions that should be amended for property that has a mortgage. Tenants see "land lords" as "raping" people with rent payments. Although this may be true with some, but not with me, or most people. I just want to keep the property until it can be sold. People who do not have the credit to buy a house, or those that dont want to buy, shouldnt have to pay outragious rent due to taxing authorities taking advantage of tax payers. Property owners and tenants alike will benefit with changing the current way the exemption is.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Grawey
  • Everyone Votes
    We need to follow Australia's lead ... make voting compulsory, with a fine for not voting ($250 there). It would guarantee that any elected representative has a REAL majority of support; it would negate any need for spending money to "get out the vote", which in turn negates any need for registering as a Party affiliate or "Independent" - and, it would minimize politicians pandering to small but "noisy" pressure groups, because he/she would have to appeal to the broadest section of the society ... the middle. .
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Porteous
  • Get Democratic Convention out of N.C.
    The idea that the Democrats should honor the State of North Carolina with their convention this Summer is absurd.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DAVID KURZMAN
  • Get Democratic Convention out of N.C.
    The idea that the Democrats should honor the State of North Carolina with their convention this Summer is absurd.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DAVID KURZMAN
  • Get Democratic Convention out of N.C.
    The idea that the Democrats should honor the State of North Carolina with their convention this Summer is increasingly absurd. Why should Democrats support a State that is so overtly anti-female, anti-labor, and anti health care programs???
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DAVID KURZMAN