ANTI-BULLY AND HARASSMENT ACT H.R.975Anti-Bullying and Harassment Act of 2011 - Amends the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act to require: (1) states to use grants for safe and drug-free schools to collect and report information on the incidence of bullying and harassment, and (2) local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools to use subgrants to prevent and respond to incidents of bullying and harassment.Signing this petition will help to protect those being bullied.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by mark lucas
Meet The PressDemand NBC. make Rachel Maddow host of "MTP"5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jim McCarthy
Student Finance Not About Helping StudentsOutrageous interest being collected on Student Loans. Amount borrowed $10,000.00, amount to be paid back(due to interest) $17,000.00. Why is the Student Finance Office acting like a "Loan Shark" ? No wonder the student debt is such a problem. There are also plenty of penalties and jacking-up of interest they are allowed to gleefully slap on. These rules must change. They are stealing from our kids-legally.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patricia Giannakis
Full BPA disclosureAll products containing BPA must be clearly labled so the public can decide.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vincent Corrado
Why Can't We Grow Something Healthy?Our tobacco farmers are growing something which kills, requires tons of pesticides and herbicides and which causes addiction costing our government billions of dollars for quit-smoking programs.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Rhudy
Chicken LittleOur endless skirmishes in the name of local dominance, religion, financial styles, even ecology, pale beside the Real Enemy, which is hurtling this way with all of our names on it. This is an international call to arms against Armageddon, or the next loopy rock from the celestial depths that has haunted our mythology since written communication began and no doubt before. We could lose all life on Earth, not to mention our own, if we do not organize all that lovely power we've accumulated in the name of mutual destruction and aim it where it will do us all some good, we will have failed in our real purpose on this planet and lost everything in the bargain.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by molly cruz
Consumer Commissioner: We demand that ALL products and associated marketing materials be clearly ...There are currently four products on the South African market that have tested positive for a GM content over 50% and this is unlabeled. We are calling on the Department of Trade & Industry to stop the in-fighting & re-establish for the National Consumer Commissioner to monitor the consumer market and the effectiveness of accredited consumer groups to safeguard that “prohibited conduct and offences are prevented or detected and prosecuted”.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Naseema Elias
We Pledge To Boycott Mexican DrugsTo remove money from the murderous cartels of Mexico, We pledge to boycott any purchase of Mexican Drugs and only buy USA grown as available. We also support increased penalties for illegal sale of weapons to Mexico, and support the highest federal penalties on those that do sell them.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Ivey
President Obama Go To Wisconsin NowAll Democrats should insist that our president begin campaigning for Mr. Tom Barrett.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dan O'Connell
STOP VERIZON FROM ENDING UNLIMITED DATA PLANVerizon, a Fortune 500 Company, has announced that they will end unlimited data coverage at the time of upgrade for those previously grandfathered in under this plan. In tough econonic times companies need to give consumers a break.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jean Sutton
Remodification ActFailure of mortgagers remodification1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by C L Collins
Little Rock Mayor Mark Stodola: Do not release taxpayer funds to the Little Rock Technology Park ...Residents in three central Little Rock neighborhoods are living under the threat that they could lose their homes. Ruth Carter lived in her home since 1954 where she raised three children and several grandchildren. Over the last few months she lived with the uncertainty that at age 93 she might have to give up her home because the Little Rock Technology Park Authority would take it through eminent domain. But she acted courageously just a few days ago when she went on statewide television with some of her neighbors to tell Mayor Mark Stodola and the Little Rock Technology Park Authority that she did not want to move and that her home was not for sale. Mrs. Carter passed away this week in her home of almost six decades. And just as she died in her own home this week so others are now fighting for the right to live in their homes. People like Rohn Muse, Donna Massey, Daniel Hopwood, and Bobbie Phillips have been leaders in their Central Little Rock communities for years. They have invested in their homes and worked to make their community a better place. Now they are facing the real possibility that their investment may be taken away from them. Not only are they living under the threat of displacement, they are paying for the demolition of their own community through a new city sales tax. Part of the new tax will be given to the Little Rock Technology Park Authority to tear down homes and destroy a community. It's wrong to tax people only to displace them. It's wrong to uproot a community for the benefit of private business. And that's why we are asking you to join with people like the late Ruth Carter to fight for these central Little Rock neighborhoods. Sign our petition and stand with Rohn, Bobbie, Donna, and Daniel to tell the Mayor and the Little Rock Board of Directors: Not one dime of taxpayer money should go toward the Little Rock Technology Park until the Technology Park Authority agrees to change its plans and build its facility in a non-residential area. We love our piece of the American Dream. And we shall not be moved!303 of 400 SignaturesCreated by We Shall Not Be Moved Coalition