Sec'y Salazar: Stop Killing our WildlifeUnder Bush, we expected a fight to save America's wildlife. And we worked hard to keep the wolf killer Palin out of the White House. Little did we know then that we would have to double down on the fight under Obama. Sign the petition for a new beginning for wildlife under Obama II.47 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alan Bailey
Remove all restrictions to travel to CubaCubans are a friendly people who will welcome American tourists with open arms.Cuba is the safest place in the World for American to travel.Beautiful beaches,excellent climate,90 miles away from the US,and it is against the constitutional rights of Americans to be prohibited from travelling to this paradise!5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andres Pazos
Make Louisville, Kentucky the most peaceful city in the world!Creativity...yours, mine, our , alone, in small groups, in large collaboration. It doesn't have to be hard. It takes a willing heart and the time honored dream of a new world coming. Enough of the separation of issues and the clash of ideas...If we work for peace we will honor and welcome diversity into our lives. We will create sustainability. We will be secure emotionally, economically, spiritually.... Enough of listing ways we can be better. Will you sign a petition to become a creative force in achieving a Louisville that is the model city... and jump start the creation of a peaceful, sustainable, diverse world that includes and works for everyone? ,2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Hartmann
No more petitionsI want to start a petition asking this organization to stop soliciting petitions5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bruce Spears
Keep the Church out of PoliticsThe church is walking a fine line by getting many organizations to heavily fund political/civil matters, such as privacy issues and marriage equality to name a few. They are also actively seeking church members to sign petitions in their favor regarding these issues on church property. If they are going to continue to influence legislation by these measures, they should lose their tax exempt status.The reason we left England, to establish a new country, in the first place, was not only freedom of religion, but freedom from religious influences regarding dictation of law.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Gervais
Good Dogs HealIt is our national responsibility to do everything in our power to heal the wounds of war our servicemen and women have sustained in our name. Many of these wounds are not immediately visible, being wounds to the heart, the mind of the warrior. Many studies have shown that a trained service dog can do much to heal these wounds.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah J. Williams
Reinstate the Glass-Steagall ActBanks need to be regulated again, to avoid another destructive, crippling economic meltdown; big investment banks need to be separated from small passbook-holder banks. The Glass-Steagall Act protected these regulations.532 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Charlie Morgan
Prosecute the Bush Administration for their war crimesBush, Chenney, Rumsfeld, Fife and all their lawyers who claimed water boarding was legal. we cann't let these criminals go free.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ralph Dietlin
americans for a just americaour politicians are bribed...they accept money from special interests ...they make laws that only benefit special interests....they are not working for the majority of us. citizens...they are bringing on the downfall of america...time to fire all politicians who vote against americas interests.....1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by diane lombardi
Require Accountability in Campaign AdvertisingWhy should politicians be continually allowed to make statements that are ENTIRELY false or MISLEADING, without any accountability for it ? In some instances in the U.S., such lying could result in a libel suit - but not with political campaigning.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joe Videtto
Student Loan Debt CrisisStudent loan debt has now surpassed credit card debt. College graduates are increasingly finding themselves without jobs that wlll afford them the ability to repay their loans. Currently student loans are not eligible to be discharged through bankruptcy. This petition is to try to get this changed to include student loans in bankruptcy protection.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marie Martorano
Paying it forward, help our countrythis is the greatest country, just like someone in need, this country has given soo much to the world..lets help by contributing to conquer our fiancial deficit13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brian Nakasone