• End pointless time change
    Every year most people in the United States have to totally change their schedules to keep up with meaningless changes to meet the DST/Standard Time changes. This petition is to vote to end the practice. To choose either Daylight Savings time or keep Standard time, but only use one for the entire year.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Seever
  • All Movie Theathre Should Have Closed Caption!
    Get closed caption in all movie theathre for deaf
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sara haimowitz
  • Payday Loan Petition
    Most of the Payday Loan Companies that are online are companies that are "Scams" and they are being run out of countries like India. What they are basically doing is "Harvesting" all of your private and personal information. Information like your Social Security Number, Bank Information, Mothers Maiden Name, Names of Relatives, etc. This information will enable to effectively steal from you whenever and whereever they want to. I believe that the government (whether it be local, State and/or Federal sholuld put online the country where these bogus companies are working out of. I also think that reputable companies should all be placed into a "Sanctioned List" so that people needing a short term loan will know which company top apply to.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Glenn T. Cressy
  • Eliminate Payday Loan/Advance Business
    Eradicating predatory debt loan practices, this type of payday loan advances can be detrimental to your financial health. They prey up on people who usually make $50,000 or less annually with their usury practices while they make big profits at your expense.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janice Elgin
  • Do the right thing.
    Getting everyone to do the right thing. In every situation. In other words TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert J Dolan
  • Clearly mark any product used in or in the body that there are hormones, hormone mimickers, or GM...
    This petition seeks to make people healthier by making them more aware of the products they put in their bodies. Its scope is to include food, vitamins, supplements, shampoos, body sprays, options, perfumes, bubble baths, clothing/apparel, laundry detergent, dishwasher soap, dish soap, etc. It covers every product that is SOPs and ingested or could enter the blood through the skin that is created for clothing, cleansing the body or to be injested.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by amanda
  • Tell Republicans to stop badmouthing Democrats and trying to take away women's rights!
    Republicans are busy lying about our president, badmouthing Democratic candidates, and suppressing votes in several key states! They are also trying to take away women's rights. This has to stop!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katie Bowen
  • Legalization of Marijuana
    It is time President Obama does something about the pot issue in particular and the drug war in general.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fran Judd
  • medical marijuana leagalization
    legalizing medicinal marijuana for those with cancer extreme pain and dpression and other things that would give these people a better quality of life
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Cossin
  • Thank you Mark Dayton, Governor of Minnesota
    Thank you Mark Dayton Governor of the State of Minnesota Several people expressed two issues we would like to share with you. You deserve a big THANK YOU for making tough decisions. How can we make a positive statement when most of what we hear is attacking negative statements? So this is an attempt to have a positive petition to THANK you the Governor of the State of Minnesota for your leadership and exercising your power as governor vetoing several bills, showing that Minnesota has a check and balance system.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Tilsen
  • Preserving our Old West End Historic District Landscape, Toledo Ohio
    The City of Toledo has failed to "notify" its citizens, and historic district residents, as to their “rights” and responsibilities under Federal law. Additionally city officials have failed to involve any interested citizens as required, from the very early stages of planning for the reconstruction of Collingwood Avenue until the required Section 106 review is finally completed. Reference : http://www.toledoblade.com/local/2012/04/09/City-holds-to-plan-to-fell-72-trees-in-Old-West-End.html Reference : www.achp.gov/regs-rev04.pdf § 800.2 Participants in the Section 106 process. (d) The public. (1) Nature of involvement. The views of the public are essential to informed Federal decision making in the section 106 process. The agency official shall seek and consider the views of the public in a manner that reflects the nature and complexity of the undertaking and its effects on historic properties, the likely interest of the public in the effects on historic properties, confidentiality concerns of private individuals and businesses, and the relationship of the Federal involvement to the undertaking. (2) Providing notice and information. The agency official must, except where appropriate to protect confidentiality concerns of affected parties, provide the public with information about an undertaking and its effects on historic properties and seek public comment and input. Members of the public may also provide views on their own initiative for the agency official to consider in decision making.
    422 of 500 Signatures
    Created by David Neuendorff
  • Food Full and Accurate Disclosure - the right to know what we eat.
    You are what you eat and people deserve to know where the food they are considering comes from, how it is made, and what it is made of, accurately and honestly in complete detail.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Warner King