• 4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ren
  • Petition for a U.S. Stamp of THE BORINQUENEERS
    To: Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee We, the undersigned, respectfully request the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee to issue a U.S. stamp honoring The Borinqueneers of the 65th Infantry Regiment, the only all-Hispanic unit in U.S. Army history. The Borinqueneers is the nickname of the 65th Infantry Regiment that served meritoriously in World War I, World War II and the Korean War. But it was in the Korean War, where they excelled in combat participating in nine major campaigns and earning the praise of General Douglas MacArthur. by Noemi Figueroa Soulet on April 7, 2012 at 8:40pm PDT
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Javier Pena
  • Strike at Corporate Greed
    Lets pick a date to boycott walmart for being the number one seller of guns and ammo in the US. They are the sponors of ALEC which wrote the legislation for the stand your ground rule in Florida which led to the Trayvon Martin death. This will show corporate America that the people are feed up with corporate greed which in this case was trying to sell more guns.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael L. Marinell
  • "When You Go Shopping Give A Thought To Tibet."
    "When You Go Shopping Give a Thought to Tibet." http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/ct-oped-0409-tibet-20120409,0,1872848.story Jamphel Yeshi , Tsering Kyi and at least 22 others have burned themselves to death for Tibet in the last year -- can we give up goods made in China?

 http://www.savetibet.org/resource-center/maps-data-fact-sheets/self-immolation-fact-sheet http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/02/tibet-self-immolation-wave_n_1396443.html
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jhana Chinamasta
  • Halt commodification of water
    Water is necessary to all living things. Recently, bottling companies such as Coke, Pepsi and Nestle have attempted to manipulate water sources needed for municipal drinking, irrigation and natural habitat preservation to their own ends:profit. Not only are the plastic bottles showing up on the bottom of the Pacific ocean and in sea creatures' digestive systems, but the bottlers are also sidestepping FDA regulations by bottling and distributing within state boundries, thus eliminating the oversight of the FDA, which only regulates federal, i.e. interstate products. People have been fooled into thinking that bottled water is superior in quality to that of their local municipality, whose water sources are tested daily by the EPA. Often that same "inferior" water is bottled and then sold back to consumers at a huge mark up. Bottlers have fought against disclosing their sources, and continue to profit off consumer fear and misinformation.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by V Logan
  • Stop taxing my social security!
    There is a tax on social securiy payments if one dares take anything over $15k out of investments or other pensions. Barak Obama promised to change the calculation to exempt double the amount in the formula. It hasn't been done and, especially here in NYC, $15k is not a high income. It is unfair to tax money that I paid for in 45 years of work.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert C. Yuknavech
  • Limit the power of the Homeowners Association
    I am seeing more and more homes being taken from hardworking people because of debts owed a homeowners assosiation. I have seen and heard the abuse of power that these people hold and it seems to me and many others to be just another way to steal what others have spent their lives sacrificing to build. The debts to a HOA should be just like a cedit card debt and as such a persons home should be safe from collection ptactices.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tammy Hamilton
  • Impeachment of Obama for taking war delcaration from UN/NATO?
    The president of the US should only declare war after it is approved by Congress. Its a high crime and treasonous for any president to take orders or war declaration from any other government body.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by kofi donkor
  • Medal of Freedom for a True American Hero
    On September 11th, 2001, our nation was wounded by the horrific event of NYC, DC and PA deaths of many of citizens. At the WTC, a brave Security Leader of Morgan-Stanley/Dean-Witter heroically saved over 2700 lives by planning and insight. His name was Richard Cyril Rescorla. He was 65 years old. He had been a soldier (Once and Young) as retired Lt. General Hal Moore said in his two books on his experience of leading brave men into battle in November 1965 in the Ia Drang Valley. Ric Rescorla was one of those troopers. He was not even an American citizen at the time. He was a Brit. Eventually Ric became a naturalized US citizen. He never forgot what it took to lead men. In 1993 he was present when the explosion went off in the basement of the WTC. From that point on he practiced with the 20 floors of the largest investment firm in the world. Now its the President's turn to honor Ric's wife. Its long over due.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sathanuman S. Khalsa
  • prohibit political candidates at all levels from advertising on tv or radio
    political advertising on tv and radio is annoying, and it is the major expense of political campaigns. in signing this petition call for a constitutional amendment to prohibit political campaigns of all kinds, including single issue initiatives, from advertising on tv and radio, thereby eliminating the need for vast amounts of money in politics and forcing citizens to read. keep our airwaves free of corporate and union selfishness. vote read.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Mroczkowski
  • Civility Now
    Enough, already. We get it. There are divisions. Let's find the common core.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by The Project
    Get rid of Daylight saving time. What purpose does it serve today? I cant think of anything that it makes better by adjusting an hour ahead or back. Back in the day I believe it served the purpose of farmers able to harvest their crops earlier or something to that effect. But what good is it, especially when it starts getting dark at 5:30 and you just got off work less than a half hour ago. Let get rid of a ritual that is outdated and useless.
    116 of 200 Signatures
    Created by DANNY KING