• Tennis Courts: Access and Common Area Rules Change
    The current Common Area Rule (Revised March 2012) for the use of The Met tennis courts requires owners to gain access to the courts by either (1) going to the HOA office during business hours or (2) the security desk at the main entrance on Canoga Avenue as a result of the HOA decision to install locks on all of the courts. The courts were previously unlocked and available to all owners during available hours as a paid amenity (HOA fee).
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Valerie Bakst
  • "Slumlords"fix it or lose it
    slumlords like to collect on investment property but, wont invest in the property. They should be held accountable for their share of the investment property.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by milton freeman
  • Overdue Vehicle Registeration Amnesty Program
    I would like to start a petition to encourage individuals to register any vehicle for a flat fee, maximum amount of $ 500.00 per vehicle with overdue registration of 2 years or more. It would give an incentive to individuals to bring current any past due or expired registeration. This can be done by offering amnestiy as a one time opportunity to register a vehicle that was too far behind and nearly impossible to abide by the vehicle registration laws. The procedes will provide a windfall for California and the education system without raising a single tax, in fact just the opposite effect as lowering taxes and business operating expenses. Once a party brings current an expired Registeration, it is highly likely that they will pay all future Registeration fees before they spiral out of sight again. So in short it guarantees future revenues for the State of California as well. Someone please help me get this idea to to desk of Governor Jerry Brown and fellow democrat.
    181 of 200 Signatures
  • Truth in Broadcasting
    My petition is about forcing truth in broadcasting. The recent reporting about social securuity was the straw that broke the camel's back with me. We need truth to make informed decisions. we need truth to ensure our democracy is maintained and sustained.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julia Bray
    Lethal leg iron traps & snares are barbaric, brutal,inhumane, sadistic. They are the precursors to personnel land mines. Unintended targets get tortured to death. Any child of God caught in one suffers in excrutiating pain for days, losing blood, hungry and dehydrating, and in fear/helpless. Folks in Idaho took pot shots at a beautiful wolf that had been caught in a trap for days for FUN....There is NO PLACE in civilized society for these! You can judge a country by the way in which it treats its animals - Ghandi.
    1,392 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nikki Nafziger
  • Stop fox penning
    Fox penning takes trapped foxes, which are then released in an enclosed area and allows packs of hounds to chase them and rip them apart. This is considered a "family sport." It is legal in VA and some other states. Efforts to regulate it or stop it in VA have been unsuccessful thus far. This sport is inhumane to animals and de-sensitizes children to cruelty and violence, much like dog fighting.
    361 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Margaret McElligott
  • I Want a Healthy Energy Supplement Choice Available on Campus!
    With so many options within the realm of Energy products, wouldn't it make sense for the college campus stores to provide choices, which were actually healthy for their students? Instead of the high caffeine and sugar laden drinks which are currently available, there are healthy, energy-boosting, vitamin supplements which utilize antioxidants and amino acids to boost energy, enhance brain alertness, and improve immune health. Healthy energy products are the best long-term study aids available! Please ask UC Berkeley Cal Dining to make healthier energy supplement choices available.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deirdre
  • Boating on the Sprain Lake, Westchester County, NY
    The Sprain Lake in Westchester County, NY is a perfect and very safe place for boating. I was involved in a rowing accident on the Harlem River 6 years ago that killed a friend of mine. I have the backing of Yonkers and the Town of Greenburgh, but have not been able to get Westchester County to allow it. No funds are being requested, only access.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vincent Houston
  • Let’s get WGY radio in NY's Capital District back to community radio
    WGY used to be a community oriented radio station. It is now just a right-wing, hate-filled mouthpiece for the right-wing fanatics.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Botta
  • Enact Tax Fairness
    The petition would end the inequity whereby Warren Buffett's secretary pays a higher tax rate than Warren Buffett pays.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Daiell
  • We belong to one another
    It's about actively looking for common ground as people ... and then standing on it.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joan Steffend Brandmeier
  • Boycott CABLE FOX NEWS
    Foxs News has one agenda and that is to defeat President Barack Obama and they should be object and not subjective in their reporting they are a news organization are they not but they have or seem to have only one agenda and that is to act as a mouth piece for the Republican Party.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fred D. Woodberry Jr