• Affordable Housing
    Rent control with in 20 miles around any Military Bace to protect the people around it and the service famileys supporting it, N Housing can be so expensive that it take two peoples in come to support or rent a home or apartment with in 20 miles.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Smith
  • Rebuttable Presumption of Equal Custody in Divorce
    Federal laws need to level the playing field for spouses in divorce. Men are routinely discriminated against in State laws, receiving "traditional" parenting time that amounts to 5 in 28 days with their child(ren). Fathers are currently forced to litigate back Civil Rights that should be protected Consititutionally under Federal Law. Litigation in divorce is expensive and psychologically damaging for the most vulnerable--our children.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victor Toso
  • Have the FDA oversee the ingredients in pet foods
    Lately, many dogs and other animals have been sickened or died from tainted pet food and pet treats. Most of these products are made in China and under the name of an American company. Pet food manufacturers not only deny their products did not cause any illnesses or deaths of pet companions, but steadfastly will not accept any financial liability for their tainted products.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ted Reinhardt
  • Senate oversight on the funding of Iraq war.
    Now that the Iraq war is over, I think Americans would like to know all non-classified costs, such as private-contractors, non-military security, etc. So much is made about the cost of Solyandra it would be so little compared to the waste in Iraq.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eugene McElligott
  • 3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Johna L Gorman
  • How Old Is Sexy?
    The Company 'Jour Apres Lune' produces matching lingerie for mothers and daughters. They use underage models to show off the revealing nature of their underwear line on their website and are threatening to begin marketing in the U.S.A. Not only does this paint an inappropriate picture for young girls as an early heightened sexual identity, but it also encourages those who seek out younger and younger victims in molestation and rape crimes. We need to restrict the sale and purchase of this merchandise in North America and asphyxiate the organization.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Riley C. Morris
  • AT&T Internet: Upgrade Dial-up Phone Lines to High-Speed
    Currently AT&T refuses to upgrade their old phone lines. Dial-up Internet customers are charged $15.95 a month. High Speed Internet customers only pay $14.95 a month. Dial-up customers, individuals and businesses, deserve to be connected to a 21st Century internet. Time is money! Dial-up Internet customers are tired of our slow death crawl through the internet!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dale Freeman
  • MLB in Utah
    Everyone knows exactly what you're talking about when you mention, "Americas Favorite Pastime," baseball! It is America's sport. We propose that the state of Utah make an effort to attract a MLB team. Why?: - Boost to tourism - Benefits the community and families - Brings in more jobs and business to Utah How?: - Building a stadium - Providing a fan base only the people of Utah know how to provide - Just by showing your support We know we can make this a reality with your help. We ask you to join our cause and push to get this done. Our great state, our communities and most of all our families will be blessed by bringing this great American sport to our state.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keaton Braithwaite
  • Communicom: Extending Service Area
    This petition is to show Communicom how many people are interested in having cable and DSL Internet available in the surrounding Vinton area.
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Shannon Bellard-Amy
  • Stop Slaughtering Big Bend Burros
    The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) has been slaughtering wild burros in Big Bend Ranch State Park since 2007. To date they have killed over 100 burros. The Burros have lived in the park for hundreds of years, but TPWD is now calling them an exotic invasive species. There has been outrage in West Texas about this, but national animal rights groups don't seem interested. It is certainly arguable that the burros are an invasive species since they have been in the park since the time of the Conquistadores and possibly before. At the same time another non-native species, the Texas Longhorns have not been targeted by TPWC. Let's shed some light on and stop the slaughter of these creatures.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Garcia
  • Eliminate School Property Taxes in Pennsylvania
    This is important for all home owners but especially those who are retired and living on fixed incomes. there is no way that most seniors can keep their homes while school districts keep raising taxes year in and year out.
    468 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Art Schiavo
  • Tell Illinois Bishop to Apologize for Comparing Obama to Hitler
    As pastors and teachers, Catholic bishops are supposed to lead their flock in sharing the love of God with our neighbors. So why did a Catholic bishop just preach a homily comparing President Obama to Hitler and Stalin? Bishop Daniel R. Jenky of Peoria, Illinois, launched a vicious tirade against politicians who disagree with the bishops' views on health care reform, culminating in the outrageous claim that "Barack Obama seems intent on following a similar path" to Hitler and Stalin, who "would just barely tolerate some churches remaining open." This kind of hateful and incendiary rhetoric is inappropriate coming from anyone -- but it's simply outrageous coming from a religious leader in a position of public trust. Bishop Jenky needs to hear immediately that reasonable people are appalled by his remarks.
    8,998 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Sherrard, Faithful America