• Fire Turkey
    He starts fights and blames them on others, he unbans people who post child porn.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Billy Mays
  • Allow Same-Sex Couples to Adopt within the 'Every Child Deserves a Family Act'
    Thousands of children lack a quality, and safe home because there is a shortage of qualified individuals who are willing to adopt or foster a child. Studies show that foster children have a below average level of education, compared to children who are placed in a permanent home. Academic performance is associated with low socioeconomic status and a low employment rate. In addition, children who experience placement disruptions are likely to suffer from negative employment, mental health, and education outcomes. As of 2007, only 4% of adopted children are raised by a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered couple. However, according to a report, conducted by the William Institute, an additional 2 million LGBT couples are interested in adopting. The 'Every Child Deserves a Family Act' would prohibit any adoption agency from discriminating against potential adoptive parents based on sexual orientation or gender identity. However, what this act does not provide is the recognition of same-sex marriages and the legality of adoption. Currently, Kansas allows for same-sex couples to adopt, but will only recognize one parent as the legal guardian. Recognition of joint adoption protects the child and parents through: parents’ health benefits, social security, child support entitlement, legal ground to consent to medical care, education, as well as establishing parent and child permanency. *Thank you for continuing to advocate for basic human rights, Maggie Chiu, LSCSW
    725,462 of 800,000 Signatures
    Created by University of Kansas, School of Social Welfare, SW 621
  • Genetically Engineered Food should be labeled
    We have the right to know what we are putting in our bodies. Genetically engineered food is controversial and people should be able to choose whether they want to consume it or not.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pilar Casero
  • Governor O'Malley:" No New Taxes On Gasoline"
    Gasoline prices are at a record high and soaring. The Maryland tax payers should not be burdened more, by adding additional taxes to gasoline. The high cost of gasoline has already imposed hardships on many families who can barely feed their children.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alice Blair
  • Limbaugh off the air in Des Moines
    Hate speech and slander are not covered by the First Amendment.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosemarie OConnor
  • 12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by papajoe
  • We want a middle finger emoji.
    All over the world, people want to flip someone off. This petition was created so for those who can't.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dana Ayles
  • Changes to Drivers' Training and Rules of the Roads for Young Drivers Desperately Needed in Iowa
    -Teen aged drivers have more vehicular crashes/wrecks than any other age group. -Young drivers carry more passengers and are more likely "not" to buckle up. -Of all deaths in the 15-19 year old age group in the U.S., 41.4% are directly related to motor vehicles. -Iowa has the youngest, least trained and least experienced drivers in the U.S. -An inestimable, but considerable number of accidents and number of lives lost could prevented and reduced with a more in-depth, more concentrated, longer and Iowa drivers' training programs and stricter laws governing young drivers.
    174 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gary Hanson
  • Keep Toxic Chemicals Out of Our Mattresses
    Toxic flame retardant chemicals, known to cause cancers, are applied to mattresses by law in California since 2005. By signing this petition, we can force our legislators to retract this law and not acquiesce to the powerful chemical companies that benefit financially from this law. California citizens, demand the right to sleep on non-toxic beds!
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Molly Ferrell
  • Bring back Mike Littwin to the Denver Post.
    Mike Littwin was let go last week from the Denver Post. As one of the only liberal commentators it is a sad day for Denver. Meanwhile several conservative commentators such as Vince Carrol and Mike Rosen kept their jobs.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Schoenberg
  • Keep Rush Limbaugh on the air in Ithaca
    Fight the double standard of Ithaca liberals. Feigning outrage...while trying to simply silence the opposition. This is about keeping free speech alive, even in Ithaca.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Foster
  • The World would Benefit from a Morgan Freeman Voice App and Siri
    The world of todays modern society deserves to have a Morgan Freeman downloadable Voice App. Not only would Apple benefit from a Siri program voiced by Mr.Freeman but the world would too, who doesn't like Morgan Freeman? seriously. So Mr.Freeman and Apple, and other developers: We as fans, and human beings request your immediate attention on this DIRE DIRE DIRE MATTER. Thank you sincerly The PEOPLE.
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by rocky saefong