ELECT JOAN HILL AT- LARGE DNC DELEGATEI am writing to request your support electing JOAN HILL as an AT-LARGE DELEGATE to the Democratic National Convention.114 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Rob Mitchell
Michigan's Feral SwineEffective April 1st, 2012 - Michigan DNR has declared many heritage pigs as an invasive species. They are to be destroyed by April 1st without compensation.367 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Marita Dyer
Raise awareness of Cannabis' benefitsThis is a petition to raise awareness within the communities of the advantages that Cannabis provides to patients suffering from cancer who are currently undergoing treatment and also how control of the substance instead of full prohibition will diminish crime rates in communities and allow the decrease of accessibility to the plant within minors; a great example of how prohibition will not work can be seen in the country's previous experience with alcohol during the prohibition era. Please understand that this petition intends to open people's minds to the truth of this plant created by God and meant to be used to our advantage.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Travis Stokem
Michigan Greek Life for Alta GraciaAlta Gracia is the only apparel company in the world that pays a living wage to its employees, giving them access to basic necessities to support their families. Michigan Greek Life has the opportunity to purchase Greek Wide shirts for Fall 2012 through Alta Gracia, and this petition shows your support for the movement. A mass order like this will have an amazing impact upon the lives of the men and women who work at Alta Gracia, giving them hope for the future and an improved quality of life. Visit AltaGraciaApparel.com for more information.265 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Rachel Starnes
Start fighting the WAR at home!!For years, our country fight wars with other countries. Us americans know, we have an ongoing war right here in the United States of America. People dying, shot down by another and no action was taken because of his parents. The government is not working hard enough. Where are the jobs?? Where are the better schools and teachers?? Better doctors and lawyers?? Why is Ray Kelly still a police comissioner after all the innocent killing done by the NYPD? Why is it hard to afford living in NYC, but I can drive 2 hours away and pay $500-$750 for a two bedroom?? Why can't the government fight the war on their own home front?? Why must we pay for your wars?? I care about what's going on where I live!! Sign this petition if you believe the our government should take care of our issues first, before they fix another. Hospitals are closing, schools. Kids are killing each other, we need more after school programs. Too many firearms on the street. Too many homelessness. Fix home first! Our government has the power, time and energy, where is the effort? America. United we stand & divided we shall never fall! Portia Walker 03/27/2012 12:49pm1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Portia Walker-Johnson
KONY: help us convict himPeople should sign this petition because kony is a criminal that forces children to fight in wars and kill their own parents, he also forces the girls to be sex slaves.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by madison ogima
Allow Guns on CampusTell your state representative and Governor Deal that members of the campus community deserve the same right to defend themselves against violent crime both on and off campus.221 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Kyle Wilkins
Does US really need more unemployed and ill paid workers?This is about dismantling the post office,resulting in depleted income and benefits for postal workers as well as service to the public.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paula Martin
People making above the Social Security Cap should pay for every thing thst Social Security cover...People above the Social Security cap already have paid enough into the fund for retirement. The people above the cap do not have to pay Social Security and that mean they do not have to pay into the fund for retirement That also means They get more money on their pay than the ones below the cap. That NOT is fair To make those above the cap pay their fair share, They should pay the non-retirement things in the SS fund. I peopose they have money taken out of their check to pay for those things in SS fund that is not retirement.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Berghofer
Mob Wives Star Renee Graziano DWTSLets Get your Favorite and My Favorite Mob Wife on Dancing with the stars is this womens Dream to get on the show. if We do this we will make her dream come true. Please Sign the Petition77 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brian Nunez
The silver bullet to stop gas pricesThe president was recently quoted as saying that "there is no silver bullet to the gasoline price at the pump"1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by George F Medina
Unmod SneezySneezy is an awful moderator on the Nacho chat room, xat.com/thenachos . He does not respect the members there, and he is abusive to people, calling them many names that offend them. He needs to be unmodded now.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jcapp64