• Raising the Driving Age to 18.
    I believe we should raise the age to 18 so to prevent death in thousands of immature teens behind the wheel. This has personally changed my life and needs to be addressed.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Mathes
  • A Gift to Social Security
    As a SENIOR I would like to contribute back into the Social Security Trust with a GIFT. Every April on TAX day, I would to send a separate check to the TRUST. There are approximately 50 million Seniors and 50 million babyboomers that could leave a yearly GIFT to their children and grandchildren.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Zoladz
  • Pat Robertson: Apologize for telling sexual abuse victims they can "consent" to what they endured
    From at least 1996 to 2012, the Christian Broadcasting Network had a teaching paper on its Website which suggested victims of sexual abuse and molestation could "consent" to what happened to them and "allow (themselves) to be molested"--thus suggesting it is somehow the victims' fault. It also told anyone who suspected child abuse to talk to a minister before doing anything else, even though virtually every state requires those who suspect abuse to report it. The paper was taken down in March 2012, but CBN and its longtime chairman, Pat Robertson, have yet to apologize for it. We're calling for Robertson to issue a full apology for spitting in the face of victims of sexual abuse.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darrell Lucus
  • Equal Treatment of Controlled Substances
    President Obama's administration upheld Marijuana as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance. Where is the fair treatment for Nicotine in Cigarettes. Reclassify Nicotine as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance. This would be a balanced treatment since it too meets the criteria.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph A Watson
  • Boycott the state of Florida tourism until George is Arrested.
    This petition is about equal justice being delivered in the United States. Florida is poised to be an example for other states. The killing of an unarmed child is lawless behavior. This is an example that should not be the norm. The criminal court process should judge George Zimmerman and not the Police Department of Sanford Florida.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charlene Richardson
  • Due Process in Calif Courts
    In non judicial foreclosure states, Homeowners are being denied due process in the courts and while still in litigation trustees are auctioning off the property. The true owners are unknown and those claiming to be beneficiaries are allowed to sell the property. Politicians have failed to address remedy for homeowners; only we can bring attention to this injustice.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by marilyn
  • Paramount! make Star Trek: Excelsior!
    We the fans of Star Trek and George Takei, more than 1500000 and growing fans! want you to create a Star Trek movie about the U.S.S Excelsior and her Captain Hikaru Sulu! with George Takei in the lead role as Sulu! this would openup new franchise, toys, shirts, coffee mugs, a whole new brand! and possibly even a new TV series! judging by all the fan films created on you tube, the number of fans who would watch this movie must be far greater! Not to mention all the Star Trek starved fans out there! who hope for more Star Trek! so please consider making this movie for us loyal fans! thank you Paramount
    12 of 100 Signatures
  • 52 Weeks of Good Campaign
    We have the power to make a positive difference in someone's life with the little things we do everyday. It is time to spark a change and start doing. However large or small the act, everyone is able to do something. In signing this petition, you are making a promise to yourself and your community that you will be a change maker and do good! For ideas on how to get started, read on: http://kellybrownpaper.wordpress.com/.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelly
  • End All Animal Abuse
    We all need to sign this because if you ever got abused what is the first thing that comes to mind will I die or will I survive do I have very bad/painful injures? Well what do you think the animals think we were all put on this world fora purpose don't you think that animals are no differently then us? Well they are there mammals and vertibrates just like us. When I get older and in college I won't to be a vet I will keep fighting and fighting tell animal abuse is over! People should get threw in jail for the crimes they have done no matter how it is to us or animals. Thanks for helping!
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexandria Danielle Downing
  • End If Animal Abuse
    We all need to sign this because if you ever got abused what is the first thing that comes to mind will I die or will I survive do I have very bad/painful injures? Well what do you think the animals think we were all put on this world fora purpose don't you think that animals are no differently then us? Well they are there mammals and vertibrates just like us. When I get older and in college I won't to be a vet I will keep fighting and fighting tell animal abuse is over! People should get threw in jail for the crimes they have done no matter how it is to us or animals. Thanks for helping!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexandria Danielle Downing
  • Concerns about RA Roommates
    The Michigan State University Department of Residence Life has decided that all RAs will be subject to assignment of a "temporary" roommate for the fall of 2012. This will be in the RA contract that will be signed this spring. The following is a list of concerns compiled by Resident Mentors from a variety of building across Michigan State University's campus. Please read this list of concerns and if you agree with them, please sign this petition which will be presented to Kathy Collins, the Director of Residence Life.
    390 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Gaunt
  • No War on Iran
    Original petition at: http://warisacrime.org/petition/61374 Today antiwar.com reports "Netanyahu Moves Closer to Iran Attack," and Haaretz reports "Netanyahu is preparing Israeli public opinion for a war on Iran," and Obama says "Window for diplomatic solution to Iran nuclear standoff is 'shrinking.'" Clearly this is an urgent situation -- a loud and clear rejection of war would be an important message globally and would help mobilize opposition to war in the US.
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charley Hankins