• Let's convince WSAU 99.9 in Rudolph to take Limbaugh off the air for good.
    Rush Limbaugh's verbal assault on Georgetown University student Sandra Fluke, calling her a "slut" and a "prostitute," was intended to do one thing: intimidate women who would dare to speak out for their reproductive freedom. But this time Limbaugh has gone too far, and it has sparked a nationwide backlash. At least 140 major advertisers have pulled their ads from the Limbaugh show, and some stations have canceled the show altogether. Rush is still on the air in Rudolph—but if enough local people speak out together, that could change. We can't let up now.
    185 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Laura Lokken
  • Remove Rush Limbaugh from the airwaves in Springfield
    Rush Limbaugh should not be allowed on the airwaves after his attacks on women, which are not recent at all. His misinformation is a danger to society.
    340 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Fremarsch
    Limbaugh is creating havoc
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Myra Singer
  • Rush L. needs to be quieted for good
    Rush is known for his fowl mouth and always speaking horrible about anything he does not believe in. It is because of people like Rush that this country can't move forward, because they drag us back into the dark ages with their mentality. It would be for the good of this beautiful country to have people like Rush off of the public and private radio frequencies. Let's stand together and show the rest of the antiquated republicans that we have had enough of their tatics.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erick Bouza
  • Take Limbaugh off the air
    Rush Limbaugh needs to be stopped and taken off the air. We dont need to hear his garbage any longer
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jo Ann Sepela
  • Let's get Rush off WLRB 1510 in Macomb
    For decades, Rush Limbaugh’s rudeness toward and intolerance of those whose opinions differ from his own have pushed the boundaries of decency. His recent prolonged attack on Sandra Fluke for her request for insurance coverage of contraceptives went way too far. His denigration of Ms. Fluke, and by extension, all women, is totally unacceptable.
    179 of 200 Signatures
    Created by LESLIE WALKER
  • Get Rush Limbaugh off the Air in Chattanooga
    His disgusting diatribe against the Georgetown Law Student is inexcusable! He also lies about President Obama and he is rewarded by millions for his lack of good character and professionalism. WGOW should drop him immediately!
    280 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mary Mims
  • Take Rush Limbaugh Off Cincinnati Radio
    While it is Mr. Limbaugh's First Amendment right to speak as he desires, the recent slander of Georgetown University student Sandra Fluke is simply unacceptable. I for one would not like to have such inappropriate behavior broadcasted on Cincinnati radio, and therefore do petition for the cancellation of Rush Limbaugh's broadcast in the area.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samuel William Fister
  • rush Limbach
    Getting him off the air because of his Racist remarks. He is bad for america radio and is creating racial incidents for American people.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by kenneth tisdale
  • Limbaugh is a profiteering demagogue, get him off our air
    Rush Limbaugh is simply a guy going after mega-profits by being a very effective and deceptive demagogue. He preaches to folks who want to look down on other groups. He flames the fires of fear and resentment of other groups by using handy catch phrases like "conservative" and "liberal". He twists those meanings to fit any tirade his audience will find rewards their own prcconceptions. He doesn't care about the country, what is best for all Americans or politics, even, beyond what buys him ratings and influence so he can charge his advertisers more. He twists and turns and deceives to keep confirming for his audience how right they are to hate, despise, loathe and look down on other Americans. The very definition of demagoguery. But, he is smooth, slick, practiced and very effective at his damaging art. Our station should be wiser than to allow him to use the voice of the Panhandle for such con man tricks, even if many listeners are too deep in to the con to appreciate that they are being used.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Naylor
  • KPRK: Take Rush Limbaugh off the air in Livingston
    Hate breeds hate. Rush Limbaugh is a bully and this kind of anti-gay, anti-women, anti-minority hate speech isn't good for anyone to listen to. Let's urge Townsquare Media to drop his show from KPRK in Livingston!
    220 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Joanne Gardner
  • Rush Limbaugh
    Rush Limbaugh, freedom of speech does not mean slandering another person.
    8,145 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Ronald Howard