• Support Rockaway Boro Fire Dept: Say NO to budget cuts
    Friends and supporters of the Rockaway Borough Fire Dept: The Rockaway Borough Mayor and Council are proposing to severely cut the Fire Departments Budget in 2 areas: The Family Festival Fireworks and annual Inspection dinner and award ceremony. The inspection dinner is a show of appreciation the town provides to the Chief, men and women of your Fire Department for their dedicated service 24/7 365 days a year. The July Family Festival is in Jeopardy this year due to these cuts. The members are very upset and morale is at an all time low! Firemen’s Field was hit hard by the floods. The field is Owned by the Rockaway Boro Fire Department Association not funded by your taxes but by the annual drive letter and the family festival which is when the FIREWORKS are shot off. Theylost everything during the flood which will cost the Association approximately $12,000 to replace before we even open the doors for the fireworks. They were forced for a 3rd night by the ride company if we want rides but it also comes at a expense for police that night and the mayor & council are charging us for the occurred cost. When you add up all the cuts and the charges for the extra night of the festival this is the magic number it would cost TAX PAYERS... $2.84. The town has a surplus of cash and the taxes on a $300,000 house will increase be roughly $88.00 for the Municipal tax which is only 25% of your taxes... but they have roughly $61,000 in a surplus and they cut areas that would hurt the RESIDENTS and children in town... they cut roughly $4,500 out of the Fire Departments inspection / awards dinner & reduced fireworks by $1,700 and charging for police for thursday night of festival roughly $1,200 say... $7,400 divide that by say 2600 residents $2.84...WOW was it worth it....$2.84 even if they gave the full $61000 it would be $23.46 on top of the say roughly just over $100 per home... Some how Rec found money to pay for the police for the parades because town cut the parade OT.. Here is a question to ask WHERE DID THEY FIND MONEY???? We now know WHERE THAT $75.00 REC CARD FEE GOES.... This is NOT their Fight! ... THEY fight fires and as you look around town the ROCKAWAY BORO FIRE DEPARTMENT DOES a awsome job! APRIL 26, 2012 THE BUDGET GETS PASSED We really need your support ... Please sign this petition, so that the TOWN OF ROCKAWAY will comprehend how important it is to al of us that the Rockaway Boro Fire Department be supported morally and financially by ALL! Thank you for your time and support!
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by REGINA BOZZA
  • Mark Spears BAN
    This petition is to show who thinks Mark Spears should be Unbanned and why.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brandon Zempleni
  • engineered genetic foods
    Important for all to know what is in our food why are we killing our children?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sally Soto
  • Label Genetically engineered Food
    We need to know what's in all of our food.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arlene Lanzante
  • Recall Saints Harsh Punishment Unless/Until All NFL Teams Are Investigated
    Many current and former NFL Players, all around the league have stood up in advance of the harsh punishment, when allegations were first brought up against the Saints, and all the honest veteran players stated that this sort of innocent "Incentive System" has been around for forty years and was "quietly" common knowledge among each NFL Team. By signing this petition fans are asking Roger Goodell and the NFL to 1. Recall the over dramatic and harsh punishment to one team, for a common practice of all teams 2. Take care of all the current and former injured players with funds dedicated to their needs and 3. Get sworn testimony from all teams that “From This Day Forward” this sort of tradition will NO Longer be tolerable or the likes of these fines, sanctions and punishment will be carried out Along with punitive damages as well as possible criminal charges if a player obviously tries to hurt another player and it can be proven with video evidence. 4. Ask the Saints organization to propose a Generous self inflicted fine from all of the directly accused, along with volunteers around the league, to start a fund with their offer of generosity that will be used to help settle the pending injury lawsuits against the NFL, help former injured players that did not sue, and for any possible future injuries to all the NFL players.
    8,933 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by David Pace
  • Congress: Give us your health care and retirement benefits
    Members of Congress enjoy the best health care coverage in the world, and retirement benefits that guarantee security after as little as a single two-year term. We all pay for these benefits, while Congress looks for ways to cut the nation's safety net for seniors, including Medicare and Social Security. If there have to be cuts, they should begin with our ruling elite.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by [email protected]
  • Restitution for Slavery to Blacks in N America
    America is the most powerful nation in the world in terms of military, trade & agriculture. Most of this was achieved from the services of over 300 years by the great-great parents of Black people alive in USA today, many of whom are going through extremely adverse health and financial stresses, while the white descendants get prime heath care and low interest loans from the benefit that our current system of government that DID NOT include truly freed Black Americans in the equation. We want restitution in the form of some land for our own and being that a majority of this free labor took place here in Georgia we think we should have some land here, in Georgia, where we can do for Ourselves in our pursuit of Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Freedom, Justice , Equality, Food, Clothing, Shelter, Love, & Peace which truly brings HAPPINESS.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Malik Allah
  • prevent animal thirst and hunger
    provide h2o and food for under privileged animals/neglected. no pet should suffer from Arizona's extreme temperatures, nor should they starve.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicole Hernandez
  • Taco Bell Does Not Belong In the Village
    A drive-thru fast food restaurant such as Taco Bell does not belong in Bethany Village. The Village design was based on concepts that promote healthy neighborhoods. Taco Bell has no place here.
    485 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Bethany Neighborhood
  • If you want to use public resources to build an arena, the public demands a vote.
    Recently, 7 of the 9 Sacramento City Council members (including the Mayor) approved the framework of a plan that would commit over $250 million dollars to a Downtown arena. That money would come from the leveraging of public resources. Right now, several groups of citizens, out of concern for Sacramento's future, are working hard to mobilize the disenfranchised majority of people who would rather see basic city services protected before the subsidizing of another arena to appease corporate business interests. By signing this petition, you will remain informed about the legally binding petition drive that is being created right now, and have the opportunity to sign your name to that document to force a vote on the arena deal this November.
    1,467 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sacramento Citizen
  • Dead Beat/Absent Parents
    I would like to start a petition for parents who are primary care givers to minor children. I feel that if the absent parent never pays child support, or is not in any contact with the minor child that the primary care giver should be given full custody over the child. In my situation my daughters father walked out when she was 2 years old, she is now almost 11, he walked out, never pays child support, has had a warrant for non-payment for 3 years now,.he also has not tried to contact either of us to even check on her. I wanted to change her last name to mine and the courts told me that I needed the father's permission. I was shocked. How can a person who has absolutely No hand in raising or taking care of the child be the person I need permission from? I was also told by that court that because the fathers name was on the birth certificate that he could come and pick her up right out of my front yard without my permission and that if I called the police there would be nothing they could do because he is her father. That is a scary thing for any parent to think about. The law needs to be changed, if you are a dead beat/absent parent then you should not have any so say regarding the child.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J. Snider
    Simple: If drugs/paraphernalia products are illegal then why allow stores to move in and setup a crime institution right in the middle of our community ? If a person wants to buy or sell drug paraphernalia that's thier business but it makes it our problem. If selling drug paraphernalia is going to be deemed legal then we need to leagalize the drugs. Please sign this petition to ask the City of Aurora to ban selling of drug paraphernalia in our communities.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MARY FULTZ