• prevent animal thirst and hunger
    provide h2o and food for under privileged animals/neglected. no pet should suffer from Arizona's extreme temperatures, nor should they starve.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicole Hernandez
  • Taco Bell Does Not Belong In the Village
    A drive-thru fast food restaurant such as Taco Bell does not belong in Bethany Village. The Village design was based on concepts that promote healthy neighborhoods. Taco Bell has no place here.
    485 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Bethany Neighborhood
  • If you want to use public resources to build an arena, the public demands a vote.
    Recently, 7 of the 9 Sacramento City Council members (including the Mayor) approved the framework of a plan that would commit over $250 million dollars to a Downtown arena. That money would come from the leveraging of public resources. Right now, several groups of citizens, out of concern for Sacramento's future, are working hard to mobilize the disenfranchised majority of people who would rather see basic city services protected before the subsidizing of another arena to appease corporate business interests. By signing this petition, you will remain informed about the legally binding petition drive that is being created right now, and have the opportunity to sign your name to that document to force a vote on the arena deal this November.
    1,467 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sacramento Citizen
  • Dead Beat/Absent Parents
    I would like to start a petition for parents who are primary care givers to minor children. I feel that if the absent parent never pays child support, or is not in any contact with the minor child that the primary care giver should be given full custody over the child. In my situation my daughters father walked out when she was 2 years old, she is now almost 11, he walked out, never pays child support, has had a warrant for non-payment for 3 years now,.he also has not tried to contact either of us to even check on her. I wanted to change her last name to mine and the courts told me that I needed the father's permission. I was shocked. How can a person who has absolutely No hand in raising or taking care of the child be the person I need permission from? I was also told by that court that because the fathers name was on the birth certificate that he could come and pick her up right out of my front yard without my permission and that if I called the police there would be nothing they could do because he is her father. That is a scary thing for any parent to think about. The law needs to be changed, if you are a dead beat/absent parent then you should not have any so say regarding the child.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J. Snider
    Simple: If drugs/paraphernalia products are illegal then why allow stores to move in and setup a crime institution right in the middle of our community ? If a person wants to buy or sell drug paraphernalia that's thier business but it makes it our problem. If selling drug paraphernalia is going to be deemed legal then we need to leagalize the drugs. Please sign this petition to ask the City of Aurora to ban selling of drug paraphernalia in our communities.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MARY FULTZ
  • Save Men
    Men have no protection against Women that get pregnant and keep the children a secret! I hope we can get enough signatures to change this law to give Men more rights!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kirsty Bradford
  • Homeowners need loan modification now!
    The California state attorney general said we have a $25 billion dollar settlement with the banks. President Obama put out the HAMP plan. Yet, most of us, including me, is getting our loans modified. The banks are doing whatever they want because they can. The government needs to make a moratorium on foreclosures now, take over the loan modification process completely, and get the relief to all of the homeowners, including you and me, that was promised, but for most of us, never delivered.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mattew
  • GMO labeling
    I would like to see on the label of the food I am eating if it contains GMO food items.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Miller
  • genetically engineered foods be labled
    all meat genetically engineered foods be labled
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phuong Kinman
  • support of labeling genetically engineered foods.
    We have the right to know when our food has been genetically engineered.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michele
  • Excessive Punishment in the NFL
    Those who follow sports, particularly the NFL, are likely familiar with the New Orleans Saints "Bountygate" scandal. Roger Goodell's recent suspension of New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Peyton for one year for his failure to stop the bounty program that he did not participate in is not only excessive it is punative to the entire organization, players, and the fans.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chad Frederick
  • Stop Rush Limbaugh
    Remove Rush Limbaugh from WHBU radio now.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Evelyn & Jim Martin