• Fix our Infrastructure
    I used to drive for a living and my trips took me over and under the Interstate 35 W bridge several times a week, frequently on a Friday afternoon between 5 and 5:30 p.m.. On the day the 35 bridge collapsed I had left work 4:30 and was in my kitchen preparing dinner when the story hit the airwaves. Every time I see the picture I am reminded that I could have been under that rubble. According to the Federal Highway Administration, more than 70,000 bridges throughout America are deemed “Structurally Deficient”. Corporate America,, local and state leaders, and even the conservative U.S. Chamber of Commerce are asking for massive investments in bridges, roads, railways and airports. According to the story, 30,000 well paying jobs would be created for every $1 billion of investment. It is time for Americans to say “Enough! Stop avoiding the problem and start fixing it!”. This is why I’ve started this petition. Please sign it, pass this e-mail on to your friends and relatives and have them sign it. Erik Paulsen won re-election in November with 167,515 votes. Our goal is 167,515 signatures by the end of this year. If he is confronted with the same number of signatures as votes won, he would be compelled to act on our request. Sincerely, Joe Cherra
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Cherra
  • Auditory Processing Disorder - Adding it to IDEA
    So many children struggle with this disorder and I have personally seen the effects of APD. With APD not being recognized, my daughter can only receive a Section 504 with limited accommodations. That's not enough. She deserves more. She needs more. Unfortunately, she can't get more. Let's stop the insanity! Please sign and get APD recognized for ALL children with processing disorders - equality for ALL!!!!!
    152 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Katrina SNider
  • Mr. President: Save our veterans
    I am a veteran and I have nothing against immigrants. I just want our country to also pay their bill to the veterans who gave their all when our country asked them to.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by anthony nease
  • Bring Back Grand Parents Rights
    There are some children that are brought up in homes with Drug users and broken families. In this day and time you have to hurt a child or abuse a child to get something done by the laws in Kentucky. I have seen with my own eyes, that when a new born baby is born and they have drugs in there system, the state will walk in and make a prevention plan and send the child home to the drug invested home. The Social workers will go back in thirty days and re-test the parents and (yes) they will have passed a drug test, by cheating the system or whatever and then the social workers will walk away, not protecting the child and not knowing if the child is being feed or bathed or brought up in a good safe home, while the parents are using again. This law system is something else. We as Grandparents need to protect Children from harm and danger and that is why I am starting this Petition. The love that I have for my Granddaughter is a never lasting love that breaks my heart since she has been taken away from me after raising her for 16 long months. When I know that the parents that she is with are both on drugs and they have no home and have no jobs, this is not a good or safe environment for children. We as Grandparents need to stand up and protect our grandchildren when the parents cannot or will not. Drugs is taken over the world and no one will stand up and help do anything to stop it. Please sign this and pass it along.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by LISA HULETTE
  • Override Governor Cuomo's Veto of the Veteran's Equality Act - Bill Number: S7839/A6974
    The Military Service Buyback Bill (AKA 'Veterans Equality Act'), was overwhelmingly supported by 57 (of 57) NYS Senators and 133 (of 134) NYS Assembly Members over the Summer (June/July 2014). It waited months to be called for by Governor Cuomo (called for on 10/29/14, before election day) only to be promptly vetoed AFTER the election (officially vetoed on 11/7/14) and notably right BEFORE Veterans Day. In brief, some NY Veterans (Cold War and Wartime) are currently and arbitrarily excluded from purchasing any "Military Service Credit" in NY and deserve equality with other NY Veterans. We support equality in NY for ALL the excluded Veterans of Afghanistan, Somalia, Bosnia, and South Korea as well as all other Wartime and Cold War Veterans. This bill would provide all NY Veterans the equality they deserve and is in need of a two-thirds vote by the Assembly and Senate in order to have Governor Cuomo's veto overridden. Please sign this petition to send a message to the Governor that we disagree with his veto. They fought and continue to fight for our freedom, so let's fight for their equality!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Therresa
  • J for Justice: SAVE from Court Sanctioned Guardianship and Power of Attorney Abuse
    Knowingly ill, imagine being at the mercy and dependence of someone who cares less about your interest at heart. Your voice has been legally muted and rightful privileges for visitation from ALL friends/family members have been suspiciously restricted or revoked. You find yourself trapped and confined in a place called home. Overtime, you have become a PRISONER; while your caretaker has evolved into a spiteful GUARDian. Unfortunately, this is happening real-time to the elderly, sick, and disabled. I am charged for judicial revolution by many recent stories presented in the media outlets; as well as a personal experience. Canny criminals are taking extreme measures to validate their inhumane acts through a loophole in our legal system. Now is the time to expose it and close it. Who are the individuals involved? These are wives, husbands, and legal guardians with ill intentions and [possible] interest in personal gains who partner with corrupt Medical Physicians, Guardian Ad Litems (GALs) and Judicial Systems to authorize absolute authority over the elderly, sick, and disabled. How is this happening? These individuals are preying on the victim’s state of being and disguising themselves behind well respected laws; such as Guardianship, Power of Attorney, and Marriage. After obtaining that level of legal authority, the elderly, sick, and/or disabled is placed into a secluded vulnerable situation; such that even well-being checks by law enforcement are not thorough and often ignored. These helpless victims are unknowingly being declared incompetent [when mental capacity is obvious] and unfit to appear in court. Their life -or lack thereof- suddenly lies in the hands of a messenger (the wife, husband, Power of Attorney and/or Guardian) who then makes a confidential - yet conspicuous- connection with the Court System and GAL. The bond is formulated between each involved party and a legal fight formerly for “the ward’s best interest” abruptly becomes a fight [in disguise] for “the Guardian’s best interest”. If all people possessed an unquestionable amount of dignity and integrity for mankind, this model would be perfect. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Why should we be concerned? God forbid and bless anyone of us who may be facing a terminal illness but one thing is certain… We all will grow old one day. With time, the probability for dependence and needed assistance from a loved one will increase. IF the elderly, sick, and/or disabled elects an individual who has repeatedly proven his/her unwillingness to serve in the best interest of the elderly, sick, and/or disabled, it can be extremely difficult, nearly impossible to reverse such decision in today’s age. Despite of any given title, no one man/woman should be granted that level of jurisdiction over the life of an incompetent individual; much longer competent. To support my argument of concern, below I have provided references to a few cases. I invite you to view and voice your opinion. Casey Kasem (People): http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20741137,00.html Blacklisted By Mom (Dr. Phil): http://www.drphil.com/shows/show/2275/ Mary G. Sykes (MoveOn): http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/mary-g-sykes-save-from Mickey Rooney (CNBC): http://www.cnbc.com/id/101568802#.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terrell
  • Override Governor Cuomo's Veto of the Veteran's Equality Act - Bill Number: S7839/A6974
    The Military Service Buyback Bill (AKA 'Veterans Equality Act'), was overwhelmingly supported by 57 (of 57) NYS Senators and 133 (of 134) NYS Assembly Members over the Summer (June/July 2014). It waited months to be called for by Governor Cuomo (before election day) only to be promptly vetoed AFTER the election and notably right BEFORE Veterans Day. This bill would provide all Veterans the equality they deserve and is in need of a two-thirds vote by the Assembly and Senate in order to have Governor Cuomo's veto overridden. Let's show Governor Cuomo that Veterans and their families are important and that we will not allow him to make fools of them by toying with their votes or underestimating their ability to enact change in spite of him. They fought and continue to fight for our freedom, let's fight for their equality! Thank you!
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matt Leibowitz
  • Override Gov. Cuomo's Veto of the "Veterans Equality Act" Bill Number: S7839/A6974
    Let's show Governor Cuomo that veterans and their families are important. Let this override serve as evidence of our appreciation for their service and sacrifice.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathy Southerton
  • Upgrade 6th Street without widening it. Save our boulevards and trees.
    We understand the desire to address traffic safety concerns, to improve under-street utilities, to replace old pavement, and to provide for future traffic loads on this stretch of 6th Street. But we believe that all of these can be done while retaining four lanes and the current street width. (Please see our reasoning below.) We still have heard no compelling arguments as to why the street must absolutely be widened. 1. Traffic safety. · The safety problem meant to be rectified is not dire. To our understanding, there is less than one accident a month on this stretch of 6th Street attributable to turning, usually a fender-bender. It’s not at all clear that this minor accident would be eliminated by adding a fifth lane. · That one minor accident might be eliminated by lowering the speed limit, putting up more speed limit signs, installing speed-monitoring signs, and enforcing the speed limit more strictly. · Most intersections in this stretch already have turn lanes. We believe those turn lanes are sufficient. 2. Utilities. To our understanding, under-street utilities can (and should) be upgraded without having to widen the street. If the project kills any trees by harming roots, those trees should be replaced. 3. Pavement. The old pavement can be replaced without widening of the street. 4. Future traffic load. While we recognize the legitimacy of this concern, we question the approach being proposed to address it. Through-traffic should be encouraged to go around town on the bypass. Any traffic going through town on 6th Street should be made to slow down for the sake of community safety and local business patronage. It would defeat some of the point of a by-pass by making it possible for more traffic to move through town on 6th Street. 5. Citizen concerns. · We need to keep the boulevards we have now in order to help with snow removal, to safely accommodate considerable foot traffic (including persons with disabilities) and bike traffic, and to preserve the distinctive beauty and historical feel of this part of the city. · We need to preserve the widespread favorable opinion of our city’s green boulevards and mature boulevards in order to remain attractive to visitors, future residents, potential students, business people, and others. · We need to retain as many of the mature trees as possible to preserve the street’s beauty; its historical nature; the canopy for the street, pedestrians and homes; and more.
    463 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Phyllis Cole-Dai
  • "lt should be legal to feed the poor in Fort Lauderdale
    I have been homeless, so I have personal experience with suffering and am very empathetic to others. It strikes me as deeply immoral to have a country so wealthy, yet people so poor. Now it is a crime when individuals take matters into their own hands to help the less fortunate. The government is not providing equality of opportunity and now it feels threatened when good citizens pick up the slack. We the people are "mad as hell and we're not gonna take it anymore". It seems like the government just wants to appear to be needed to help the poor, while only handing out peanuts to a select few, then it criminalizes poverty and those that seek to eliminate it. More prisons, more prisons, disenfranchise more voters, continue oligarchy, militarize the police, etc., etc.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carl T. Wilkinson
  • Tyler's Crossing
    There are no warning lights at the entrance of this subdivision. There are many children who live in this neighborhood. In order to enter, you must cross a busy railroad track that has several freight trains crossing several times a day at a very high speed. My cousin Tyler was hit and killed by one of these trains on May 22, 2014. If there was anything that could signal the train, Tyler might be with us today. Thank you for all of your support!
    253 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kaitlyn Kimball
  • The rent is too damn high
    The rent is too damn high in US major cities.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Gallor